Nutrition for Healthy Living 4th Edition Schiff Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0078021383
- ISBN-13 : 978-0078021381
- Author: Wendy J. Schiff
Completely revised, up-to-date, and redesigned, the fourth edition of Nutrition for Healthy Living takes an innovative approach to introductory nutrition for non-science majors. With its unique, concise organization and a distinct focus on consumerism, this engaging, fun-to-read text provides students with the scientific foundation needed to make informed nutritional decisions well beyond the classroom.
Table of Content:
1 Food Is More Than Something to Eat
2 Nutrition Information: Fact or Fiction?
3 Making More Nutritious Choices
4 How Food Becomes You
5 Carbohydrates: Fuel and Fiber
6 Lipids: Focusing on Fats and Cholesterol
7 Proteins: Life’s Building Blocks
8 Vitamins: Nutrients That Multitask
9 Key Minerals, Water, and the Nonnutrient Alcohol
10 Nutrition for a Healthy Weight and Fit Body
11 Nutrition for Your Life, Environment, and World
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