Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture 5th Edition Brickley Test Bank
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Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture 5th Edition Brickley Test Bank.
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Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture 5th Edition Brickley Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0073523143
- ISBN-13 : 978-0073523149
- Author: Clifford W. Smith
Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, 5e helps the student to gain an understanding of the basic tools of economics used to solve important business problems. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the firm and corporate governance topics. The fifth Edition continues with a focus on decision-making and managerial applications within the structure of an organization.
Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture is thoroughly integrated with the adaptive digital tools available in McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart Advantage Suite, proven to increase student engagement and success in the course.
Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
Table contents:
Part 1: Basic Concepts
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Economists’ View of Behavior
Chapter 3 Exchange and Markets
Part 2: Managerial Economics
Chapter 4 Demand
Chapter 5 Production and Cost
Chapter 6 Market Structure
Chapter 7 Pricing with Market Power
Chapter 8 Economics of Strategy: Creating and Capturing Value
Chapter 9 Economics of Strategy: Game Theory
Chapter 10 Incentive Conflicts and Contracts
Part 3: Designing Organizational Architecture
Chapter 11 Organizational Architecture
Chapter 12 Decision Rights: The Level of Empowerment
Chapter 13 Decision Rights: Bundling Tasks into Jobs and Sub-units
Chapter 14 Attracting and Retaining Qualified Employees
Chapter 15 Incentive Compensation
Chapter 16 Individual Performance Evaluation
Chapter 17 Divisional Performance Evaluation
Capstone Case Study on Organizational Architecture: Arthur Andersen LLP
Part 4: Applications of Organizational Architecture
Chapter 18 Corporate Governance
Chapter 19 Vertical Integration and Outsourcing
Chapter 20* Leadership: Motivating Change within Organizations
Chapter 21 Understanding the Business Environment: The Economics of Regulation
Chapter 22 Ethics and Organizational Architecture
Chapter 23* Organizational Architecture and the Process of Management Innovation
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