Prealgebra 5th Edition Lial Test Bank
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Prealgebra 5th Edition Lial Test Bank
Product details:
- Paperback : 864 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0321845021
- ISBN-13 : 978-0321845023
- Author: Marge Lial
The Lial Series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics by providing the best learning and teaching support to students and instructors.
Table contents:
1 Introduction to Algebra: Integers
2. Understanding Variables and Solving Equations
3. Solving Application Problems
4. Rational Numbers: Positive and Negative Fractions
5. Rational Numbers: Positive and Negative Decimals
6. Ratio, Proportion, and Line/Angle/Triangle Relationships
7. Percent
8. Measurement
9. Graphs and Graphing
10. Exponents and Polynomials
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