Lets Communicate An Illustrated Guide to Human Communication 1st Edition Fraleigh Solutions Manual

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Lets Communicate An Illustrated Guide to Human Communication 1st Edition Fraleigh Solutions Manual.

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1457606011
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1457606014
  • Author: University Douglas M Fraleigh (Author), University Joseph S Tuman (Author), Katherine L Adams (Author)

Excel in human communication in school and throughout your everyday life. Let’s Communicate gives you a strong base through real-life examples and practical skills to help you achieve successful and effective communication skills.

Table of contents:

1: Introduction to Human Communication

Communication: The Basics

Communication Defined

Contexts for Communication

The Importance of Effective Communication

Benefits of Effective Communication

Gaining Communication Competence

Principles of Communication

Communication Is Transactional

Communication Is Symbolic

Communication Can Result in Shared Meaning

Communication Should Be Ethical

Misconceptions about Communication

Communication Is Not Just Common Sense

Communication Is Not Always Positive

Communication Does Not Always End in Agreement

Communication Cannot Solve Every Problem

Chapter Review

2: Perceiving Others, Perceiving Ourselves

Perceiving Others

The Meaning of Perception

The Role of Perception in Communication

The Formation of Perceptions

Barriers to Perception and How to Overcome Them

Why Are Perceptions Often Inaccurate

Improving the Accuracy of Perceptions

Perceiving Ourselves

The Nature of Your Self-Concept

Sources of Self-Concepts

Improving Your Self-Concept

Identity Management

How We Engage in Identity Management

Objectives of Identity Management

Ethics and Identity Management

Online Identity Management

Chapter Review

3: Verbal Communication

The Nature of Verbal Communication

Language Is Rule Based

Language Is Symbolic

Language Is Literal and Figurative

Language Is Dynamic

Language Is Contextual

Verbal Communication and the Challenge of Understanding

Language Is an Imperfect Vehicle for Understanding

Problematic Language Exacerbates Misunderstandings

The Effects of Verbal Communication

Uses of Language

Abuses of Language

Guidelines for Verbal Communication

Make Your Message Clear

Make Your Message Considerate

Make Your Responses Respectful

Chapter Review

4: Nonverbal Communication

Influences on Nonverbal Communication




Functions of Nonverbal Communication







Types of Nonverbal Communication


Facial Expressions




Physical Appearance


Smell (Olfactics)


Technology and Its Impact on Nonverbal Communication

Guidelines for Communicating Nonverbal Messages Effectively

Chapter Review

5: Listening Skills

How We Listen

Listening and Hearing

Listening Styles

Overcoming External Listening Challenges

Rate of Delivery


Physical Location

External Noise

The Culprits Behind Poor Internal Listening

Information Overload

Distracted Listening

Interruptive Listening

Agenda-Driven Listening

Argumentative Listening

Nervous Listening

Becoming a Better Listener

Filter Out Distractions

Focus on the Speaker

Show That You Are Listening

Helping Others Listen to You

Anticipate Ineffective Listening Before You Speak

Encourage Active Listening

When You Are the Listener

Making a Speech Critique

Giving Conversational Feedback

Chapter Review

6: Culture and Communication

What Is Culture?

Culture and Diversity

Race, Ethnicity, and Heritage

Gender and Sexual Orientation


Variations in Culture: How Do They Affect Communication?

Uncertainty Avoidance

High and Low Context

Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures

Masculine and Feminine Cultures

High-Contact and Low-Contact Cultures

Power-Distance and Low-Power Distance Cultures

Assimilation, Accommodation, and Separation




Challenges to Intercultural Communication



Hate and Hate Speech

Constructive Steps For Improving Intercultural Communication

Show Awareness of and Respect for Cultural Variations

Express a Willingness to Learn about and Participate in Other Cultures

Limit Ethnocentrism and Condemn Hate

Chapter Review

7: Mass and Mediated Communication

Understanding Mass Media

Entertainment and News Media

Old Media and New Media

Free Media and Paid Media

Understanding Social Media

Effects of Social Media

Anonymity, Free Speech, and Privacy Issues

Digital Divide and Net Neutrality

Media-Centric Criticism

Critical Media Theory

Agenda-Setting Theory

Suggestions for Mediated Communication

Become a Critical Consumer of Mass Media

Avoid Being Influenced by Media Depictions of “the Other”

Be Mindful about How Much Personal Information You Share on Social Media

Don’t Say Anything Online You Wouldn’t Say in Person

Consider Taking a Break to Avoid Technology Burnout

Chapter Review

8: Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication in the Dyad

The Benefits of Interpersonal Relationships

The Nature and Type of Close Dyads

Selecting a Few from the Many

The Secrets of Attraction: Noticing

The Secrets of Initiating: Opening Moves

Capturing Relational Movement

The Straightforward Path

The Turbulent Path

Self-Disclosure and Privacy

Social Penetration Theory

The Downside to Self-Disclosure

Communication Privacy Management Theory

Understanding and Managing Dialectical Tensions

Dialectical Tensions

Managing Dialectical Tensions

Chapter Review

9: Practices for Effective Interpsonal Relationships

Relational Maintenance

Common Maintenance Behaviors

Maintaining Relationships with Technology

Maintaining Different Types of Relationships

Romantic Relationships


Workplace Relationships

Five General Guidelines for Maintaining Relationships

Embrace Your Agency

Meet Connecting Bids

Take Action Based on Knowledge

Nurture Mutual Commitment

Don’t Fear Uncertainty

Managing Interpersonal Conflict

What Is Interpersonal Conflict?

Common Causes of Conflict

Benefits of Interpersonal Conflict

Styles and Patterns of Conflict

Six Conflict Styles

Unhealthy Conflict Patterns

Staying Respectful, Strong, and Positive in Conflict

Accept Cyclical Conflict

Monitor Your Emotions

Express Criticisms Gently and Respectfully

Engage in Conflict with Positive Expectations

Keep Positivity in Balance with Negativity

Chapter Review

10: Principles of Group Communication

Small Group Characteristics

Small Group Communication


Group size

Advantages of Small Groups

Diverse Perspectives

Multiple Resources


Small Group Dynamics

Small Group Roles

Group Development

Cultural Diversity

Individualistic and Collectivist

Power Distance

Uncertainty Avoidance

High and Low Context

Masculine and Feminine

Mindful Communication

Small Group Communication in the Digital Age

Technology for Group Meetings

Technology for Group Work and Document Sharing

Guidelines for Using Technology for Group Work

Effective Participation in a Small Group

Prepare for Group Meetings

Listen Interactively

Participate, Don’t Dominate

Fulfill Your Commitments

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Encourage a Positive Climate with Politeness and Authenticity

Chapter Review

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