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Law for Business 13th Edition Barnes Solutions Manual.
Categories: Business Law, Solutions Manual
Tags: 13th Edition, Barnes, Dworkin, Law for Business, Richards, Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1259722325
- ISBN-13 : 978-1259722325
- Author: A. James Barnes, Terry M. Dworkin, Eric Richards
For over 20 years, Law for Business has gone well beyond merely identifying the current legal rules and regulations affecting business by offering insights into new developments and trends that will affect the future of business. It has provided students with a comprehensive, yet concise treatment of the legal issues of fundamental importance to business students and the business profession. The cases, which have always been a strong feature, are edited and re-written by the authors, who divide the material into three categories: facts, issues, decisions. The authors, Barnes, Dworkin, and Richards, choose cases that are appropriate to explain precedent and history as well as include “hot topic” cases that relate to current events. In addition to case applications, the authors use such techniques as content summaries to apply concepts to practice. Effective managers and employees must develop knowledge of both law and business because people involved in business also are involved in, and greatly affected by, the laws concerning business.
Table of contents:
PART ONE: Introduction to the Law
Chapter 1: Law and Legal Reasoning
Chapter 2: Dispute Settlement
Chapter 3: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 4: Business and the Constitution
Chapter 5: Criminal Law and Procedure
Chapter 6: Intentional Torts
Chapter 7: Negligence and Strict Liability
Chapter 8: Intellectual Property
PART TWO: Contracts
Chapter 9: The Nature and Origins of Contracts
Chapter 10: Creating a Contract: Offers
Chapter 11: Creating a Contract: Acceptances
Chapter 12: Consideration
Chapter 13: Capacity to Contract
Chapter 14: Consent to Contract
Chapter 15: Illegality
Chapter 16: Form and Meaning of Contracts
Chapter 17: Third Parties’ Contract Rights
Chapter 18: Contract Performance and Remedies
Chapter 19: Formation and Terms of Sales Contracts
Chapter 20: Warranties and Product Liability
Chapter 21: Performance of Sales Contracts
Chapter 22: Remedies for Breach of Sales Contracts
PART FOUR: Agency and Employment
Chapter 23: The Agency Relationship—Creation, Duties, and Termination
Chapter 24: Liability of Principals and Agents to Third Parties
Chapter 25: Employment Laws
PART FIVE: Business Organizations
Chapter 26: Which Form of Business Organization?
Chapter 27: Partnerships
Chapter 28: Formation and Termination of Corporations
Chapter 29: Management of the Corporate Business
Chapter 30: Financing the Corporation and the Role of the Shareholders
Chapter 31: Securities Regulation
Chapter 32: Legal Liability of Accountants
PART SIX: Property
Chapter 33: Personal Property and Bailments
Chapter 34: Real Property
Chapter 35: Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 36: Estates and Trusts
Chapter 37: Insurance
PART SEVEN: Commercial Paper
Chapter 38: Negotiable Instruments
Chapter 39: Negotiation and Holder in Due Course
Chapter 40: Liability of Parties
Chapter 41: Checks and Electronic Fund Transfers
PART EIGHT: Credit Transactions
Chapter 42: Introduction to Security
Chapter 43: Security Interests in Personal Property
Chapter 44: Bankruptcy
PART NINE: Government Regulation
Chapter 45: The Antitrust Laws
Chapter 46: Consumer Protection Laws
Chapter 47: Environmental Regulation
A: The Constitution of the United States of America
B: Glossary of Legal Terms and Definitions
C: Spanish–English Equivalents for Important Legal Terms
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