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Basic Economics 16th Edition Mastrianna Test Bank
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Instant download Basic Economics 16th Edition Mastrianna Test Bank pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1111826641
- ISBN-13 : 978-1111826642
- Author:
Mastering the study of economics has never been easier. BASIC ECONOMICS introduces you to the fundamentals of macro- and microeconomics, while addressing some of the most stimulating topics affecting the world today. BASIC ECONOMICS covers timely issues like monetary policy, monopolies, and the labor market, as well as the recent financial market collapse and housing crises. This streamlined and straightforward text can also be packaged with Coursemate, an online interactive learning tool that contains quizzes, videos, graphing tutorials, news, debates and data all in one place geared to help you succeed in your course!
Table of contents:
- What is economics?
- pt. I. Prices and markets. The role of prices ; Price controls ; An overview
- pt. II. Industry and commerce. The rise and fall of businesses ; The role of profits–and losses ; Big business and government ; An overview
- pt. III. Work and pay. Productivity and pay ; Controlled labor markets ; An overview
- pt. IV. Time and risk. Investment and speculation ; Risks and insurance ; An overview
- pt. V. The national economy. National output ; Money and the banking system ; Government functions; Government finance; An overview
- pt. VI. The international economy. International trade ; International transfers of wealth ; An overview– pt. VII. Special economic issues. Myths about markets; “Non-economic” values ; Parting thoughts.
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