M Information Systems 4th Edition Baltzan Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1259814297
- ISBN-13 : 978-1259814297
- Author:
Baltzan; M: Information Systems is a visual, magazine format designed to engage your students from the start! Saturated with fascinating, sometimes hard-to-believe real examples will keep them reading throughout the course. Baltzan’s approach discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives drive technology choices in a corporation. Therefore, every discussion addresses the business needs first and addresses the technology that supports those needs second. This approach takes the difficult and often intangible MIS concepts, brings them down to the student’s level, and applies them using a hands-on approach to reinforce the concepts. A derivative of the Baltzan; Business Driven Technology version, this M: Information Systems provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing, etc. M: Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength in an organization.
Table of contents:
module one
chapter 1 Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS
chapter 2 Decisions + Processes: Value Driven Business
chapter 3 Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value
chapter 4 Ethics + Information Security: MIS Business Concerns
module two
chapter 5 Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies
chapter 6 Data: Business Intelligence
chapter 7 Networks: Mobile Business
module three
chapter 8 Enterprise Applications: Business Communications
chapter 9 Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibility
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