Keeping the Republic Power and Citizenship in American Politics Brief Edition 7th Edition Barbour Test Bank
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Keeping the Republic Power and Citizenship in American Politics Brief Edition 7th Edition Barbour Test Bank.
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Keeping the Republic Power and Citizenship in American Politics Brief Edition 7th Edition Barbour Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1506349951
- ISBN-13 : 978-1506349954
- Author: Christine Barbour
This refreshed and dynamic Seventh Edition of Keeping the Republic, Briefrevitalizes the twin themes of power and citizenship by adding to the imperative for students to navigate competing political narratives about who should get what, and how they should get it. The exploding possibilities of the digital age make this task all the more urgent and complex. Christine Barbour and Gerald Wright, the authors of this bestseller, continue to meet students where they are in order to give them a sophisticated understanding of American politics and teach them the skills to think critically about it. The entire book has been refocused to look not just at power and citizenship but at the role that control of information and its savvy consumption play in keeping the republic. Carefully condensed from the full version by the authors, this Brief Edition provides all the continuity and crucial content in a more concise, value-priced package.
Table contents:
1 POWER AND CITIZENSHIP IN AMERICAN POLITICS What Is Politics? Political Systems and the Concept of Citizenship Democracy in America Who Is a Citizen and Who Is Not? What Do American Citizens Believe? How to Use the Themes and Features in This Book Citizenship and Politics
2 THE POLITICS OF THE AMERICAN FOUNDING The Split From England The Articles of Confederation The Constitutional Convention The Constitution Ratification Citizenship and the Founding
3 FEDERALISM What Is Federalism? American Federalism Over Time Federalism Today Citizenship and Federalism
4 FUNDAMENTAL AMERICAN LIBERTIES Rights in a Democracy The Bill of Rights and the States Freedom of Religion Freedom of Expression The Right to Bear Arms The Rights of Criminal Defendants The Right to Privacy Citizenship and Civil Liberties
5 THE STRUGGLE FOR EQUAL RIGHTS The Meaning of Political Inequality Rights Denied on the Basis of Race Rights Denied on the Basis of Race and Ethnicity Rights Denied on the Basis of Gender Rights Denied on Other Bases Citizenship and Civil Rights Today
6 CONGRESS Understanding Congress Congressional Powers and Responsibilities Congressional Elections Congressional Organization How Congress Works Citizenship and Congress
7 THE PRESIDENCY The Presidential Job Description The Evolution of the American Presidency Presidential Politics Managing the Presidential Establishment The Presidential Personality Citizenship and the Presidency
8 THE BUREAUCRACY What Is Bureaucracy? The American Federal Bureaucracy Politics Inside the Bureaucracy External Bureaucratic Politics Citizenship and the Bureaucracy
9 THE AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM AND THE COURTS Law and the American Legal System Constitutional Provisions and the Development of Judicial Review Federalism and the American Courts The Supreme Court Citizenship and the Courts
10 PUBLIC OPINION The Role of Public Opinion in a Democracy Citizen Values What Influences Our Opinions About Politics? Measuring and Tracking Public Opinion Citizenship and Public Opinion
11 PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS What Are Political Parties? The American Party System The Roles, Formation, and Types of Interest Groups Interest Group Politics Interest Group Resources Citizenship and Political Groups
12 VOTING, CAMPAIGNS, AND ELECTIONS Exercising the Right to Vote in America How America Decides Presidential Campaigns Citizenship and Elections
13 MEDIA, POWER, AND POLITICAL COMMUNICATION Where Do We Get Our Information? How Does Media Ownership Affect Control of the Narrative? Who Are the Journalists? Spinning Political Narratives Politics as Public Relations Citizenship and the Media
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