Shelly Cashman Series Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 1st Edition Campbell Test Bank
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Shelly Cashman Series Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 1st Edition Campbell Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1337251658
- ISBN-13 : 978-1337251655
- Author: & 1 more
Now you can combine strong computer concepts from the best-selling DISCOVERING COMPUTERS with proven step-by-step instruction on Microsoft Office 2016 in one convenient book. DISCOVERING COMPUTERS & MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 & OFFICE 2016: A FUNDAMENTAL COMBINED APPROACH delivers the best of the acclaimed Shelly Cashman Series in a single resource. As part of the Series that has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students like you, this book encourages critical thought, personalization, and experimentation with the latest Microsoft Office 365 and Office2016 software. Updated and revised computer concepts content throughout this edition reflect the evolving needs of those learning computing today with an exclusive focus on the skills you need to be successful in college and beyond. Enhancements to the book and accompanying resources ensure DISCOVERING COMPUTERS & MICROSOFT OFFICE 2016 delivers today’s most effective introduction to Microsoft Office 2016.
Table of contents:
Front Matter. Productivity Apps for School and Work. DC Module
1: Introducing Today?s Technologies: Computers, Devices, and the Web. DC Module
2: Connecting And Communicating Online: The Internet, Websites, and Media. DC Module
3: Computers And Mobile Devices: Evaluating Options for Home and Work. DC Module
4: Programs And Apps: Productivity, Graphics, Security, and Other Tools. DC Module
5: Digital Security, Ethics, And Privacy: Threats, Issues, and Defenses. Office 2016 and Windows
10: Essential Concepts and Skills. Word
1: Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture. Word
2: Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources. Word
3: Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table. PPT
1: Creating and Editing a Presentation with Pictures. PPT
2: Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt. PPT
3: Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media and Animation. Excel
1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart. Excel
2: Formulas, Functions, and Formatting. Excel
3: Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis. Access
1: Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction. Access
2: Querying a Database. Index.