Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada 3rd Edition Lewis Solutions Manual
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Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada 3rd Edition Lewis Solutions Manual.
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Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada 3rd Edition Lewis Solutions Manual
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1926648706
- ISBN-13 : 978-1926648705
- Author: Margaret M. Heitkemper,Ian Camera,Sharon L. Lewis
Completely revised and updated, Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 3rd Edition explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as prioritization, clinical decision-making, evidence-informed practice, and patient safety. A variety of boxes and tables, in addition to an accessible writing style, make it easy to comprehend both essential information and the most complex concepts. Best of all, a complete collection of interactive learning and study tools help you learn more effectively and offer valuable, real-world preparation for clinical practice.
Table contents:
Section One – Concepts in Nursing Practice 1. Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice In Canada 2. Cultural Competence and Health Equity in Nursing Care 3. Health History and Physical Examination 4. Patient and Caregiver Teaching 5. Chronic Illness 6. Community-Based Nursing and Home Care 7. Older Adults 8. Stress and Stress Management 9. Sleep and Sleep Disorders 10. Pain 11. Substance Abuse 12. Complementary and Alternative Therapies 13. Palliative Care at the End of Life Section Two – Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Disease 14. Inflammation and Wound Healing 15. Genetics 16. Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation 17. Infection and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 18. Cancer 19. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances Section Three – Perioperative Care 20. Nursing Management: Preoperative Care 21. Nursing Management: Intraoperative Care 22. Nursing Management: Postoperative Care Section Four – Problems Related to Altered Sensory Input 23. Nursing Assessment: Visual and Auditory Systems 24. Nursing Management: Visual and Auditory Problems 25. Nursing Assessment: Integumentary System 26. Nursing Management: Integumentary Problems 27. Nursing Management: Burns Section Five – Problems of Oxygenation: Ventilation 28. Nursing Assessment: Respiratory System 29. Nursing Management: Upper Respiratory Problems 30. Nursing Management: Lower Respiratory Problems 31. Nursing Management: Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Section Six – Problems of Oxygenation: Transport 32. Nursing Assessment: Hematological System 33. Nursing Management: Hematological Problems Section Seven – Problems of Oxygenation: Perfusion 34. Nursing Assessment: Cardiovascular System 35. Nursing Management: Hypertension 36. Nursing Management: Coronary Artery Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome 37. Nursing Management: Heart Failure 38. Nursing Management: Dysrhythmias 39. Nursing Management: Inflammatory and Structural Heart Disorders 40. Nursing Management: Vascular Disorders Section Eight – Problems of Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, and Elimination 41. Nursing Assessment: Gastrointestinal System 42. Nursing Management: Nutritional Problems 43. Nursing Management: Obesity 44. Nursing Management: Upper Gastrointestinal Problems 45. Nursing Management: Lower Gastrointestinal Problems 46. Nursing Management: Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Tract Problems Section Nine – Problems of Urinary Function 47. Nursing Assessment: Urinary System 48. Nursing Management: Renal and Urologic Problems 49. Nursing Management: Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease Section Ten – Problems Related to Regulatory and Reproductive Mechanisms 50.Nursing Assessment: Endocrine System 51. Nursing Management: Endocrine Problems 52. Nursing Management: Diabetes Mellitus 53. Nursing Assessment: Reproductive System 54. Nursing Management: Breast Disorders 55. Nursing Management: Sexually Transmitted Infections 56. Nursing Management: Female Reproductive Problems 57. Nursing Management: Male Reproductive Problems Section Eleven – Problems Related to Movement and Coordination 58. Nursing Assessment: Nervous System 59. Nursing Management: Acute Intracranial Problems 60. Nursing Management: Stroke 61. Nursing Management: Chronic Neurologic Problems 62. Nursing Management: Delirium, Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 63. Nursing Management: Peripheral Nerve and Spinal Cord Problems 64. Nursing Assessment: Musculoskeletal System 65. Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery 66. Nursing Management: Musculoskeletal Problems 67. Nursing Management: Arthritis and Connective Tissue Diseases Section Twelve – Nursing Care in Specialized Settings 68. Nursing Management: Critical Care Environment 69. Nursing Management: Shock, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 70. Nursing Management: Respiratory Failure and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 71. Nursing Management: Emergency Care Situations 72. Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management Appendix A Nursing Diagnoses Appendix B Laboratory Values
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