Our Social World 4th Edition Ballantine Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 141299246X
- ISBN-13 : 978-1412992466
- Author:
The Fourth Edition of Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology is truly a coherent essay that inspires students to develop their sociological imaginations, to see the world and personal events from a new perspective, and to confront sociological issues on a day-to-day basis. This innovative and engaging text introduces the discipline of sociology to the contemporary student and provides an integrated, comprehensible framework from which to view the world. In each chapter, authors Jeanne H. Ballantine and Keith A. Roberts provide an organizing theme that is not exclusively tied to one theoretical paradigm to help students see relationships between topics. Our Social World, Fourth Edition presents the perspective of students living in the larger global world.
Table of contents:
Part I: Understanding Our Social World
Chapter 1: Sociology: A Unique Way to View the World
Chapter 2: Examining the Social World: How Do We Know What We Know?
Part II: Social Structure, Processes, and Control
Chapter 3: Society and Culture: Hardware and Software of Our Social World
Chapter 4: Socialization: Becoming Human and Humane
Chapter 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations: Connections That Work
Chapter 6: Deviance and Social Control: Sickos, Weirdos, Freaks, and Folks Like Us
Part III: Inequality
Chapter 7: Economic Inequality: Rich and Famous—Or Rags and Famine?
Chapter 8: Racial and Ethnic Inequality: Beyond “Us” and “Them”
Chapter 9: Gender Inequality: She/He/They—Who Goes First?
Part IV: Institutions
Chapter 10: Family: Partner Taking, People Making, and Contract Breaking
Chapter 11: Education: What Are We Learning?
Chapter 12: Religion: The Social Meaning of Sacred Meaning
Chapter 13: Health Care: An Anatomy of Health and Illness
Chapter 14: Politics and Economics: Probing Power, Dissecting Distribution
Part V: Social Dynamics
Chapter 15: Environmental Sociology: Population, Urbanization, and Climate Change
Chapter 16: Process of Change: We Can Make a Difference!
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