Maternal Child Nursing Care 2nd Edition London Test Bank

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Maternal Child Nursing Care 2nd Edition London Test Bank.

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Maternal Child Nursing Care 2nd Edition London Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0131723944
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0131723948
  • Author: London, Marcia L., Ladewig, Patricia W., Ball, Jane W., Bindler, Ruth C.

This colorful skills atlas servers as a portable, quick-reference to the step-by-step nursing procedures nurses need to know. The manual guides you through more than 85 skills using full-color photographs and rationales. It also includes chapters on physical assessment, special pain management techniques, cardiorespiratory care, administration of medications, including intravenous access, and other information useful to nurses in the clinical setting. Margin boxes and tables with important safety issues, growth and development considerations, teaching for families, and clinical tips are throughout. Appendices provide information on growth grids and calculation of body surface area for medication administration.

Table contents:


1. Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing

2. The Nurse’s Role in Maternity, Women’s Health, and Pediatric Nursing

3. The Childbearing and Child-Rearing Family

4. Communicating with Children and Families

5. Health Promotion for the Developing Child

6. Health Promotion for the Infant

7. Health Promotion During Early Childhood

8. Health Promotion for the School-Age Child

9. Health Promotion for the Adolescent

10. Heredity and Environmental Influences on Development


11. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology

12. Conception and Prenatal Development

13. Adaptations to Pregnancy

14. Nutrition for Childbearing

15. Prenatal Diagnostic Tests

16. Giving Birth

17. Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance

18. Pain Management for Childbirth

19. Nursing Care During Obstetric Procedures

20. Postpartum Adaptations

21. The Normal Newborn: Adaptation and Assessment

22. The Normal Newborn: Nursing Care

23. Newborn Feeding

24. The Childbearing Family with Special Needs

25. Pregnancy-Related Complications

26. Concurrent Disorders During Pregnancy

27. The Woman with an Intrapartum Complication

28. The Woman with a Postpartum Complication

29. The High-Risk Newborn: Problems Related to Gestational Age and Development

30. The High-Risk Newborn: Acquired and Congenital Conditions

31. Management of Fertility and Infertility

32. Women’s Health Care


33. Physical Assessment of Children

34. Emergency Care of the Child

35. The III Child in the Hospital and Other Care Settings

36. The Child with a Chronic Condition or Terminal Illness

37. Principles and Procedures for Nursing Care of Children

38. Medication Administration and Safety for Infants and Children

39. Pain Management for Children

40. The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration

41. The Child with an Infectious Disease

42. The Child with an Immunologic Alteration

43. The Child with a Gastrointestinal Alteration

44. The Child with a Genitourinary Alteration

45. The Child with a Respiratory Alteration

46. The Child with a Cardiovascular Alteration

47. The Child with a Hematologic Alteration

48. The Child with Cancer

49. The Child with an Alteration in Tissue Integrity

50. The Child with a Musculoskeletal Alteration

51. The Child with an Endocrine or Metabolic Alteration

52. The Child with a Neurologic Alteration

53. Psychosocial Problems in Children and Families

54. The Child with a Developmental Disability

55. The Child with a Sensory Alteration


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