Business Ethics Now 4th Edition Andrew Ghillyer Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0078023203
- ISBN-13 : 978-0078023200
- Author: Andrew W. Ghillyer
Business Ethics Now 4e by Andrew W. Ghillyer provides assistance to employees by taking a journey through the challenging world of business ethics at the ground level of the organization rather than flying through the abstract concepts and philosophical arguments at the treetop level. By examining issues and scenarios that relate directly to their work environment (and their degree of autonomy in that environment), employees can develop a clearer sense of how their corporate code of ethics relates to operational decisions made on a daily basis.
Business Ethics Now 4th Edition Andrew Ghillyer Solutions Manual
Table of contents:
Chapter 1:
Step 1 of 2
Ethical relativism
Ethical Relativism is the concept where a person ethical principles are defined based on traditional society, personal opinions and the circumstances of the present moment.
Step 2 of 2
Peer pressure is a stress that is exerted by friends and colleagues either at college or workplace. Some time people do actions though that are against to their ethical values due to the pressure from friends. For instance: In college life, people take pressure to maintain a boy friend or a girl friend in order to manage the friend’s pressure regarding the relationship life. Though person thinks that relationship life is not required at moment but most people does it against to their own ethics to manage the pressure from peers.
Chapter 2:
Step 1 of 3
Business Ethics
Business ethics involves an application of ethical standards to the business situation. Business people should not apply business ethics as a separate set of ethics concepts but it must be followed on both inside or outside of the business situation.
Step 2 of 3
In this case study, Automobile Company F needed to develop a competitive vehicle under affordable price to capture the market segment of baby boom generation. In the test, this new model identified the potential safety issue called aerosol, retrofitting of that model is not done as it met all the safety regulations of that country. However, all the export vehicles were made necessary modifications based the demands from that country. Further, company faced hundreds of lawsuit after it is being proved that F is aware of the safety issue. It also claimed that fixing the safety issue is also inexpensive.
Step 3 of 3
The car making company identified that there is a potential safety hazard introducing those cars in the market. Though the current design meets the government standards, not fixing the safety issue is against to the business ethics. This indicates that the company is concerned about making an early entry in the market to meet the competition but not about the safety issues that a customer can face with that product. As it is ethical for a company to consider customer safety while selling the product, it is suggested for a manufacturer to go beyond government standard.
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