Microeconomics Canada in the Global Environment Canadian 8th Edition Parkin Test Bank

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Microeconomics Canada in the Global Environment Canadian 8th Edition Parkin Test Bank.

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Microeconomics Canada in the Global Environment Canadian 8th Edition Parkin Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 032180838X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0321808387
  • Author: Parkin/Bade

Parkin/Bade 8e trains students to think like economists by bringing critical issues to the forefront by offering a clear introduction to theory and applying the concepts to today’s events, news, and research.

Table contents:

  1. Chapter 1 What is Economics?
  2. Introduction: What Is Economics?
  3. Definition of Economics
  4. Two Big Economic Questions
  5. Do Choices Made in the Pursuit of Self-Interest Also Promote the Social Interest?
  6. The Economic Way of Thinking
  7. Economics as Social Science and Policy Tool
  8. Economists in the Economy
  9. Economics in the News: The Internet for Everyone
  10. Summary
  11. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  12. Additional Problems and Applications
  13. Appendix: Graphs in Economics
  14. Appendix: Graphs in Economics
  15. Graphing Economic Data
  16. Scatter Diagrams
  17. Graphs Used in Economic Models
  18. Variables That Move in the Same Direction
  19. Variables That Move in Opposite Directions
  20. Variables That Have a Maximum or a Minimum
  21. Variables That Are Unrelated
  22. The Slope of a Relationship
  23. The Slope of a Straight Line
  24. The Slope of a Curved Line
  25. Graphing Relationships Among More Than Two Variables
  26. Mathematical Note: Equations of Straight Lines
  27. Summary
  28. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  29. Additional Problems and Applications
  30. Chapter 2 The Economic Problem
  31. Introduction: The Economic Problem
  32. Production Possibilities and Opportunity Cost
  33. Production Efficiency
  34. Using Resources Efficiently
  35. Preferences and Marginal Benefit
  36. Allocative Efficiency
  37. Gains from Trade
  38. Achieving the Gains from Trade
  39. The Liz–Joe Economy and Its PPF
  40. Economic Growth
  41. A Nation’s Economic Growth
  42. Economic Coordination
  43. Economics in the News: Expanding Production Possibilities
  44. Worked Problem
  45. Summary
  46. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  47. Additional Problems and Applications
  48. Part One: Understanding the scope of Economics
  49. Talking With Esther Duflo*
  50. Chapter 3: Demand and Supply
  51. Introduction: Demand and Supply
  52. Markets and Prices
  53. Demand
  54. Demand Curve and Demand Schedule
  55. A Change in Demand
  56. A Change in the Quantity Demanded Versus a Change in Demand
  57. Supply
  58. Supply Curve and Supply Schedule
  59. A Change in Supply
  60. A Change in the Quantity Supplied Versus a Change in Supply
  61. Market Equilibrium
  62. Price Adjustments
  63. Predicting Changes in Price and Quantity
  64. An Increase in Supply
  65. Changes in Both Demand and Supply
  66. Economics in the News: Demand for and Supply of Hand Sanitizer
  67. Mathematical Note: Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium
  68. Worked Problem
  69. Summary
  70. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  71. Additional Problems and Applications
  72. Chapter 4: Elasticity
  73. Introduction: Elasticity
  74. Price Elasticity of Demand
  75. Calculating Price Elasticity of Demand
  76. Inelastic and Elastic Demand
  77. The Factors That Influence the Elasticity of Demand
  78. Elasticity Along a Linear Demand Curve
  79. Total Revenue and Elasticity
  80. More Elasticities of Demand
  81. Cross Elasticity of Demand
  82. Elasticity of Supply
  83. The Factors that Influence the Elasticity of Supply
  84. Economics in the News: The Elasticity of Supply of Face Masks
  85. Worked Problem
  86. Summary
  87. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  88. Additional Problems and Applications
  89. Chapter 5: Efficiency and Equity
  90. Introduction: Efficiency and Equity
  91. Resource Allocation Methods
  92. Benefit, Cost, and Surplus
  93. Consumer Surplus
  94. Supply, Cost, and Minimum Supply-Price
  95. Producer Surplus
  96. Is the Competitive Market Efficient?
  97. Market Failure
  98. Alternatives to the Market
  99. Is the Competitive Market Fair?
  100. It’s Not Fair if the Result Isn’t Fair
  101. It’s Not Fair if the Rules Aren’t Fair
  102. Case Study: A Generator Shortage in a Natural Disaster
  103. Economics in the News: Making Traffic Flow Efficiently
  104. Worked Problem
  105. Summary
  106. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  107. Additional Problems and Applications
  108. Chapter 6: Government Actions in Markets
  109. Introduction: Government Actions in Markets
  110. A Housing Market with a Rent Ceiling
  111. Inefficiency of a Rent Ceiling
  112. Are Rent Ceilings Fair?
  113. A Labour Market with a Minimum Wage
  114. Is the Minimum Wage Fair?
  115. Taxes
  116. Equivalence of a Tax on Buyers and Sellers
  117. Taxes and Efficiency
  118. Tax Incidence and Elasticity of Demand
  119. Tax Incidence and Elasticity of Supply
  120. Taxes and Fairness
  121. Production Quotas and Subsidies
  122. Production Quotas
  123. Subsidies
  124. Markets for Illegal Goods
  125. Economics in the News: A Cut in the Minimum Wage
  126. Worked Problem
  127. Summary
  128. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  129. Additional Problems and Applications
  130. Chapter 7: Global Markets in Action
  131. Introduction: Global Markets in Action
  132. How Global Markets Work
  133. What Drives International Trade?
  134. Why Canada Imports T-Shirts
  135. Why Canada Exports Aircraft
  136. Winners, Losers, and the Net Gain from Trade
  137. Gains and Losses from Exports
  138. International Trade Restrictions
  139. Import Quotas
  140. Other Import Barriers
  141. The Case Against Protection
  142. Penalizes Lax Environmental Standards
  143. Why Is International Trade Restricted?
  144. Economics in the News: A Trade Deal in Progress
  145. Worked Problem
  146. Summary
  147. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  148. Additional Problems and Applications
  149. Part Two: Understanding How Markets Work
  150. Talking With Susan Athey*
  151. Chapter 8: Utility and Demand
  152. Introduction: Utility and Demand
  153. Consumption Choices
  154. Preferences
  155. Utility-Maximizing Choice
  156. Choosing at the Margin
  157. The Power of Marginal Analysis
  158. Predictions of Marginal Utility Theory
  159. A Rise in the Price of Cola
  160. A Rise in Income
  161. The Paradox of Value
  162. Temperature: An Analogy
  163. New Ways of Explaining Consumer Choices
  164. Economics in the News: Consumer Choice with Wireless Data Plans
  165. Worked Problem
  166. Summary
  167. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  168. Additional Problems and Applications
  169. Chapter 9: Possibilities, Preferences, and Choices
  170. Introduction: Possiblities, Preferences, and Choices
  171. Consumption Possibilities
  172. Budget Equation
  173. Preferences and Indifference Curves
  174. Marginal Rate of Substitution
  175. Degree of Substitutability
  176. Predicting Consumer Choices
  177. A Change in Price
  178. A Change in Income
  179. Substitution Effect and Income Effect
  180. Economics in the News: Inducing Healthy Choices
  181. Worked Problem
  182. Summary
  183. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  184. Additional Problems and Applications
  185. Part Three: Understanding Households’ Choices
  186. Talking with Steven D. Levitt*
  187. Chapter 10: Output and Costs
  188. Introduction: Output and Costs
  189. Economic Cost and Profit
  190. A Firm’s Opportunity Cost of Production
  191. Economic Accounting: A Summary
  192. Short-Run Technology Constraint
  193. Total Product Curve
  194. Marginal Product Curve
  195. Average Product Curve
  196. Short-Run Cost
  197. Marginal Cost
  198. Average Cost
  199. Why the Average Total Cost Curve Is U-Shaped
  200. Cost Curves and Product Curves
  201. Shifts in the Cost Curves
  202. Long-Run Cost
  203. Short-Run Cost and Long-Run Cost
  204. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
  205. Economics in the News: Amazon’s Long-Run Decision
  206. Worked Problem
  207. Summary
  208. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  209. Additional Problems and Applications
  210. Chapter 11: Perfect Competition
  211. Introduction: Perfect Competition
  212. What Is Perfect Competition?
  213. Economic Profit and Revenue
  214. The Firm’s Output Decision
  215. Marginal Analysis and the Supply Decision
  216. Temporary Shutdown Decision
  217. The Firm’s Supply Curve
  218. Output, Price, and Profit in the Short Run
  219. Short-Run Equilibrium
  220. Three Possible Short-Run Outcomes
  221. Output, Price, and Profit in the Long Run
  222. A Closer Look at Entry
  223. A Closer Look at Exit
  224. Long-Run Equilibrium
  225. Changes in Demand and Supply as Technology Advances
  226. Technological Advances Change Supply
  227. Competition and Efficiency
  228. Economics in the News: Perfect Competition in Hand Sanitizer
  229. Worked Problem
  230. Summary
  231. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  232. Additional Problems and Applications
  233. Chapter 12: Monopoly
  234. Introduction: Monopoly
  235. Monopoly and How It Arises
  236. Monopoly Price-Setting Strategies
  237. A Single-Price Monopoly’s Output and Price Decision
  238. Marginal Revenue and Elasticity
  239. Price and Output Decision
  240. Single-Price Monopoly and Competition Compared
  241. Efficiency Comparison
  242. Rent Seeking
  243. Price Discrimination
  244. Two Ways of Price Discriminating
  245. Increasing Profit and Producer Surplus
  246. A Price-Discriminating Airline
  247. Efficiency and Rent Seeking with Price Discrimination
  248. Monopoly Regulation
  249. Efficient Regulation of a Natural Monopoly
  250. Second-Best Regulation of a Natural Monopoly
  251. Economics in the News: Is Cineplex Misusing Monopoly Power?
  252. Worked Problem
  253. Summary
  254. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  255. Additional Problems and Applications
  256. Chapter 13: Monopolistic Competition
  257. Introduction: Monopolistic Competition
  258. Monopolistic Competition and Other Market Structures
  259. Measures of Concentration
  260. Limitations of a Concentration Measure
  261. Price and Output in Monopolistic Competition
  262. Profit Maximizing Might Be Loss Minimizing
  263. Long Run: Zero Economic Profit
  264. Monopolistic Competition and Perfect Competition
  265. Is Monopolistic Competition Efficient?
  266. Product Development and Marketing
  267. Advertising
  268. Using Advertising to Signal Quality
  269. Brand Names
  270. Economics in the News: Product Differentiation in Bags
  271. Worked Problem
  272. Summary
  273. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  274. Additional Problems and Applications
  275. Chapter 14: Oligopoly
  276. Introduction: Oligopoly
  277. What Is Oligopoly?
  278. Small Number of Firms
  279. Oligopoly Games
  280. The Prisoners’ Dilemma
  281. An Oligopoly Price-Fixing Game
  282. One Firm Cheats on a Collusive Agreement
  283. A Game of Chicken
  284. Repeated Games and Sequential Games
  285. A Sequential Entry Game in a Contestable Market
  286. Anti-Combine Law
  287. Some Major Anti-Combine Cases
  288. Economics in the News: Oligopoly Games in Smartphone Service
  289. Worked Problem
  290. Summary
  291. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  292. Additional Problems and Applications
  293. Part Four: Understanding Firms and Markets
  294. Talking With Thomas Hubbard*
  295. Chapter 15: Externalities
  296. Introduction: Externalities
  297. Externalities in Our Lives
  298. Negative Externality: Pollution
  299. Establish Property Rights
  300. Mandate Clean Technology
  301. Tax or Cap and Price Pollution
  302. Coping with Global Externalities
  303. Positive Externality: Knowledge
  304. Government Actions in the Face of External Benefits
  305. Vouchers
  306. Economics in the News: The Tradeoff Between Health and Income
  307. Worked Problem
  308. Summary
  309. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  310. Additional Problems and Applications
  311. Chapter 16: Public Goods and Common Resources
  312. Introduction: Public Goods and Common Resources
  313. Classifying Goods and Resources
  314. Public Goods
  315. Marginal Social Benefit of a Public Good
  316. Efficient Quantity of a Public Good
  317. Inefficient Public Overprovision
  318. Two Types of Political Equilibrium
  319. Why Government Is Large and Growing
  320. Voters Strike Back
  321. Common Resources
  322. The Overuse of a Common Resource
  323. Achieving an Efficient Outcome
  324. Economics in the News: Developing a Vaccine
  325. Worked Problem
  326. Summary
  327. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  328. Additional Problems and Applications
  329. Part Five: Understanding Market Failure and Government
  330. Talking with Caroline M. Hoxby*
  331. Chapter 17: Markets for Factors of Production
  332. Introduction: Markets for Factors of Production
  333. The Anatomy of Factor Markets
  334. The Demand for a Factor of Production
  335. A Firm’s Demand for Labour Curve
  336. Changes in a Firm’s Demand for Labour
  337. Labour Markets
  338. A Competitive Labour Market
  339. Differences and Trends in Wage Rates
  340. A Labour Market with a Union
  341. Capital and Natural Resource Markets
  342. Capital Rental Markets
  343. Land Rental Markets
  344. Nonrenewable Natural Resource Markets
  345. Economics in the News: The Gig and Sharing Economy
  346. Mathematical Note: Present Value and Discounting
  347. Worked Problem
  348. Summary
  349. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  350. Additional Problems and Applications
  351. Chapter 18: Economic Inequality
  352. Introduction: Economic Inequality
  353. Measuring Economic Inequality
  354. The Income Lorenz Curve
  355. The Distribution of Wealth
  356. Annual or Lifetime Income and Wealth?
  357. Trends in Inequality
  358. Poverty
  359. Inequality in the World Economy
  360. Global Inequality and Its Trends
  361. The Sources of Economic Inequality
  362. Discrimination
  363. Contests Among Superstars
  364. Unequal Wealth
  365. Income Redistribution
  366. The Big Tradeoff
  367. Economics in the News: The Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Inequality
  368. Worked Problem
  369. Summary
  370. Study Plan Problems and Applications
  371. Additional Problems and Applications
  372. Part Six: Understanding Factor Markets and Inequality
  373. Talking With Raj Chetty*
  374. Glossary
  375. Credits
  376. List of Boxes

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