Operations Management Contemporary Concepts and Cases 5th Edition Schroeder Test Bank
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Operations Management Contemporary Concepts and Cases 5th Edition Schroeder Test Bank.
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Operations Management Contemporary Concepts and Cases 5th Edition Schroeder Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0073403385
- ISBN-13 : 978-0073403380
- Author: Donaldson Chair
Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases, is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective, appealing to non-majors and practical for use in an MBA level course in operations management. The size and price of the book also make the text attractive for the cross-functional curriculum where students are required to purchase more than one text. The cases offer variety in length and rigor; and several are from Harvard and Darden. This mix makes the book appropriate for both undergraduates and MBA students.
Table contents:
About the Author Preface
PART ONE Introduction Chapter 1The Operations Function Chapter 2Operations and Supply Chain Strategy Chapter 3Product Design
PART TWO Process Design Chapter 4Process Selection Chapter 5Service Process Design Chapter 6Process-Flow Analysis Chapter 7Lean Thinking and Lean Systems
PART THREE Quality Chapter 8Managing Quality Chapter 9Quality Control and Improvement
PART FOUR Capacity and Scheduling Chapter 10Supply Chain Management Chapter 11ForecastingSupplement: Advanced Methods Chapter 12Capacity Planning Supplement: Mathematical Models Chapter 13Scheduling Operations Chapter 14Project Planning and Scheduling
PART FIVE Inventory Chapter 15Independent-Demand Inventory Supplement: Advanced Models Chapter 16Materials Requirements Planning and ERP
PART SIX Case StudiesIntroduction Shipper Manufacturing Company Table
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