Macroeconomics Global Edition 2nd Edition Mishkin Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 9781292019598
- ISBN-13 : 978-1292019598
- Author: Frederic S Mishkin (Author)
Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice, Second Edition draws on the rich tapestry of recent economic events to help students understand the policy issues debated by the media and the public at large during these trying times. Building on his expertise in macroeconomic policy making at the Federal Reserve, author Frederic S. Mishkin provides detailed, step-by-step explanations of all models and highlights the techniques used by policy makers in practice. The Second Edition incorporates a wealth of new and updated content, as well as new tools and resources in MyEconLab that bring course material to life.
Table of contents:
- I. Introduction
- 1. The Policy and Practice of Macroeconomics
- 2. Measuring Macroeconomic Data
- II. Macroeconomic Basics
- 3. Aggregate Production and Productivity
- 4. Saving and Investment in Closed and Open Economies
- 5. Money and Inflation
- III. Long-Run Economic Growth
- 6. The Sources of Growth and the Solow Model
- 7. Drivers of Growth: Technology, Policy, and Institutions
- IV. Business Cycles: The Short Run
- 8. Business Cycles: An Introduction
- 9. The IS Curve
- 10. Monetary Policy and Aggregate Demand
- 11. Aggregate Supply and the Phillips Curve
- 12. The Aggregate Demand and Supply Model
- 13. Macroeconomic Policy and Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis
- V. Finance and the Macroeconomy
- 14. The Financial System and Economic Growth
- 15. Financial Crises and the Economy
- VI. Macroeconomic Policy
- 16. Fiscal Policy and the Governmnt Budget
- 17. Exchange Rates and International Economic Policy
- VII. Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics
- 18. Consumption and Saving
- 19. Investment
- 20. The Labor Market, Employment, and Unemployment
- VIII. Modern Business Cycle Analysis and Macroeconomic Policy
- 21. The Role of Expectations in Macroeconomic Policy
- 22. Modern Business Cycle Theory
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