Precalculus A Unit Circle Approach 3rd Edition Ratti Solutions Manual
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Precalculus A Unit Circle Approach 3rd Edition Ratti Solutions Manual.
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Precalculus A Unit Circle Approach 3rd Edition Ratti Solutions Manual
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0134433041
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134433042
- Author: Ratti J. S.; McWaters Marcus; Skrzypek Leslaw
As teachers, Ratti and McWaters saw firsthand where their Precalculus and Calculus students struggled, where they needed help making connections, and what material they needed to be successful in calculus. They decided to partner and write this text with the primary goal of preparing students to be successful in calculus and future STEM courses. Their experience in the classroom shows in each chapter. The focus on conceptual development, real-life applications, and extensive exercises, encourages a deeper understanding of the mathematics. Precalculus: A Unit Circle Approach, 3rd Edition, includes thorough coverage of topics as preparation for calculus, including; trig identities, difference quotient, functional composition, decomposition and emphasizes graphing techniques/transformations.
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Table contents:
1. Graphs and Functions
2. Polynomial and Rational Functions
3. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
4. Trigonometric Functions
5. Analytic Trigonometry
6. Applications of Trigonometric Functions
7. Systems of Equations and Inequalities
8. Analytic Geometry
9. Further Topics in Algebra
10. An Introduction to Calculus
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