Preface to Marketing Management 13th Edition Peter Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10 : 0078028841
- ISBN-13 : 978-0078028847
- Author:
Preface to Marketing Management, 13e, by Peter and Donnelly, is praised in the market for its organization, format, clarity, brevity and flexibility. The thirteenth edition serves as an overview for critical issues in marketing management. Its brief, inexpensive, paperback format makes it a perfect fit for instructors who assign cases, readings, simulations or offer modules on marketing management for MBA students. The text also works in courses that implement a cross-functional curriculum where the students are required to purchase several texts.
Table of Content:
SECTION I ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT 1 PART A INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 1 Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process 2 The Marketing Concept 2 What Is Marketing? 3 What Is Strategic Planning? 4 Strategic Planning and Marketing Management 5 The Strategic Planning Process 5 The Complete Strategic Plan 13 The Marketing Management Process 13 Situation Analysis 13 Marketing Planning 16 Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan 17 Marketing Information Systems and Marketing Research 18 The Strategic Plan, the Marketing Plan, and Other Functional Area Plans 18 Marketing?s Role in Cross-Functional Strategic Planning 18 Conclusion 19 Appendix Portfolio Models 21 PART B MARKETING INFORMATION, RESEARCH, AND UNDERSTANDING THE TARGET MARKET 25 Chapter 2 Marketing Research: Process and Systems for Decision Making 26 The Role of Marketing Research 26 The Marketing Research Process 27 Purpose of the Research 27 Plan of the Research 28 Performance of the Research 33 Processing of Research Data 33 Preparation of the Research Report 34 Limitations of the Research Process 34 Marketing Information Systems 36 Conclusion 37 Chapter 3 Consumer Behavior 38 Social Influences on Consumer Decision Making 39 Culture and Subculture 39 Social Class 40 Reference Groups and Families 41 Marketing Influences on Consumer Decision Making 41 Product Influences 41 Price Influences 41 Promotion Influences 42 Place Influences 42 Situational Influences on Consumer Decision Making 43 Psychological Influences on Consumer Decision Making 44 Product Knowledge 44 Product Involvement 44 Consumer Decision Making 44 Need Recognition 45 Alternative Search 46 Alternative Evaluation 47 Purchase Decision 48 Postpurchase Evaluation 48 Conclusion 50 Appendix Selected Consumer Behavior Data Sources 51 Chapter 4 Business, Government, and Institutional Buying 52 Categories of Organizational Buyers 52 Producers 52 Intermediaries 53 Government Agencies 53 Other Institutions 53 The Organizational Buying Process 53 Purchase-Type Influences on Organizational Buying 54 Straight Rebuy 54 Modified Rebuy 54 New Task Purchase 54 Structural Influences on Organizational Buying 55 Purchasing Roles 55 Organization-Specific Factors 56 Purchasing Policies and Procedures 56 Behavioral Influences on Organizational Buying 57 Personal Motivations 57 Role Perceptions 57 Stages in the Organizational Buying Process 60 Organizational Need 60 Vendor Analysis 60 Purchase Activities 60 Postpurchase Evaluation 61 Conclusion 62 Chapter 5 Market Segmentation 63 Delineate the Firm?s Current Situation 63 Determine Consumer Needs and Wants 64 Divide Markets on Relevant Dimensions 64 A Priori versus Post Hoc Segmentation 66 Relevance of Segmentation Dimensions 66 Bases for Segmentation 66 Develop Product Positioning 70 Decide Segmentation Strategy 72 Design Marketing Mix Strategy 74 Conclusion 74 PART C THE MARKETING MIX 77 Chapter 6 Product Strategy 78 Basic Issues in Product Management 78 Product Definition 78 Product Classification 79 Product Quality and Value 80 Product Mix and Product Line 81 Branding and Brand Equity 82 Packaging 86 Product Life Cycle 86 Product Adoption and Diffusion 88 The Product Audit 89 Deletions 89 Product Improvement 90 Organizing for Product Management 91 Conclusion 93 Chapter 7 New Product Planning and Development 94 New Product Strategy 95 New Product Planning and Development Process 98 Idea Generation 98 Idea Screening 99 Project Planning 100 Product Development 102 Test Marketing 102 Commercialization 102 The Importance of Time 103 Some Important New Product Decisions 104 Quality Level 104 Product Features 104 Product Design 105 Product Safety 105 Causes of New Product Failure 105 Need for Research 106 Conclusion 106 Chapter 8 Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Direct Marketing 108 Strategic Goals of Marketing Communication 108 Create Awareness 108 Build Positive Images 109 Identify Prospects 109 Build Channel Relationships 109 Retain Customers 109 The Promotion Mix 109 Integrated Marketing Communications 110 Advertising: Planning and Strategy 113 Objectives of Advertising 113 Advertising Decisions 114 The Expenditure Question 114 The Allocation Question 116 Sales Promotion 120 Push versus Pull Marketing 121 Trade Sales Promotions 122 Consumer Promotions 123 What Sales Promotion Can and Can?t Do 123 Public Relations 124 Direct Marketing 125 Conclusion 125 Appendix Major Federal Agencies Involved in Control of Advertising 127 Chapter 9 Personal Selling, Relationship Building, and Sales Management 128 Importance of Personal Selling 128 The Sales Process 129 Objectives of the Sales Force 129 The Sales Relationship-Building Process 130 People Who Support the Sales Force 136 Managing the Sales and Relationship-Building Process 136 The Sales Management Task 136 Controlling the Sales Force 138 Motivating and Compensating Performance 142 Conclusion 143 Chapter 10 Distribution Strategy 144 The Need for Marketing Intermediaries 144 Classification of Marketing Intermediaries and Functions 144 Channels of Distribution 146 Selecting Channels of Distribution 147 Specific Considerations 147 Managing a Channel of Distribution 150 Relationship Marketing in Channels 150 Vertical Marketing Systems 151 Wholesaling 153 Store and Nonstore Retailing 154 Store Retailing 155 Nonstore Retailing 155 Electronic Exchange 157 Conclusion 159 Chapter 11 Pricing Strategy 161 Demand Influences on Pricing Decisions 161 Demographic Factors 161 Psychological Factors 161 Price Elasticity 162 Supply Influences on Pricing Decisions 163 Pricing Objectives 163 Cost Considerations in Pricing 163 Product Considerations in Pricing 165 Environmental Influences on Pricing Decisions 166 Competition 166 Government Regulations 166 A General Pricing Model 167 Set Pricing Objectives 167 Evaluate Product-Price Relationships 167 Estimate Costs and Other Price Limitations 168 Analyze Profit Potential 169 Set Initial Price Structure 170 Change Price as Needed 170 Conclusion 170 Part D MARKETING IN SPECIAL FIELDS 171 Chapter 12 The Marketing of Services 172 Important Characteristics of Services 172 Intangibility 174 Inseparability 175 Perishability and Fluctuating Demand 176 Client Relationship 176 Customer Effort 178 Uniformity 178 Providing Quality Services 178 Customer Satisfaction Measurement 179 The Importance of Internal Marketing 180 Overcoming the Obstacles in Service Marketing 181 Limited View of Marketing 181 Limited Competition 182 Noncreative Management 182 No Obsolescence 183 The Service Challenge 183 Banking 183 Health Care 184 Insurance 184 Travel 185 Implications for Service Marketers 186 Conclusion 186 Chapter 13 Global Marketing 187 Organizing for Global Marketing 188 Problems with Entering Foreign Markets 188 Organizing the Multinational Company 191 Programming for Global Marketing 193 Global Marketing Research 193 Global Product Strategy 195 Global Distribution Strategy 196 Global Pricing Strategy 196 Global Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy 197 Entry and Growth Strategies for Global Marketing 199 Conclusion 201 SECTION II ANALYZING MARKETING PROBLEMS AND CASES 203 A Case Analysis Framework 204 1. Analyze and Record the Current Situation 205 2. Analyze and Record Problems and Their Core Elements 209 3. Formulate, Evaluate, and Record Alternative Courses of Action 210 4. Select and Record the Chosen Alternative and Implementation Details 210 Pitfalls to Avoid in Case Analysis 211 Communicating Case Analyses 212 The Written Report 213 The Oral Presentation 215 Conclusion 216 SECTION III FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR MARKETING DECISIONS 217 Financial Analysis 218 Break-Even Analysis 218 Net Present Value Analysis 220 Ratio Analysis 222 Conclusion 226 SECTION IV DEVELOPING MARKETING PLANS 227 A Marketing Plan Framework 228 Title Page 229 Executive Summary 229 Table of Contents 230 Introduction 230 Situational Analysis 230 Marketing Planning 230 Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan 232 Summary 234 Appendix?Financial Analysis 234 References 237 Conclusion 237 Chapter Notes 239 Index 246
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