Vanders Human Physiology 12th Edition Widmaier Test Bank
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Product Details:
- ISBN-10: 0073378100
- ISBN-13: 978-0073378107
- Author:
Table of Content:
1 Homeostasis: A Framework for Human Physiology
2 Chemical Composition of the Body
3 Cellular Structure, Proteins, and Metabolism
4 Movement of Molecules Across Cell Membranes
5 Control of Cells by Chemical Messengers
6 Neuronal Signaling and the Structure of the Nervous System
7 Sensory Physiology
8 Consciousness, the Brain, and Behavior
9 Muscle
10 Control of Body Movement
11 The Endocrine System
12 Cardiovascular Physiology
13 Respiratory Physiology
14 The Kidneys and Regulation of Water and Inorganic Ions
15 The Digestion and Absorption of Food
16 Regulation of Organic Metabolism and Energy Balance
17 Reproduction
18 The Immune System
19 Medical Physiology: Integration Using Clinical Cases
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