Understanding Our Universe 2nd Edition Palen Test Bank
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Instant download Understanding Our Universe 2nd Edition Palen Test Bank pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0393124304
- ISBN-13 : 978-0393124309
- Author:
Influenced by astronomy education research, the Second Edition continues to lead the way by providing pedagogy and a learning package that facilitates learning by doing better than any other intro astronomy book.
Table of contents:
Part I: Introduction to Astronomy
Chapter 1: Our Place in the Universe
Chapter 2: Patterns in the Sky—Motions of Earth and the Moon
Chapter 3: Laws of Motion
Chapter 4: Light and Telescopes
Part II: The Solar System
Chapter 5: The Formation of Stars and Planets
Chapter 6: Terrestrial Worlds in the Inner Solar System
Chapter 7: Atmospheres of Venus, Earth, and Mars
Chapter 8: The Giant Planets
Chapter 9: Small Bodies of the Solar System
Part III: Stars and Stellar Evolution
Chapter 10: Measuring the Stars
Chapter 11: Our Star: The Sun
Chapter 12: Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
Chapter 13: Evolution of High-Mass Stars
Part IV: Galaxies, the Universe, and Cosmology
Chapter 14: Measuring Galaxies
Chapter 15: Dark Matter and the Milky Way
Chapter 16: The Evolution of the Universe
Chapter 17: Formation of Structure
Chapter 18: Life in the Universe
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Understanding Our Universe 2nd Edition pdf
Understanding Our Universe
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