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Managing Diversity Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace 3rd Edition Barak Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1452242232
- ISBN-13 : 978-1452242231
- Author: Michalle E. Mor Barak (Author)
Successful management of today’s increasingly diverse workforce is among the most important global challenges faced by corporate leaders, human resource managers, and management consultants. In the third edition of this award-winning book, Michalle E. Mor Barak argues that exclusion is among the most critical and pressing problems faced by today’s heterogeneous workforce. Offering an original model for creating a globally inclusive workplace, coupled with engaging real-world case studies, she outlines unique strategies for unleashing the embedded potential in a multicultural and diverse global workforce.
In addition, Managing Diversity, Third Edition offers original and comprehensive yet succinct coverage of the contemporary and historical foundations that have led to today’s practice of managing diversity in the workplace. Using a global approach to examine key issues and explore effective solutions, Mor Barak organizes the book into three parts: part I covers the macro or large systems perspective, including demographic, legislative and social policy trends around the world; part II covers the micro/mezzo or smaller systems perspective, including the theoretical foundations for inclusion and exclusion in work groups and organizations as well as interpersonal relationships and cross-cultural communication; and, part Ill presents solutions for management and leadership vis-a-vis diversity, practical interventions, diversity paradigms, and a complete overview of the inclusive workplace model with practical examples of organizational case studies.
Table of contents:
- List of Boxes, Figures, and Tables
- Preface and Acknowledgments
- 1. Introduction and Conceptual Framework
- The Challenge of Managing Diversity in a Global Context
- Tensions Posed by Global Workforce Trends
- Diversity and Exclusion: A Critical Workforce Problem
- The Inclusive Workplace Model
- Conceptual Framework and Organization of the Book
- Part I. It the Global Context for Diversity Management
- 2. Diversity Legislation in a Global Perspective: Equality and Fairness in Employment
- The International Bill of Human Rights and Employment Rights
- Importance and Influence of the Declaration of Human Rights
- Implementation
- Diversity-Related Employment Legislation
- Broad-Based Antidiscrimination Legislation
- Practical Implications
- Appendix 2.1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Appendix 2.2. Global Antidiscrimination and Equal Rights Legislation Checklist of Protections Offered by a Select Number of Countries
- 3. Discrimination, Equality, and Fairness in Employment: Social Policies and Affirmative/Positive Action Programs
- Discrimination and Equality in Employment
- Theoretical Perspectives of Discrimination and Affirmative Action
- Social Policies and Affirmative/Positive Action Programs
- Principles of Affirmative Action and Positive Action Programs
- The Public Debate Over Affirmative and Positive Action Policies
- 4. Global Demographic Trends: Impact on Workforce Diversity
- International Population Trends
- National Trends
- 5. Socioeconomic Transitions: The New Realities of the Global Workforce
- Worker Migration
- Occupational Diversity
- Migration of Employers
- Implications for Diversity of Gender, Disability, and Sexual Orientation
- Educational Trends and Workforce Diversity
- Part II. Social Psychological Perspectives of Workforce Diversity
- 6. Defining Diversity in a Global Context: Prejudice and Discrimination
- Workforce Diversity Defined
- Toward a Global Definition of Diversity
- Stereotypes and Prejudice
- Dehumanization and Oppression
- Employment-Related Discrimination
- 7. Vive la Différence? Theoretical Perspectives on Diversity and Exclusion in the Workplace
- Diversity and Exclusion: A Critical Workforce Problem
- Theoretical Underpinnings of the Inclusion-Exclusion Construct
- Research on Organizational Demography Documenting Exclusion
- Social Psychological Theories on Diversity and Intergroup Relations
- 8. Culture and Communication In the Global Workplace
- The Cultural Context for the Global Workplace
- Cross-Cultural Communication
- Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
- 9. Interpersonal Relationships in a Global Work Context
- Cultural Styles and Relational Mental Models
- Diversity in Interpersonal Relationships
- Interpersonal Relationships and Cross-Cultural Communication
- Theoretical Perspectives on Interpersonal Cross-Cultural Communication
- Part III. Managing a Diverse Workforce in the Global Context-The Inclusive Workplace
- 10. Diversity Management and Leadership: Paradigms, Rationale, and Key Elements
- Defining Diversity Management
- From Equal Rights Laws, to Affirmative/Positive Action, to Diversity Management
- Diversity Management Paradigms
- The Impetus for Implementing Diversity Management
- Characteristics and Limitations of Diversity Management
- Organizational Leadership and Diversity Management
- 11. An Overview of the Inclusive Workplace Model: Managing the Globalized Workforce Diversity
- Diversity Management and the Inclusive Workplace
- 12. The Inclusive Workplace: Level I-Inclusion Through Diversity Within the Work Organization
- Inclusive Policies and Practices
- Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level I
- Case Illustration: Level I-Inclusion Through Diversity Within Work Organizations-Denny’s, Inc.
- Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
- 13. The Inclusive Workplace: Level II-Inclusion Through Corporate-Community Collaborations
- Inclusive Policies and Practices
- Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level II
- Case Illustration: Level II-Inclusion Through Corporate-Community Collaboration-Unilever
- Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
- 14. The Inclusive Workplace: Level III-Inclusion Through State/National Collaborations
- Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level III
- Case Illustration: Level III-Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups at the National/State Level-Eurest
- Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
- 15. The Inclusive Workplace: Level IV-Inclusion Through International Collaborations
- Barriers and Benefits to Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level IV
- Case Illustration: Level IV-Inclusion Through Global Collaborations-The Fair Trade Company
- Fair Trade History
- Global Village and the Fair Trade Company
- Fair Trade Future
- Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
- 16. Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace: Putting the Pieces Together
- The Value Base for the Inclusive Workplace
- Implementation of the Inclusive Workplace
- Appendix
- References
- Index
- About the Author
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