Microeconomics 5th Edition Krugman Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1319098789
- ISBN-13 : 978-1319098780
- Author:
Enhance your comprehension of how economic concepts function today with the unique and impactful storytelling stye and digital resources from Microeconomics.
Table of contents:
PART 1 What is Economics?
Intro: The Ordinary Business of Life
1 First Principles
2 Economic Models: Trade-offs and Trade
Appendix: Graphs in Economics
PART 2 Supply and Demand
3 Supply and Demand
4 Consumer and Producer Surplus
5 Price Controls and Quotas: Meddling with Markets
6 Elasticity
PART 3 Individuals and Markets
7 Taxes
8 International Trade
PART 4 Economics and Decision Making
9 Making Decisions
PART 5 The Consumer
10 The Rational Consumer
Appendix: Consumer Preferences and Consumer Choice
PART 6 The Production Decision
11 Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs
12 Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve
PART 7 Market Structure: Beyond Perfect Competition
13 Monopoly
14 Oligopoly
15 Monopolistic Competition and Product Differentiation
PART 8 Microeconomics and Public Policy
16 Externalities
17 Public Goods and Common Resources
18 The Economics of the Welfare State
PART 9 Factor Markets and Risk
19 Factor Markets and the Distribution of Income
Appendix: Indifference Curve Analysis of Labor Supply
20 Uncertainty, Risk, and Private Information
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