Making the Team 5th Edition Leigh Thompson Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0132968088
- ISBN-13 : 978-0132968089
- Author:
This text provides a good balance of theory and practice. It combines cutting-edge research on groups with practical management principles. The text is organized into 3 primary tasks for the leader/manager: 1) Accurately assessing and improving team performance; 2) Managing the internal dynamics of teams (diversity, conflict, and creativity); and 3) Optimally leveraging the team within the larger organization. It is written for both team leaders and team members.
Table of contents:
1. Teams in Organizations: Facts and Myths
2. Performance and Productivity: Team Performance Criteria and Threats to Productivity
3. Rewarding Teamwork: Compensation and Performance Appraisals
4. Designing the Team: Tasks, People, and Processes
5. Team Identity, Emotion, and Development
6. Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence
7. Team Decision Making: Pitfalls and Solutions
8. Conflict in Teams: Leveraging Differences to Create Opportunity
9. Creativity: Mastering Strategies for High Performance
10. Networking, Social Capital, and Integrating across Teams
11. Leadership: Managing the Paradox
12. Interteam Relations: Competition and Cooperation
13. Teaming Across Distance and Culture
APPENDIX 1. Managing Meetings: A Toolkit
APPENDIX 2. Tips for Facilitators
APPENDIX 3. A Guide for Creating Effective Study Groups
APPENDIX 4. Example Items from Peer Evaluations and 360-Degree Performance Evaluations
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