World Civilizations 6th Edition Adler Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0495913006
- ISBN-13 : 978-0495913009
- Author:
Short chapters, great stories, and tons of study tools! Adler and Pouwels’s WORLD CIVILIZATIONS is a vibrant introduction to world history structured to meet the demands of your study schedule. It’s clearly written, packed with charts and illustrations, and loaded with review features so you’ll be up to date in class and ready for the test. And, because WORLD CIVILIZATIONS offers extensive coverage of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, you’ll have timely historical insights into the issues that make today’s news. Get WORLD CIVILIZATIONS and discover how having all the information you need to know for the test really does equal a better grade.
Table of contents:
22. A Larger World Opens
23. Religious Division and Political Consolidation in Europe
24. Asia in the Era of the Gunpowder Empires
25. Africa in the Era of Expansion
26. China from the Ming Through the Early Qing Dynasty
27. Japan in the Era of European Expansion
28. From Conquest to Colonies in Hispanic America Part V: REVOLUTIONS AND THE AGE OF EMPIRE, 1600 – 1914
29. The Scientific Revolution and Its Enlightened Aftermath
30. Liberalism and the Challenge to Absolute Monarchy
31. The French Revolution and the Empire of Napoleon
32. The Early Industrial Revolution
33. Advanced Industrial Society
34. Europe: New Ideas and New Nations
35. The Islamic World, 1600-1917
36. European Imperialism and Africa During the Age of Industry
37. India and Southeast Asia Under Colonial Rule
38. China in the Age of Imperialism
39. Latin America from Independence to Dependent States
40. Modern Science and its Implications Part VI: TOWARDS A GLOBALIZED WORLD, 1914 – PRESENT
41. World War I and Its Disputed Settlement
42. A Fragile Balance: Europe in the Twenties
43. The Soviet Experiment to World War II
44. Totalitarianism Refined: The Nazi State
45. East Asia in a Century of Change
46. World War II
47. The Cold World War
48. Decolonization of the Non-Western World
49. The New Asia
50. Africa’s Decolonization and Independence
51. Latin America in the Twentieth Century
52. The Reemergence of the Muslim World
53. Collapse and Reemergence in Communist Europe
54. A New Millennium
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