Modern Principles Microeconomics 3rd Edition Cowen Solutions Manual
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1429278390
- ISBN-13 : 978-1429278393
- Authors: Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok
Engaging and provocative writing, as well as a knack for revealing the ‘invisible hand’ of economics at work have made Cowen and Tabarrok’s Modern Principles of Economics a singularly distinctive and effective textbook for the principles course.
Table of contents:
1. The Big Ideas
2. The Power of Trade and Comparative Advantage
Supply and Demand
3. Supply and Demand
4. Equilibrium: How Supply and Demand Determine Prices
5. Elasticity and its Applications
Appendix: Other Types of Elasticities
Appendix: Elasticities with Excel
6. Taxes and Subsidies
The Price System
7. The Price System: Signals, Speculation and Prediction
8. Price Ceilings and Price Floors
9. International Trade
10. Externalities: When Prices Send the Wrong Signals
Firms and Factor Markets
11. Costs
Appendix: Using Excel to Graph Cost Curves
12. Competition and the Invisible Hand
13. Monopoly
14. Price Discrimination
Appendix: Solving Price Discrimination Problems with Excel
15. Cartels, Oligopolies, and Monopolistic Competition
16. The Economics of Network Goods: Competing for Monopoly
17. Labor Markets
18. Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons
Appendix: The Tragedy of the Commons: How Fast?
19. Political Economy and Public Choice
20. Economics, Ethics and Public Policy
Decision Making for Businesses, Investors, and Consumers
21. Managing Incentives
22. Stock Markets and Personal Finance
23. Consumer Choice
Economic Growth
24. GDP and The Measurement of Progress
25. The Wealth of Nations and Economic Growth
Appendix: The Magic of Compound Growth: Using a Spreadsheet
26. Growth, Capital Accumulation and the Economics of Ideas: Catching Up vs. The Cutting Edge
Appendix: Excellent Growth
27. Savings, Investment, and the Financial System
Appendix: Bond Pricing and Arbitrage
Business Fluctuations
28. Unemployment and Labor Force Participation
29. Inflation and the Quantity Theory of Money
Appendix: Get Real! An Excellent Adventure
30. Business Fluctuations: Aggregate Demand and Supply
31. Transmission and Amplification Mechanisms
Appendix: Business Fluctuations and the Solow Model
Macroeconomic Policy and Institutions
32. The Federal Reserve System and Open Market Operations
Appendix: The Money Multiplier Process in Detail
33. Monetary Policy
34. The Federal Budget: Taxes and Spending
35. Fiscal Policy
International Economics
36. International Finance
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