Brock Biology Of Microorganisms 14th Edition Madigan Test Bank
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Brock Biology Of Microorganisms 14th Edition Madigan Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0321897390
- ISBN-13 : 978-0321897398
- Author: Michael T. Madigan, & 5 more
The Fourteenth Edition seamlessly integrates the most current science, paying particular attention to molecular biology and how the genomic revolution has changed and is changing the field. This edition offers a streamlined, modern organization with a consistent level of detail and updated, visually compelling art program. Brock Biology of Microorganisms includes MasteringMicrobiology® , an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts both in and outside the classroom.
Table contents:
I. Principles of Microbiology
1. Microorganisms and Microbiology
2. An Overview of Microbial Life
3. Macromolecules
4. Cell Structure/Function
5. Nutrition, Laboratory Culture, and Metabolism of Microorganisms
6. Microbial Growth
7. Principles of Microbial Molecular Biology
8. Regulation of Gene Expression
9. Essentials of Virology
10. Bacterial Genetics
II. Evolutionary Microbiology and Microbial Diversity
11. Microbial Evolution and Systematics
12. Prokaryotic Diversity: Bacteria
13. Prokaryotic Diversity: Archaea
14. Eukaryotic Cell Biology and Eukaryotic Microorganisms
15. Microbial Genomics
16. Bacterial, Plant and Animal Viruses
III. Metabolic Diversity and Microbial Ecology
17. Metabolic Diversity
18. Methods in Microbial Ecology
19. Microbial Habitats, Nutrient Cycles, and Interactions with Plants and Animals
IV. Pathogenicity, Host Responses, and Immunology
20. Microbial Growth Control
21. Human-Microbe Interactions
22. Essentials of Immunology
23. Molecular Immunology
24. Clinical Microbiology and Immunology
V. Microbial Diseases
25. Epidemiology
26. Person-to-Person Microbial Diseases
27. Animal-Transmitted, Arthropod-Transmitted, and Soilborne Microbial Diseases
28. Wastewater Treatment, Water Purification, and Waterborne Microbial Diseases
29. Food Preservation and Foodborne Microbial Diseases
VI. Microorganisms as Tools for Industry and Research
30. Industrial Microbiology/Biocatalysis
31. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
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