Marketing Canadian 4th Edition Grewal Test Bank
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Marketing Canadian 4th Edition Grewal Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1259268764
- ISBN-13 : 978-1259268762
- Author: Michael Levy, PhD (Ohio State University)
Grewal Marketing, Fourth Canadian Edition, focuses on the core concepts and tools that marketers use to create value for customers. Current and engaging Canadian examples integrated throughout the text define how companies and successful entrepreneurs create value for customers through branding, packaging, pricing, retailing, service, and advertising.
Table contents:
- 1 An Introduction to Marketing
- 1-1 What Is Marketing?
- 1-1a What Is Marketing?
- 1-2 The Evolution of Marketing
- 1-2a The Production Orientation
- 1-2b The Sales Orientation
- 1-2c The Marketing Company Orientation
- 1-2d Societal Marketing Orientation
- 1-2e Relationship Marketing Orientation
- 1-3 Key Marketing Terms
- 1-3a Exchange
- 1-4 Why Marketing Matters
- 1-4a Marketing Is Part of Every Company
- 1-4b Marketing Is a Rewarding Career
- 1-4c Marketing Provides an Important Skill Set
- 1-4d Marketing Is Part of Everyday Life
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Beer is Everywhere People Are
- 2 The Marketing Environment, Social Responsibility, and Ethics
- 2-1 The External Marketing Environment
- 2-1a Understanding the External Environment
- 2-2 Competitive Factors
- 2-3 Regulatory Factors
- 2-3a Federal Legislation
- 2-3b Provincial and Territorial Laws
- 2-3c Self-Regulation
- 2-4 Economic Factors
- 2-4a Consumers’ Incomes
- 2-4b Purchasing Power
- 2-4c Inflation
- 2-4d Recession
- 2-5 Social Factors
- 2-5a Marketing-Oriented Values
- 2-5b The Growth of Component Lifestyles
- 2-5c Families Today
- 2-6 Demographic Factors
- 2-6a Generation Z
- 2-6b Generation Y
- 2-6c Generation X
- 2-6d Baby Boomers—A Mass Market
- 2-6e Population Shifts in Canada
- 2-6f Ethnic and Cultural Diversity
- 2-7 Technological Factors
- 2-7a Research
- 2-7b Technology and the Future of Businesses
- 2-8 Corporate Social Responsibility
- 2-8a Growth of Social Responsibility
- 2-8b Green Marketing
- 2-9 Ethical Behaviour in Business
- 2-9a Morality and Business Ethics
- 2-9b Ethical Decision Making
- 2-9c Ethical Guidelines
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Yeast Gone Wild
- 3 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage
- 3-1 The Importance of Strategic Planning
- 3-2 Corporate Planning—Defining the Business Mission
- 3-3 Strategic Directions—Designing the Business Portfolio
- 3-3a Conducting a SWOT Analysis
- 3-3b Strategic Alternatives—Linking SWOT to Growth Strategies
- 3-4 Business Planning for Competitive Advantage
- 3-4a Competitive Advantage
- 3-4b Cost Competitive Advantage
- 3-4c Product Differentiation Competitive Advantage
- 3-4d Niche Competitive Advantage
- 3-4e Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- 3-5 Marketing Planning—Setting the Objectives and Identifying the Target Market
- 3-5a Setting Marketing Plan Objectives
- 3-5b Target Market Strategy
- 3-6 The Marketing Mix
- 3-6a Product Strategies
- 3-6b Pricing Strategies
- 3-6c Place (Distribution) Strategies
- 3-6d Promotion Strategies
- 3-7 Marketing Plan Implementation, Evaluation, and Control
- 3-7a Implementation
- 3-7b Evaluation and Control
- 3-8 Effective Strategic Planning
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Born to Grow
- 4 Developing a Global Vision
- 4-1 Rewards of Global Marketing
- 4-1a Importance of Global Marketing to Canada
- 4-2 Multinational Firms
- 4-2a Global Marketing Standardization
- 4-3 External Environment Facing Global Marketers
- 4-3a Culture
- 4-3b Economic and Technological Development
- 4-3c The Global Economy
- 4-3d Political Structure and Actions
- 4-3e Demographic Makeup
- 4-3f Natural Resources
- 4-4 Global Marketing by the Individual Firm
- 4-4a Exporting
- 4-4b Licensing and Franchising
- 4-4c Contract Manufacturing
- 4-4d Joint Venture
- 4-4e Direct Investment
- 4-5 The Global Marketing Mix
- 4-5a Product Decisions
- 4-5b Promotion Adaptation
- 4-5c Place (Distribution)
- 4-5d Pricing
- 4-6 The Impact of the Internet
- 4-6a Social Media and Global Marketing
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: The Globalized Beer Drinker
- Part 1 Case: From Analysis to Action
- 5 Marketing Research
- 5-1 The Role of Marketing Research
- 5-2 The Marketing Research Process
- 5-2a Step 1: Identify the Problem
- 5-2b Step 2: Design the Research
- 5-2c Step 3: Collect the Data
- 5-2d Step 4: Analyze the Data
- 5-2e Step 5: Present the Report
- 5-2f Step 6: Provide Follow-Up
- 5-3 The Impact of Technology on Marketing Research
- 5-3a Online Surveys
- 5-3b Online Research Panels
- 5-3c Online Focus Groups
- 5-3d Mobile Marketing Research
- 5-3e Social Media Marketing Research
- 5-3f The Rise of Big Data
- 5-4 When to Conduct Marketing Research
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Data in Absentia
- 6 Consumer Decision Making
- 6-1 The Importance of Understanding Consumer Behaviour
- 6-2 The Consumer Decision-Making Process
- 6-2a Need Recognition
- 6-2b Information Search
- 6-2c Evaluation of Alternatives and Purchase
- 6-2d Postpurchase Behaviour
- 6-3 Types of Consumer Buying Decisions and Consumer Involvement
- 6-3a Factors Determining the Level of Consumer Involvement
- 6-3b Marketing Implications of Involvement
- 6-3c Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decisions
- 6-4 Cultural Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions
- 6-4a Culture and Values
- 6-4b Understanding Culture Differences
- 6-4c Subculture
- 6-4d Social Class
- 6-5 Social Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions
- 6-5a Reference Groups
- 6-5b Opinion Leaders
- 6-5c Family
- 6-6 Individual Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions
- 6-6a Gender
- 6-6b Age and Family Life-Cycle Stage
- 6-6c Personality, Self-Concept, and Lifestyle
- 6-7 Psychological Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions
- 6-7a Perception
- 6-7b Motivation
- 6-7c Learning
- 6-7d Beliefs and Attitudes
- 6-7e Consumer Behaviour Elements—Working Together
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Looks Matter
- 7 Business Marketing
- 7-1 What Is Business Marketing?
- 7-2 Business versus Consumer Marketing
- 7-3 The Network and Relationships Approach to Business Marketing
- 7-3a Relationships in Business Marketing
- 7-3b Interaction in Business Marketing
- 7-3c Networks in Business Marketing
- 7-4 Fundamental Aspects of Business Marketing
- 7-4a Types of Demand
- 7-4b Number of Customers
- 7-4c Location of Buyers
- 7-4d Type of Negotiations
- 7-4e Use of Reciprocity
- 7-4f Use of Leasing
- 7-4g Types of Business Products
- 7-5 Classifying Business Customers
- 7-5a Major Categories of Business Customers
- 7-5b Classification by Industry
- 7-6 Business Buying Behaviour
- 7-6a Buying Centres
- 7-6b Buying Situations
- 7-6c Evaluative Criteria for Business Buyers
- 7-7 Business Marketing Online
- 7-7a Trends in B2B Online Marketing
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: The Forbidden Fruit of Craft Brewers
- 8 Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
- 8-1 Market Segmentation
- 8-2 The Importance of Market Segmentation
- 8-3 Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets
- 8-3a Geographic Segmentation
- 8-3b Demographic Segmentation
- 8-3c Psychographic Segmentation
- 8-3d Benefit Segmentation
- 8-3e Usage-Rate Segmentation
- 8-4 Criteria for Successful Segmentation
- 8-5 Bases for Segmenting Business Markets
- 8-5a Company Characteristics
- 8-5b Buying Processes
- 8-6 Steps in Segmenting a Market
- 8-7 Strategies for Selecting Target Markets
- 8-7a Undifferentiated Targeting
- 8-7b Concentrated Targeting
- 8-7c Multisegment Targeting
- 8-7d One-to-One Marketing
- 8-8 Positioning
- 8-8a Perceptual Mapping
- 8-8b Positioning Bases
- 8-8c Repositioning
- 8-8d Developing a Positioning Statement
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Hipsterville Calling
- 9 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- 9-1 What Is Customer Relationship Management?
- 9-1a The Other CRM
- 9-2 The CRM Cycle
- 9-3 The CRM Cycle—Stage 1 (Marketing Research)
- 9-4 The CRM Cycle—Stage 2 (Business Development)
- 9-4a Identify Customer Relationships
- 9-4b Understand Interactions of the Current Customer Base
- 9-4c Capture Customer Data
- 9-4d Store and Integrate Customer Data
- 9-4e Identifying the Best Customers
- 9-5 The CRM Cycle—Stage 3 (Customer Feedback)
- 9-5a Leverage Customer Information
- 9-6 Privacy Concerns and CRM
- 9-7 The Future of CRM
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: CSR in on Board
- Part 2 Case: Marketing Concept Review
- 10 Product Concepts
- 10-1 What Is a Product?
- 10-2 Types of Consumer Products
- 10-2a Convenience Products
- 10-2b Shopping Products
- 10-2c Specialty Products
- 10-2d Unsought Products
- 10-3 Product Items, Lines, and Mixes
- 10-3a Adjustments to Product Items, Lines, and Mixes
- 10-4 Branding
- 10-4a Benefits of Branding
- 10-4b Branding Strategies
- 10-4c Trademarks
- 10-5 Packaging
- 10-5a Packaging Functions
- 10-5b Labelling
- 10-5c Universal Product Codes (UPCs)
- 10-6 Global Issues in Branding and Packaging
- 10-7 Product Warranties
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: The Art of Craft
- 11 Developing and Managing Products
- 11-1 The Importance of New Products
- 11-1a Categories of New Products
- 11-2 The New-Product Development Process
- 11-2a New-Product Strategy
- 11-2b Idea Generation
- 11-2c Idea Screening
- 11-2d Business Analysis
- 11-2e Development
- 11-2f Test Marketing
- 11-2g Commercialization
- 11-3 Global Issues in New-Product Development
- 11-4 The Spread of New Products
- 11-4a Diffusion of Innovation
- 11-4b Product Characteristics and the Rate of Adoption
- 11-4c Marketing Implications of the Adoption Process
- 11-5 Product Life Cycles
- 11-5a Introductory Stage
- 11-5b Growth Stage
- 11-5c Maturity Stage
- 11-5d Decline Stage
- 11-5e Implications for Marketing Management
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Balancing a Beer Portfolio
- 12 Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing
- 12-1 The Importance of Services
- 12-2 How Services Differ from Goods
- 12-2a Intangibility
- 12-2b Inseparability
- 12-2c Inconsistency
- 12-2d Inventory
- 12-3 Service Quality
- 12-3a The Gap Model of Service Quality
- 12-4 Marketing Mixes for Services
- 12-4a Product (Service) Strategy
- 12-4b Process Strategy
- 12-4c People Strategy
- 12-4d Place (Distribution) Strategy
- 12-4e Physical Evidence Strategy
- 12-4f Promotion Strategy
- 12-4g Price Strategy
- 12-4h Productivity Strategy
- 12-5 Relationship Marketing in Services
- 12-6 Internal Marketing in Service Firms
- 12-7 Nonprofit Organization Marketing
- 12-7a What Is Nonprofit Organization Marketing?
- 12-7b Unique Aspects of Nonprofit Organization Marketing Strategies
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Take Care of Your Back Yard
- Part 3 Case: Product Decisions
- 13 Setting the Right Price
- 13-1 The Importance of Price
- 13-1a What Is Price?
- 13-1b The Importance of Price to Marketing Managers
- 13-2 The Four-Step Pricing Process
- 13-2a Step 1—Establish Pricing Objectives
- 13-2b Step 2—Estimate Demand, Costs, and Profits
- 13-2c Step 3—Choose a Price Strategy
- 13-2d Step 4—Use a Price Tactic
- 13-3 The Legality and Ethics of Setting a Price
- 13-3a Bait Pricing
- 13-3b Deceptive Pricing
- 13-3c Price Fixing
- 13-3d Predatory Pricing
- 13-3e Resale Price Maintenance
- 13-3f Price Discrimination
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: An Accessible Price
- Part 4 Case: Pricing Decisions
- 14 Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management
- 14-1 The Nature of Marketing Channels
- 14-1a A Plea for Place—The Forgotten P
- 14-1b The Marketing Channel and Intermediaries Defined
- 14-1c How Intermediaries Help the Supply Chain
- 14-2 Channel Intermediaries and their Functions
- 14-2a Channel Functions Performed by Intermediaries
- 14-3 Types of Marketing Channels
- 14-3a Channels for Consumer Products
- 14-3b Channels for Business and Industrial Products
- 14-3c Alternative Channel Arrangements
- 14-4 Making Channel Strategy Decisions
- 14-4a Factors Affecting Channel Choice
- 14-4b Levels of Distribution Intensity
- 14-5 Handling Channel Relationships
- 14-5a Channel Power, Control, and Leadership
- 14-5b Channel Conflict
- 14-5c Channel Partnering
- 14-6 Managing the Supply Chain
- 14-6a Benefits of Supply Chain Management
- 14-6b Managing Logistics in the Supply Chain
- 14-6c Sourcing and Procurement
- 14-6d Production Scheduling
- 14-6e Order Processing
- 14-6f Inventory Control
- 14-7 Distribution Challenges in World Markets
- 14-7a Developing Global Marketing Channels
- 14-7b Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Getting Beer into Hands
- 15 Retailing
- 15-1 The Role of Retailing
- 15-2 Classification of Retail Operations
- 15-2a Ownership
- 15-2b Level of Service
- 15-2c Product Assortment
- 15-2d Price
- 15-3 Major Types of Retail Operations
- 15-4 The Rise of Nonstore Retailing
- 15-5 Franchising
- 15-6 Retail Marketing Strategy
- 15-6a Defining a Target Market
- 15-6b Choosing the Retailing Mix
- 15-7 Addressing Retail Product/Service Failures
- 15-8 Retailer and Retail Consumer Trends and Advancements
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Dealing in a Duopoly
- Part 5 Case: Distribution Decisions
- 16 Marketing Communications
- 16-1 The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix
- 16-2 Marketing Communication
- 16-2a The Communication Process
- 16-3 The Goals of Promotion
- 16-3a Informing
- 16-3b Persuading
- 16-3c Reminding
- 16-3d Connecting
- 16-4 The Promotional Mix
- 16-4a Advertising
- 16-4b Publicity
- 16-4c Sales Promotion
- 16-4d Personal Selling
- 16-4e Direct-Response Communication
- 16-4f Online Marketing, Content Marketing, and Social Media
- 16-4g The Communication Process and the Promotional Mix
- 16-5 Promotional Goals and the AIDA Concept
- 16-5a AIDA and the Promotional Mix
- 16-6 Integrated Marketing Communications
- 16-7 Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix
- 16-7a Nature of the Product
- 16-7b Stage in the Product Life Cycle
- 16-7c Target Market Characteristics
- 16-7d Type of Buying Decision
- 16-7e Available Funds
- 16-7f Push and Pull Strategies
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: On-Message Is More Than Words
- 17 Advertising, Public Relations, and Direct Response
- 17-1 What Is Advertising?
- 17-1a Advertising and Market Share
- 17-1b The Effects of Advertising on Consumers
- 17-2 Major Types of Advertising
- 17-2a Institutional Advertising
- 17-2b Product Advertising
- 17-3 Creative Decisions in Advertising
- 17-3a Identifying Product Benefits
- 17-3b Developing and Evaluating Advertising Appeals
- 17-3c Executing the Message
- 17-3d Postcampaign Evaluation
- 17-4 Media Decisions in Advertising
- 17-4a Media Types
- 17-4b Media Selection Considerations
- 17-4c Media Scheduling
- 17-4d Media Buying
- 17-5 Public Relations
- 17-5a Major Public Relations Tools
- 17-5b Managing Unfavourable Publicity
- 17-6 Direct-Response Communication
- 17-6a The Tools of Direct-Response Communication
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Reaching the Right Audience
- 18 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling
- 18-1 What Is Sales Promotion?
- 18-1a The Sales Promotion Target
- 18-1b The Objectives of Sales Promotion
- 18-2 Tools for Consumer Sales Promotion
- 18-2a Coupons
- 18-2b Rebates
- 18-2c Premiums
- 18-2d Loyalty Marketing Programs
- 18-2e Contests and Sweepstakes
- 18-2f Sampling
- 18-2g Shopper Marketing
- 18-3 Tools for Trade Sales Promotion
- 18-4 Personal Selling
- 18-5 Relationship Selling
- 18-6 The Selling Process
- 18-6a Some Key Issues in Each Step of the Selling Process
- 18-6b Personal Selling in a Global Marketplace
- 18-6c The Impact of Technology on Personal Selling
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: From Hard Work Come Good Things
- 19 Social Media Strategies
- 19-1 What Is Social Media’s Role in Integrated Marketing Communications?
- 19-1a How Canadians Use Social Media
- 19-2 Creating and Leveraging a Social Media Campaign
- 19-2a The Listening System
- 19-2b Social Media Strategies
- 19-3 Evaluation and Measurement of Social Media
- 19-4 Consumer Behaviour on Social Media
- 19-5 Social Media Tools: Consumer- and Corporate- Generated Content
- 19-5a Blogs
- 19-5b Microblogs
- 19-5c Social Networks
- 19-5d Media-Sharing Sites
- 19-5e Social News Sites
- 19-5f Location-Based Social Networking Sites
- 19-5g Review Sites
- 19-5h Virtual Worlds and Online Gaming
- 19-6 Social Media and Mobile Technology
- 19-6a Mobile and Smartphone Technology
- 19-6b Applications and Widgets
- 19-7 The Social Media Plan
- 19-7a The Changing World of Social Media
- Side Launch Brewing Company Continuing Case: Engagement by Listening
- Part 6 Case: Promotion Decisions
- Glossary
- Endnotes
- Index
- ReviewCard
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