State and Local Government The Essentials 6th Edition Bowman Test Bank
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State and Local Government The Essentials 6th Edition Bowman Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1285737482
- ISBN-13 : 978-1285737485
- Author:
Bowman/Kearney’s STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE ESSENTIALS, SIXTH EDITION takes a positive look at state and local government, in a shorter and more streamlined approach than its full-length counterpart (State and Local Government 9781435462687). It espouses clearly and succinctly that government can be a force for good in society, while addressing critics simultaneously. Through engaging coverage of current events and an accessible writing style, the text fosters interest and involvement in state and local politics, policy, and public service.
Table of contents:
1. State and Local Government: New Directions.
2. Federalism and the States: Sorting Out Roles and Responsibilities.
3. State Constitutions: The Fundamental Rules of State Government.
4. Citizen Participation and Elections: Engaging the Public in Government.
5. Political Parties, Interest Groups and Campaigns: Influencing Public Policy.
6. State Legislatures: The People’s Representatives.
7. Governors: Power, Politics and Executive Leadership.
8. Public Administration: Budgeting and Service Delivery.
9. The Judiciary: Independence vs. Accountability.
10. Local Government: Types and Functions.
11. Local Leadership and Governance: Continuity and Change.
12. State & Local Relations: Fifty Different Systems.
13. Taxing and Spending: Where the Money Comes from and Where it Goes.
14. Economic Development: Competing for Growth.
15. Education Policy: Reading, Writing and Reform.
16. Criminal Justice: Cops and Corrections.
17. Social Welfare and Health Care Policy: Addressing Poverty and Sickness.
18. Environmental Policy: Regulation and Innovation.
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