Social Work Policy Practice Changing Our Community Nation And The World 1st Edition Ritterr Test Bank

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Social Work Policy Practice Changing Our Community Nation And The World 1st Edition Ritterr Test Bank.

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Product Details:

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1516527372
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1516527373
  • Author:   Jessica Ritter

The second edition of Social Work Policy Practice: Changing Our Community, Nation, and the World demystifies policymaking for social work students and demonstrates why policy practice is a critical dimension of social work. The text provides a comprehensive introduction to political advocacy, the political process, and how laws are enacted to inspire social work students to enter the field with a mind for political advocacy and social justice.

The book is divided into three parts. In Part I, students learn a brief history of social welfare legislation in the United States and the role of social workers in policy development. Part II provides concrete information on how policies become law. It includes an overview of the levels and branches of government, in-depth descriptions of the policy change process, and various strategies advocates employ to enact change. Part III consists of real-world stories of advocates and advocacy organizations that have attempted to change policies on behalf of vulnerable populations.

This edition includes up-to-date information regarding policy issues in child welfare, aging, healthcare, mental health, poverty and income equality, rights for racial minorities, and immigration. New material addresses policy issues pertaining to gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and the #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter social movements.

Engaging and accessible, Social Work Policy Practice is an ideal resource for courses that introduce policymaking to students of social work.


Table of Content:

Found in this Section:

1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents






Chapter 1: Policy Practice: The Hidden Side of Social Work

Chapter 2: Evolution of Social Welfare Legislation in the U.S.

Chapter 3: The Role of ‘Values’ in the Political Arena


Part II

Chapter 4: Social Workers in Action: The Six Stages of the Policy Change Process

Chapter 5: When Wearing Buttons Isn’t Enough


Part III

Chapter 6: Health Care Policies and Programs

Chapter 7: Mental Health Advocacy Mental illness

Chapter 8: From Civil Rights to Immigrant Rights

Chapter 9: Child Welfare and Children’s Rights

Chapter 10: The Controversy over End-of-Life Policies

Chapter 11: Using the Judicial System to affect change


Part IV

Chapter 12: The Politics of Economics

Chapter 13: A look to the future






Chapter 1: Policy Practice: The Hidden Side of Social Work

Social work’s commitment to social justice

The debate between the micro changers and the macro changers

Has social work abandoned its mission of social justice?

Are social workers adequately prepared for policy work?

Is all social work political?

What exactly is policy practice?

Social welfare policy

Are social workers active enough politically?

Being the voice of the voiceless

Can all problems be solved with legislation?

Work settings for social workers engaged in policy practice

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Chapter 2: Evolution of Social Welfare Legislation in the U.S.

The Settlement House Movement (late 1800s)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR) New Deal

Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society and War on Poverty

The Rise of Conservatism and the Decline of Social Responsibility

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Chapter 3: The Role of ‘Values’ in the Political Arena

It’s all about values

American values

Political ideology

Why can’t liberals and conservatives get along?

Religion & politics


Think Tanks

Political Parties in the U.S.

The tea party movement

Occupy Wall Street

Are all social workers liberal?

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Part II

Chapter 4: Social Workers in Action: The Six Stages of the Policy Change Process

Who makes policy in the U.S.?

Policy making settings in the U.S.

Civics 101: Levels and branches of government

The Federal government

State government

Local government

Six stages of the policy change process

Problem definition stage

Agenda setting

Policy formulation

Passage of the policy

Policy implementation

Evaluating the policy change

Final Thoughts

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Chapter 5: When Wearing Buttons Isn’t Enough

Opportunities for Social Work Students

Volunteering your time

Join an Organization

Influencing Legislation


How Do I Find the Time to Volunteer?

Career options in the political arena

Executive Director of an Advocacy Organization

Policy Staff (related titles: Policy Director/Policy Associate/Policy Analyst)

Public Affairs Director or Public Affairs Staff

Lobbyist (contract vs. on-staff)

Legislative Staff

Consider Running for Office

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Part III

Chapter 6: Health Care Policies and Programs

What is the problem?

Overview of major government funded healthcare programs in the U.S.

What is single-payer health care?

The mad as hell doctors tour

Heath insurance reform under President Obama

The conservative response to health care reform (“obamaCare”)

The patient protection and affordable care act

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Chapter 7: Mental Health Advocacy Mental illness

Timeline of mental health advocacy in the U.S.

Mental health parity

How the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici mental health parity and addiction equality act was passed into law

Phase i: first parity law in passed (small step forward)

Phase ii: stagnation due to political opposition from the Republican Party

Phase iii: true parity is finally achieved

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Chapter 8: From Civil Rights to Immigrant Rights

Laws and court cases outlawing discrimination


Illegal immigration

Advocates of comprehensive immigration reform

Opponents of comprehensive immigration reform

What now?

Arizona’s support our law enforcement and safe neighborhoods act (SB 1070)

What is the dream act?

Who supports the dream act?

Who opposes the dream act?

What strategies have been used to get it passed into law?

Papers, stories of undocumented youth (the movie)

What is the current status of the dream act?

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Chapter 9: Child Welfare and Children’s Rights

Child maltreatment in the U.S.

Child welfare legislation

What is the un convention on the rights of the child?

International human rights treaties

The controversy over the CRC in the United States

What is the problem that the CRC is addressing?

Poverty & Hunger

Child Abuse & Neglect

Infant mortality


Why has the U.S. failed to ratify the CRC?

The emergence of the campaign for the ratification of the CRC

What is the current status of the U.N. CRC in the U.S.?

Case example: social work students at pacific university Oregon. Think globally, act locally

State level child welfare advocacy efforts

Educational stability of foster youth

Supporting relative caregivers of children in foster care

Final Thoughts

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Chapter 10: The Controversy over End-of-Life Policies

Policies affecting older adults

The social security program

End-of-life policies

The death with dignity act

What was the impetus behind the death with dignity act?

What is the death with dignity act?

The controversy over the death with dignity act

How the death with dignity act became law

Oregon’s death with dignity act

Washington state’s death with dignity act

How the act was passed

I. A coalition is formed

II. Official campaign is launched

III. The Death with Dignity Act is certified for the ballot

IV. Money is raised

V. Allies lend their support and endorse the Campaign

VI. Media campaign & the importance of framing the issue

The opposition

Next steps for the death with dignity movement

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Chapter 11: Using the Judicial System to affect change

Social work & legal practice

Disability advocates versus the state of New York

The fight over marriage equality in California (proposition 8)

Children’s rights: working to reform the nation’s failing child welfare systems

NASW legal defense fund

Jaffee v Redmond (1996)

In re Matter of Adoption of X.X.G. and N.R.G.

Graham v. Florida (2010)

Kennedy v Louisiana (2008)

Overview of the U.S. judicial system

Federal judiciary

The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals

The Federal District Courts

State Supreme Courts, state appeals courts, state courts

The United States Supreme Court

State Supreme Courts

State Court of Appeals

State Trial Courts and Specialty Courts

Final thoughts

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Part IV

Chapter 12: The Politics of Economics

Political economy

Revenues (“taxes 101”)

Progressive versus regressive taxation

Taxes—who carries the burden?


Funding for federal programs

Why is the U.S. government in debt?

State budgets

American excpetionalism or welfare exceptionalism?

Policies that promote poverty reduction

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Chapter 13: A look to the future

Hot button political issues on the horizon of interest to social work


Older adults and aging

Equal rights for LGBT individuals

Returning veterans

Poverty & income inequality

The welfare of children

Reforming government so that it operates in the interest of the people

Getting government to invest in the social work profession

What are the biggest problems facing the social work profession?

Overview of the social work reinvestment act (SWRA)

What strategies have been used by the answer coalition to pass the SWRA?

What have been the biggest barriers to passage of the SWRA?

All social work is political

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