Organizational Behavior Arab World Edition 1st Edition Robbins Test Bank

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Organizational Behavior Arab World Edition 1st Edition Robbins Test Bank.

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Organizational Behavior Arab World Edition 1st Edition Robbins Test Bank

Product details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1408259656
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1408259658
  • Author: Stephen P. Robbins; Timothy A. Judge; ELHAM S. HASHAM

Providing both undergraduate and postgraduate students with the research and information they need to succeed in their organizational behaviour studies, this text has also been adapted to meet the specific learning needs of students in the Arab region. This text covers key aspects of the discipline in a language, style and methodology readers can engage with, and includes references to well known Arab companies and local case studies so students can better relate to the book’s theory

Table contents:

  1. 1 Introduction
  2. 1 What Is Organizational Behavior?
  3. The Importance of Interpersonal Skills
  4. What Managers Do
  5. Management Functions
  6. Management Roles
  7. Management Skills
  8. Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities
  9. A Review of the Manager’s Job
  10. This Is Organizational Behavior
  11. Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study
  12. Disciplines That Contribute to OB
  13. Psychology
  14. Social Psychology
  15. Sociology
  16. Anthropology
  17. There Are Few Absolutes in OB
  18. Challenges and Opportunities for OB
  19. The Significance of Globalization
  20. Managing Workforce Diversity
  21. Improving Quality and Productivity
  22. Improving Customer Service
  23. Improving People Skills
  24. Stimulating Innovation and Change
  25. Helping Employees Balance Work–Life Conflicts
  26. Creating a Positive Work Environment
  27. Improving Ethical Behavior
  28. Developing an OB Model
  29. An Overview
  30. The Dependent Variables
  31. The Independent Variables
  32. Toward a Contingency OB Model
  33. Global Implications
  34. Summary and Implications for Managers
  35. Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior?
  36. OB in the News Other Disciplines Make Use of OB Concepts
  37. International OB Organizational Citizenship at Byblos Bank
  38. Point/Counterpoint In Search of the Quick Fix
  39. Questions for Review
  40. Discussion Exercise A Day in the Life of Hussam
  41. Ethical Considerations
  42. Critical Analysis Equal Opportunity at Crepaway
  43. Research Exercise
  44. 2 The Individual
  45. 2 Foundations of Individual Behavior: Personality and Values
  46. Ability
  47. Intellectual Abilities
  48. Physical Abilities
  49. Biographical Characteristics
  50. Age
  51. Gender
  52. Race
  53. Tenure
  54. Learning
  55. A Definition of Learning
  56. Theories of Learning
  57. Shaping: A Managerial Tool
  58. Personality
  59. What Is Personality?
  60. Measuring Personality
  61. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  62. The Big Five Personality Model
  63. Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB
  64. Values
  65. The Importance of Values
  66. The Relationship Between an Individual’s Personality and the Workplace
  67. Person–Job Fit
  68. Person–Organization Fit
  69. Linking Cultures and Behavior
  70. Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures
  71. The GLOBE Framework for Assessing Cultures
  72. Global Implications
  73. Intellectual Abilities
  74. Biographical Characteristics
  75. Learning
  76. Personality
  77. Values
  78. Summary and Implications for Managers
  79. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Attitude Toward Achievement?
  80. International OB Cultural Intelligence Is Necessary
  81. OB in the News Whatever Men Can Do, Women Can Also Do
  82. Self-Assessment Library How Good Am I at Disciplining Others?
  83. Point/Counterpoint All Human Behavior is Learned
  84. Questions for Review
  85. Discussion Exercise
  86. Ethical Considerations
  87. Critical Analysis Qatar: A Country with a Vision
  88. Research Exercise
  89. 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
  90. Attitudes
  91. What Are the Main Components of Attitudes?
  92. Is There a Relationship Between Behavior and Attitudes?
  93. What Are the Major Job Attitudes?
  94. Job Satisfaction
  95. Measuring Job Satisfaction
  96. How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs?
  97. What Causes Job Satisfaction?
  98. The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on the Workplace
  99. Global Implications
  100. Is Job Satisfaction Specific to Cultures?
  101. Are Employees in Western Cultures More Satisfied with Their Jobs Than Those in the East?
  102. Summary and Implications for Managers
  103. Self-Assessment Library How Satisfied Am I With My Job?
  104. International OB Organizational Commitment at Aramex
  105. Self-Assessment Library Am I Engaged?
  106. OB in the News Job Satisfaction: Does It Differ Across Cultures?
  107. Point/Counterpoint Managers Can Create Satisfied Employees
  108. Questions for Review
  109. Discussion Exercise
  110. Ethical Considerations
  111. Critical Analysis Job Satisfaction in the UAE
  112. Research Exercise
  113. 4 Perception and Individual Decision Making
  114. What Is Perception?
  115. Factors That Influence Perception
  116. Person Perception: Making Judgments About Others
  117. Attribution Theory
  118. Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging Others
  119. Specific Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations
  120. The Link Between Perception and Individual Decision Making
  121. Decision Making in Organizations
  122. The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition
  123. Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making
  124. Influences on Decision Making: Individual Differences and Organizational Constraints
  125. Individual Differences
  126. Organizational Constraints
  127. What About Ethics in Decision Making?
  128. Three Ethical Decision Criteria
  129. Improving Creativity in Decision Making
  130. Global Implications
  131. Summary and Implications for Managers
  132. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Attitude Toward Older People?
  133. International OB How Culture Influences Decision Making
  134. Self-Assessment Library Am I a Deliberate Decision Maker?
  135. OB in the News inJAz Bahrain’s Business Ethics Program
  136. Self-Assessment Library How Creative Am I?
  137. Point/Counterpoint When In Doubt, Do!
  138. Questions for Review
  139. Discussion Exercise
  140. Ethical Considerations
  141. Critical Analysis Decision Making Processes at Steel Inc
  142. Research Exercise
  143. 5 Motivation: Concepts and Applications
  144. Defining Motivation
  145. Early Theories of Motivation
  146. Hierarchy of Needs Theory
  147. Theory X and Theory Y
  148. Two-Factor Theory
  149. McClelland’s Theory of Needs
  150. Contemporary Theories of Motivation
  151. Cognitive Evaluation Theory
  152. Goal-Setting Theory
  153. Self-Efficacy Theory
  154. Reinforcement Theory
  155. Equity Theory
  156. Expectancy Theory
  157. Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model
  158. The Job Characteristics Model
  159. How Can Jobs Be Redesigned?
  160. Alternative Work Arrangements
  161. Employee Involvement
  162. Examples of Employee Involvement Programs
  163. Linking Employee Involvement Programs and Motivation Theories
  164. Using Rewards to Motivate Employees
  165. What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure
  166. How to Pay: Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs
  167. Flexible Benefits: Developing a Benefits Package
  168. Intrinsic Rewards: Employee Recognition Programs
  169. Global Implications
  170. Summary and Implications for Managers
  171. Self-Assessment Library How Confident Am I in My Abilities to Succeed?
  172. International OB Motivation and Culture: What’s the Relationship?
  173. Self-Assessment Library What Are My Course Performance Goals?
  174. OB in the News What Motivates Employees?
  175. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Job’s Motivating Potential?
  176. Point/Counterpoint Praise Motivates
  177. Questions for Review
  178. Discussion Exercise
  179. Ethical Considerations
  180. Critical Analysis Reducing Travel Costs at Applebee’s
  181. Research Exercise
  182. 6 Emotions and Moods
  183. What Are Emotions and Moods?
  184. The Basic Emotions
  185. The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect
  186. The Function of Emotions
  187. Sources of Emotions and Moods
  188. Emotional Labor
  189. Affective Events Theory
  190. Emotional Intelligence
  191. The Case for EI
  192. The Case Against EI
  193. OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
  194. Selection
  195. Decision Making
  196. Creativity
  197. Motivation
  198. Leadership
  199. Negotiation
  200. Customer Service
  201. Job Attitudes
  202. Deviant Workplace Behaviors
  203. How Managers Can Influence Moods
  204. Global Implications
  205. Does the Degree to Which People Experience Emotions Vary Across Cultures?
  206. Do Peoples’ Interpretations of Emotions Vary Across Cultures?
  207. Do the Norms for the Expression of Emotions Differ Across Cultures?
  208. Summary and Implications for Managers
  209. Self-Assessment Library How Are You Feeling Right Now?
  210. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Affect Intensity?
  211. International OB Emotional Recognition: Universal or Culture Specific?
  212. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Emotional Intelligence Score?
  213. OB in the News Crying at Work Gains Acceptance
  214. Point/Counterpoint The Costs and Benefits of Organizational Display Rules
  215. Questions for Review
  216. Discussion Exercise
  217. Ethical Considerations
  218. Critical Analysis Happiness: Just an Emotion!
  219. Research Exercise
  220. 3 The Group
  221. 7 Foundations of Group Behavior
  222. Defining and Classifying Groups
  223. Stages of Group Development
  224. The Five-Stage Model
  225. An Alternative Model for Temporary Groups with Deadlines
  226. Group Properties: Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness
  227. Group Property 1: Roles
  228. Group Properties 2 and 3: Norms and Status
  229. Group Property 4: Size
  230. Group Property 5: Cohesiveness
  231. Group Decision Making
  232. Groups versus the Individual
  233. Groupthink and Groupshift
  234. Group Decision Making Techniques
  235. Global Implications
  236. Summary and Implications for Managers
  237. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Attitude Toward Working in Groups?
  238. Self-Assessment Library Do I Trust Others?
  239. International OB Group Cohesiveness Across Cultures
  240. OB in the News Groupthink for an Enron Jury?
  241. Point/Counterpoint Are Groups the Best Design?
  242. Questions for Review
  243. Discussion Exercise
  244. Ethical Considerations
  245. Critical Analysis If Two Heads Are Better than One, Are Four Even Better?
  246. Research Exercise
  247. 8 Understanding Work Teams
  248. Why Have Teams Become So Popular?
  249. Differences between Groups and Teams
  250. Types of Teams
  251. Problem-Solving Teams
  252. Self-Managed Work Teams
  253. Cross-Functional Teams
  254. Virtual Teams
  255. Creating Effective Teams
  256. Context: What Factors Determine whether Teams Are Successful
  257. Team Composition
  258. Work Design
  259. Team Processes
  260. Turning Individuals into Team Players
  261. Beware! Teams Aren’t Always the Answer
  262. Global Implications
  263. Summary and Implications for Managers
  264. Self-Assessment Library How Good Am I at Building and Leading a Team?
  265. International OB Global Virtual Teams
  266. OB in the News Surgical Teams Lack Teamwork
  267. Self-Assessment Library What Is My Team Efficacy?
  268. Point/Counterpoint Sports Teams Are Good Models for Workplace Teams
  269. Questions for Review
  270. Discussion Exercise
  271. Ethical Considerations
  272. Critical Analysis Team Effectiveness in Egypt
  273. Research Exercise
  274. 9 Communication
  275. Functions of Communication
  276. The Communication Process
  277. Direction of Communication
  278. Downward Communication
  279. Upward Communication
  280. Lateral Communication
  281. Interpersonal Communication
  282. Oral Communication
  283. Written Communication
  284. Nonverbal Communication
  285. Organizational Communication
  286. Formal Small-Group Networks
  287. The Grapevine
  288. Electronic Communications
  289. Knowledge Management
  290. Choice of Communication Channel
  291. Barriers to Effective Communication
  292. Filtering
  293. Selective Perception
  294. Information Overload
  295. Emotions
  296. Language
  297. Communication Apprehension
  298. Gender Differences
  299. ‘Politically Correct’ Communication
  300. Global Implications
  301. Cultural Barriers
  302. Cultural Context
  303. A Cultural Guide
  304. Summary and Implications for Managers
  305. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Face-to-Face Communication Style?
  306. International OB Cultural Differences in Oral Communication
  307. OB in the News Communication in the Arab World
  308. International OB Lost in Translation?
  309. Self-Assessment Library How Good Are My Listening Skills?
  310. Point/Counterpoint Keep It a Secret
  311. Questions for Review
  312. Discussion Exercise
  313. Ethical Considerations
  314. Critical Analysis The Limitations of Electronic Communication
  315. Research Exercise
  316. 10 Leadership
  317. What Is Leadership?
  318. Trait Theories
  319. Behavioral Theories
  320. Ohio State Studies
  321. University of Michigan Studies
  322. Summary of Trait Theories and Behavioral Theories
  323. Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory
  324. Fiedler Model
  325. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory
  326. Path-Goal Theory
  327. Path-Goal Variables and Predictions
  328. Summary of Contingency Theories
  329. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
  330. Decision Theory: Vroom and Yetton’s Leader-Participation Model
  331. Inspirational Approaches to Leadership
  332. Charismatic Leadership
  333. Transformational Leadership
  334. Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust Are the Foundation of Leadership
  335. What Is Authentic Leadership?
  336. Ethics in Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility
  337. What Is Trust?
  338. Trust and Leadership
  339. Three Types of Trust
  340. Basic Principles of Trust
  341. Contemporary Leadership Roles
  342. Mentoring
  343. Self-Leadership
  344. Online Leadership
  345. Challenges to the Leadership Construct
  346. Leadership as an Attribution
  347. Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership
  348. Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
  349. Selecting Leaders
  350. Training Leaders
  351. Global Implications
  352. Summary and Implications for Managers
  353. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Leadership Style?
  354. OB in the News Riding the Waves Requires Leadership Skill!
  355. Self-Assessment Library What Is My LPC Score?
  356. Self-Assessment Library How Charismatic Am I?
  357. Self-Assessment Library Am I an Ethical Leader?
  358. International OB Cultural Variation in Charismatic Attributions
  359. Point/Counterpoint Leaders Are Born, Not Made
  360. Questions for Review
  361. Discussion Exercise
  362. Ethical Considerations
  363. Critical Analysis Cultural Variation in Charismatic Attributions
  364. Research Exercise
  365. 11 Power and Politics
  366. A Definition of Power
  367. Contrasting Leadership and Power
  368. Bases of Power
  369. Formal Power
  370. Personal Power
  371. Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective?
  372. Dependency: The Key to Power
  373. What Creates Dependency?
  374. Power Tactics
  375. Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace
  376. Politics: Power in Action
  377. Definition of Organizational Politics
  378. The Reality of Politics
  379. Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior
  380. Factors Contributing to Political Behavior
  381. How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics?
  382. Impression Management
  383. The Ethics of Behaving Politically
  384. Global Implications
  385. Politics Perceptions
  386. Preference for Power Tactics
  387. Effectiveness of Power Tactics
  388. Summary and Implications for Managers
  389. Self-Assessment Library Is My Workplace Political?
  390. International OB Influence Tactics in China
  391. Self-Assessment Library How Good Am I at Playing Politics?
  392. OB in the News Excuses Are Everywhere
  393. Point/Counterpoint Managing Impressions Is Unethical
  394. Questions for Review
  395. Discussion Exercise
  396. Ethical Considerations
  397. Critical Analysis The Politics of Backstabbing
  398. Research Exercise
  399. 12 Conflict and Negotiation
  400. A Definition of Conflict
  401. Transitions in Conflict Thought
  402. The Traditional View of Conflict
  403. The Human Relations View of Conflict
  404. The Interactionist View of Conflict
  405. The Conflict Process
  406. Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility
  407. Stage II: Cognition and Personalization
  408. Stage III: Intentions
  409. Stage IV: Behavior
  410. Stage V: Outcomes
  411. Negotiation
  412. Bargaining Strategies
  413. The Negotiation Process
  414. Individual Differences in Negotiation Effectiveness
  415. Third-Party Negotiations
  416. Global Implications
  417. Conflict and Culture
  418. Cultural Differences in Negotiations
  419. Summary and Implications for Managers
  420. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Preferred Conflict-Handling Style?
  421. Self-Assessment Library What’s My Negotiating Style?
  422. International OB Negotiating Across Cultures
  423. OB in the News ‘Marriage Counseling’ for the Top Bosses
  424. Point/Counterpoint Conflict Benefits Organizations
  425. Questions for Review
  426. Discussion Exercise
  427. Ethical Considerations
  428. Critical Analysis Etisalat-Zain Deal Blocked
  429. Research Exercise
  430. 4 The Organization System
  431. 13 Foundations of Organizational Structure
  432. What Is Organizational Structure?
  433. Work Specialization
  434. Departmentalization
  435. Chain of Command
  436. Span of Control
  437. Centralization and Decentralization
  438. Formalization
  439. Common Organizational Designs
  440. The Simple Structure
  441. The Bureaucracy
  442. The Matrix Structure
  443. New Design Options
  444. The Virtual Organization
  445. The Boundaryless Organization
  446. Why Do Structures Differ?
  447. Strategy
  448. Organization Size
  449. Technology
  450. Environment
  451. Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior
  452. Global Implications
  453. Summary and Implications for Managers
  454. Self-Assessment Library Do I Like Bureaucracy?
  455. Self-Assessment Library How Willing Am I to Delegate?
  456. OB in the News Siemens Simple Structure—Not
  457. International OB Structural Considerations in Multinationals
  458. Point/Counterpoint Downsizing Improves Organizational Performance
  459. Questions for Review
  460. Discussion Exercise
  461. Ethical Considerations
  462. Critical Analysis Organizational Structure at Food & Co
  463. Research Exercise
  464. 14 Organizational Culture
  465. Institutionalization: A Forerunner of Culture
  466. What Is Organizational Culture?
  467. A Definition of Organizational Culture
  468. Culture Is a Descriptive Term
  469. Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?
  470. Strong versus Weak Cultures
  471. Culture versus Formalization
  472. What Do Cultures Do?
  473. Culture’s Functions
  474. Culture as a Liability
  475. Creating and Sustaining Culture
  476. How a Culture Begins
  477. Keeping a Culture Alive
  478. Summary: How Cultures Form
  479. How Employees Learn Culture
  480. Stories
  481. Rituals
  482. Material Symbols
  483. Language
  484. Creating an Ethical Organizational Culture
  485. Creating a Positive Organizational Culture
  486. Spirituality and Organizational Culture
  487. What Is Spirituality?
  488. Why Spirituality Now?
  489. Characteristics of a Spiritual Organization
  490. Criticisms of Spirituality
  491. Global Implications
  492. Summary and Implications for Managers
  493. Self-Assessment Library What’s the Right Organizational Culture for Me?
  494. International OB Managing Across Organizational Boundaries
  495. OB in the News Change Jobs, and You May Be in for a Culture Shock
  496. Self-Assessment Library How Spiritual Am I?
  497. Point/Counterpoint Organizational Cultures Can’t Be Changed
  498. Questions for Review
  499. Discussion Exercise
  500. Ethical Considerations
  501. Critical Analysis Ghosn Turns Nissan Around
  502. Research Exercise
  503. 15 Human Resource Policies and Practices in the Arab World
  504. Human Resource Management Societies
  505. The Recruitment Process
  506. Selection Practices
  507. How the Selection Process Works
  508. Initial Selection
  509. Substantive Selection
  510. Contingent Selection
  511. Training and Development Programs
  512. Types of Training
  513. Training Methods
  514. Individualizing Formal Training to Fit the Employee’s Learning Style
  515. Evaluating Effectiveness of Training Programs
  516. Performance Evaluation
  517. Purposes of Performance Evaluation
  518. What Do We Evaluate?
  519. Who Should Do the Evaluating?
  520. Methods of Performance Evaluation
  521. Providing Performance Feedback
  522. Suggestions for Improving Performance Evaluations
  523. Managing Diversity in Organizations
  524. Work–Life Conflicts
  525. Diversity Training
  526. Global Implications
  527. Selection
  528. Performance Evaluation
  529. Summary and Implications for Managers
  530. Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About HRM?
  531. International OB Cultural Training
  532. OB in the News Awareness of Human Capital From Within: ‘Project Emiratization’
  533. Self-Assessment Library How Good Am I at Giving Performance Feedback?
  534. Point/Counterpoint Telecommuting Makes Good Business Sense
  535. Questions for Review
  536. Discussion Exercise
  537. Ethical Considerations
  538. Critical Analysis So7i Wa Sari3
  539. Research Exercise
  540. 5 Organization Dynamics
  541. 16 Organizational Change and Stress Management
  542. Forces for Change
  543. Planned Change
  544. Resistance to change
  545. Overcoming Resistance to Change
  546. The Politics of Change
  547. Approaches to Managing Organizational Change
  548. Lewin’s Three-Step Model
  549. Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change
  550. Action Research
  551. Organizational Development
  552. Creating a Culture for Change
  553. Stimulating a Culture of Innovation
  554. Creating a Learning Organization
  555. Work Stress and Its Management
  556. What Is Stress?
  557. Potential Sources of Stress
  558. Individual Differences
  559. Emotional Intelligence and Stress
  560. Consequences of Stress
  561. Managing Stress
  562. Global Implications
  563. Summary and Implications for Managers
  564. Self-Assessment Library How Well Do I Respond to Turbulent Change?
  565. Self-Assessment Library How Stressful Is My Life?
  566. OB in the News The Ten Most Stressful Jobs—and One More That Didn’t Make the List
  567. International OB Coping with Stress: Cultural Differences
  568. Point/Counterpoint Managing Change is an Episodic Activity
  569. Questions for Review
  570. Discussion Exercise
  571. Ethical Considerations
  572. Critical Analysis Embracing Change Through Operational Leadership
  573. Research Exercise
  574. 17 Organizational Behavior in the Family Business
  575. What Is a Family Business?
  576. Definitions of the Family Business
  577. Statistics about the Family Business
  578. Planning the Family Business
  579. Organizational Structure of the Family Business
  580. The Characteristics of the Family Business
  581. Organizational Behavior in the Family Business
  582. Family Businesses Are Dominant in the Arab World
  583. The Family Business in the Arab World
  584. Advantages of the Family Business
  585. Disadvantages of the Family Business
  586. The Succession Plan
  587. How and When Should the Business Be Transferred?
  588. Family Business Continuity
  589. The Future of the Family Business
  590. Global Implications
  591. Summary and Implications for Managers
  592. Self-Assessment Library Am I Experiencing Work/Family Conflict?
  593. OB in the News The Family Business: The Foundation of Arab World Success
  594. International OB Globalization: The Direction of Arab Family Businesses
  595. Point/Counterpoint Is Structure Needed?
  596. Questions for Review
  597. Discussion Exercise
  598. Ethical Considerations
  599. Critical Analysis From London to Lebanon
  600. Research Exercise
  601. 6 Specifics in OB
  602. 18 Intercultural Management: The Significance to Organizational Behavior
  603. What Is Intercultural Management?
  604. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
  605. Hofstede’s Dimensions and the Arab World
  606. Managing Diversity
  607. What Do Intercultural Managers Do?
  608. Intercultural Managers’ Competencies
  609. Cultural Awareness Framework
  610. The Intercultural Manager as a Problem Solver
  611. The Intercultural Manager as a Negotiator
  612. The Significance of Communication for the Intercultural Manager
  613. High versus Low Culture Contexts
  614. How to Enhance Communication
  615. The Intercultural Manager as Global Manager
  616. Corporate Culture
  617. Foreign Labour
  618. Domains of International Business Practice
  619. Cross-Cultural Training
  620. Global Implications
  621. Summary and Implications for Managers
  622. Self-Assessment Library Am I Well-Suited for a Career as a Global Manager?
  623. OB in the News Yahoo! Talks Arabic; Maktoob Talks English!
  624. International OB Intercultural Action at Hillcrest!
  625. Point/Counterpoint “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”
  626. Questions for Review
  627. Discussion Exercise
  628. Ethical Considerations
  629. Critical Analysis What’s Trust Got to Do with It?
  630. Research Exercise
  631. 19 Female Entrepreneurs in the Arab World
  632. The Need for Women in the Workplace
  633. Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
  634. Growth of Women-Owned Businesses in the Arab World
  635. The Role of Women in Business
  636. The Female Entrepreneur in the Arab World
  637. Motivation
  638. Successful Female Entrepreneurs
  639. The Barriers for Women in the Arab World
  640. Low Income
  641. Glass Ceiling
  642. Gender Discrimination
  643. Time Shifts
  644. Nepotism
  645. Other Challenges
  646. How Do Males React to Successful Females?
  647. Stereotypes Can Be Broken: Time for Change
  648. Global Implications
  649. Summary and Implications for Managers
  650. Self-Assessment Library What Are My Gender Role Perceptions?
  651. International OB The World Supports the Middle Eastern Woman
  652. OB in the News Female Leaders in Business
  653. Point/Counterpoint Females Can Find a Balance
  654. Questions for Review
  655. Discussion Exercise
  656. Ethical Considerations
  657. Critical Analysis No Matter What, the Boardroom Is Still Off Limits to Females!
  658. Research Exercise
  659. Appendix A: Research in Organizational Behavior
  660. Comprehensive Cases
  661. Case 1 Being Lean, Not Mean
  662. Case 2 She Loves a Challenge!
  663. Case 3 A New Way to Change
  664. Case 4 What a Strange Man!
  665. Case 5 A Question of Motivation
  666. Case 6 The Big Promotion
  667. Credits
  668. Endnotes
  669. Glossary

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