Moral Issues in Business 12th Edition Shaw Test Bank

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Moral Issues in Business 12th Edition Shaw Test Bank.

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Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1111837422
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1111837426
  • Author: William H. Shaw (Author), Vincent Barry (Author)

MORAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS is one of the most widely adopted business ethics texts in the field The prose guides readers in thinking deeply about important moral issues that frequently arise in business situations and helps them develop the reasoning and analytical skills to resolve those issues. Combining insightful and accessible textbook chapters by the authors, cases that highlight the real-world importance of key ethical concepts, and reading selections from the most influential voices in contemporary ethical debates, this book provides a comprehensive, flexible, and pedagogically proven course of study exploring the intersections of commerce and ethics. William H. Shaw and Vincent Barry offer a uniquely thorough and practical guide to the nature of morality, individual integrity and responsibility, economic justice, concepts of capitalism, and the role of corporations in our society (including their responsibilities to consumers and to the environment), and the real-life moral issues that arise in the workplace.

Table of contents:


1. The Nature of Morality. Ethics. Moral versus Nonmoral Standards. Religion and Morality. Ethical Relativism. Having Moral Principles. Morality and Personal Values. Individual Integrity and Responsibility. Moral Reasoning. Study Corner. Case 1.1 Made in the U.S.A.–Dumped in Brazil, Africa, Iraq. Case 1.2 Just Drop Off the Key, Lee. Case 1.3 The A7D Affair. Readings. Robert C. Solomon, ‘It’s Good Business’. David Luban, Alan Strudler, and David Wasserman, ‘Moral Responsibility in the Age of Bureaucracy’. 2. Normative Theories of Ethics. Consequentialist and Nonconsequentialist Theories . Egoism. Utilitarianism. Kant’s Ethics. Other Nonconsequentialist Perspectives. Utilitarianism Once More. Moral Decision Making: A Practical Approach. Study Corner. Case 2.1 Hacking into Harvard. Case 2.2 The Ford Pinto. Case 2.3 Blood for Sale. Readings. R. M. Hare, ‘One Philosopher’s Approach to Business Ethics’ . Ronald M. Green, ‘When Is ‘Everybody’s Doing It’ a Moral Justification?’ 3. Justice and Economic Distribution. The Nature of Justice. The Utilitarian View. The Libertarian Approach. Rawls’s Theory of Justice. Study Corner. Case 3.1 Eminent Domain. Case 3.2 Battling over Bottled Water. Case 3.3 Poverty in America. Readings. John Isbister, ‘Income Distribution’. D. W. Haslett, ‘Is Inheritance Justified?’ Part II: AMERICAN BUSINESS AND ITS BASIS. 4. The Nature of Capitalism. Capitalism. Key Features of Capitalism. Two Arguments for Capitalism. Criticisms of Capitalism. Today’s Economic Challenges. Study Corner. Case 4.1 Catastrophe in Bangladesh. Case 4.2 Licensing and Laissez Faire. Case 4.3 One Nation under Walmart. Case 4.4 A New Work Ethic? Case 4.5 Casino Gambling on Wall Street. Case 4.6 Paying College Athletes. Readings. Herman E. Daly, ‘Globalization and Its Discontents’. John Orlando, ‘The Ethics of Corporate Downsizing’. E. F. Schumacher, ‘Buddhist Economics’. 5. Corporations. The Limited-Liability Company. Corporate Moral Agency. Rival Views of Corporate. Responsibility. Debating Corporate Responsibility. Institutionalizing Ethics within Corporations. Study Corner. Case 5.1 Yahoo in China. Case 5.2 Drug Dilemmas. Case 5.3 Free Speech or False Advertising? Case 5.4 Corporations and Religious Faith. Case 5.5 Charity to Scouts? Case 5.6 Corporate Taxation. Readings. Lynn A. Stout, ‘The Toxic Side Effects of Shareholder Primacy’. John Mackey, Milton Friedman, and T. J. Rodgers, ‘A Debate on the Social Responsibility of Business’. Paul F. Camenisch, ‘Business Ethics, On Getting to the Heart of the Matter’. Richard T. De George, ‘Ethical Dilemmas for Multinational Enterprise, A Philosophical Overview’. Part III: BUSINESS AND SOCIETY. 6. Consumers. Product Safety. Other Areas of Business Responsibility. Deception and Unfairness in Advertising. The Debate over Advertising. Study Corner. Case 6.1 Breast Implants. Case 6.2 Hot Coffee at McDonald’s. Case 6.3 Sniffing Glue Could Snuff Profits. Case 6.4 Closing the Deal. Case 6.5 The Rise and Fall of Four Loko. Readings. Thomas L. Carson, ‘The Ethics of Sales’. Michael J. Phillips, ‘The Inconclusive Ethical Case against Manipulative Advertising’. Juliet B. Schor, ‘Why Do We Consume So Much?’ 7. The Environment. Business and Ecology. The Ethics of Environmental Protection. Achieving Our Environmental Goals. Delving Deeper into Environmental Ethics. Study Corner. Case 7.1 Hazardous Homes in Herculaneum. Case 7.2 Poverty and Pollution. Case 7.3 The Fordasaurus. Case 7.4 The Fight over the Redwoods. Case 7.5 Palm Oil and Its Problems. Readings. Peter Singer, ‘The Place of Nonhumans in Environmental Issues’. W. Michael Hoffman, ‘Business and Environmental Ethics’ . Part IV: THE ORGANIZATION AND THE PEOPLE IN IT 8. The Workplace (1) Basic Issues. Civil Liberties in the Workplace. Promotions. Discipline and Discharge. Wages. Labor Unions. Study Corner. Case 8.1 AIDS in the Workplace. Case

8.2 Web Porn at Work. Case 8.3 Speaking Out about Malt. Case

8.4 Have Gun, Will Travel . . . to Work.

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