Microeconomics 20th Edition McConnell Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0021403236
- ISBN-13 : 978-0021403233
- Author:
Economics remains the leading text for AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics courses. The authors 40 years of teaching success is reflected in the clear treatment of economics concepts, balanced coverage, and patient explanations. Streamlined to focus on AP content with easy visual clues to separate microeconomic and macroeconomic coverage. The digital resources have been updated to help you deliver instruction aligned to the new curriculum Framework. The course dashboard aggregates a variety of resources, including the updated Teacher Manual, updated Correlations, and a direct link to the new College Board Course and Exam Description, essential to meeting the new standards. Print student edition textbook.
Table of contents:
pt. 1. Introduction to economics and the economy. Limits, alternatives, and choices
The market system and the circular flow
pt. 2. Price, quantity, and efficiency. Demand, supply, and market equilibrium
Market failures: public goods and externalities
Government’s role and government failure
pt. 3. Consumer behavior. Elasticity
Utility maximization
Behavioral economics
pt. 4. Microeconomics of product markets. Businesses and the costs of production
Pure competition in the short run
Pure competition in the long run
Pure monopoly
Monopolistic competition and oligopoly
pt. 5. Microeconomics of resource markets and government. The demand for resources
Wage determination
Rent, interest, and profit
Natural resource and energy economics
Public finance: expenditures and taxes
pt. 6. Microeconomic issues and policies. Antitrust policy and regulation
Agriculture: economics and policy
Income inequality, poverty, and discrimination
Health care
pt. 7. International economics. International trade
The balance of payments, exchange rates, and trade deficits.
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