Pioneers of Psychology 5th Edition Fancher Test Bank
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Pioneers of Psychology 5th Edition Fancher Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0393283542
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393283549
- Author: Raymond E. Fancher, Alexandra Rutherford
- Introduction: Studying the history of psychology
- Foundational ideas from antiquity
- Pioneering philosophers of mind: Descartes, Locke, and Leibniz
- Physiologists of mind : brain scientists from Gall to Penfield
- The sensing and perceiving mind : from Kant through the Gestalt psychologists
- Wundt and the establishment of experimental psychology
- The evolving mind: Darwin and his psychological legacy
- Measuring the mind: Galton and individual differences
- American pioneers: James, Hall, Calkins, and Thorndike
- Psychology as the science of behavior: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner
- Social influence and social psychology : from Mesmer to Milgram and beyond
- Mind in conflict : Freudian psychoanalysis and its successors
- Psychology gets “personality”: Allport, Maslow and the broadening field
- The developing mind: Binet, Piaget, and the study of intelligence
- Minds, machines, and cognitive psychology
- Applying psychology: from the witness stand to the workplace
- The art and science of clinical psychology
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