College Physics Volume 2 11th Edition Serway Solutions Manual
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College Physics Volume 2 11th Edition Serway Solutions Manual
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1305965523
- ISBN-13 : 978-1305965522
- Author: Raymond A. Serway
Succeed in your course, improve your problem-solving skills, and enrich your understanding of the world around you with COLLEGE PHYSICS, Volume 2, 11th Edition! This proven text offers a logical presentation of the physical concepts with a consistent strategy for solving problems and an unparalleled array of worked examples to help you master the concepts and skills of the course.
Table contents:
15. Electric Forces and Fields.
Electric Charges, Insulators, and Conductors. Coulomb’s Law. Electric Fields. Electric Field Lines. Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium. The Millikan Oil-Drop Experiment. The Van de Graaff Generator. Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law.
16. Electrical Energy and Capacitance.
Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential. Electric Potential and Potential Energy Due to Point Charges. Potentials, Charged Conductors, and Equipotential Surfaces. Applications. Capacitors. Combinations of Capacitors. Energy in a Capacitor. Capacitors with Dielectrics.
17. Current and Resistance.
Electric Current. A Microscopic View: Current and Drift Speed. Current and Voltage Measurements in Circuits. Resistance, Resistivity, and Ohm’s Law. Temperature Variation of Resistance. Electrical Energy and Power. Superconductors. Electrical Activity in the Heart.
18. Direct-Current Circuits.
Sources of emf. Resistors in Series. Resistors in Parallel. Kirchhoff’s Rules and Complex DC Circuits. RC Circuits. Household Circuits. Electrical Safety. Conduction of Electrical Signals by Neurons.
19. Magnetism.
Magnets. Earth’s Magnetic Field. Magnetic Fields. Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field. Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor. Magnetic Torque. Ampere’s Law. Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Conductors. Magnetic Fields of Current Loops and Solenoids. Magnetic Domains.
20. Induced Voltages and Inductance.
Induced emf and Magnetic Flux. Faraday’s Law of Induction and Lenz’s Law. Motional emf. Generators Self-Inductance. RL Circuits. Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field.
21. Alternating-Current Circuits and Electromagnetic Waves.
Resistors in an AC Circuit. Capacitors in an AC Circuit. Inductors in an AC Circuit. The RLC Series Circuit. Power in an AC Circuit. Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit. The Transformer. Maxwell’s Predictions. Hertz’s Confirmation of Maxwell’s Predictions. Production of Electromagnetic Waves by an Antenna. Properties of Electromagnetic Waves. The Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves. The Doppler Effect for Electromagnetic Waves.
22. Reflection and Refraction of Light.
The Nature of Light. Reflection and Refraction. The Law of Refraction. Dispersion and Prisms. The Rainbow. Huygens’ Principle. Total Internal Reflection.
23. Mirrors and Lenses.
Flat Mirrors. Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors. Images Formed by Refraction. Atmospheric Refraction. Thin Lenses. Lens and Mirror Aberrations.
24. Wave Optics.
Conditions for Interference. Young’s Double-Slit Experiment. Change of Phase Due to Reflection. Interference in Thin Films. Using Interference to Read CDs and DVDs. Diffraction. Single-Slit Diffraction. Diffraction Gratings. Polarization of Light Waves.
25. Optical Instruments.
The Camera. The Eye. The Simple Magnifier. The Compound Microscope. The Telescope. Resolution of Single-Slit and Circular Apertures. The Michelson Interferometer.
26. Relativity.
Galilean Relativity. The Speed of Light. Einstein’s Principle of Relativity. Consequences of Special Relativity. Relativistic Momentum. Relative Velocity in Special Relativity. Relativistic Energy and the Equivalence of Mass and Energy. General Relativity.
27. Quantum Physics.
Blackbody Radiation and Planck’s Hypothesis. The Photoelectric Effect and the Particle Theory of Light. X-Rays. Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals. The Compton Effect. The Dual Nature of Light and Matter. The Wave Function. The Uncertainty Principle.
28. Atomic Physics.
Early Models of the Atom. Atomic Spectra. The Bohr Model. Quantum Mechanics and the Hydrogen Atom. The Exclusion Principle and the Periodic Table. Characteristic X-Rays. Atomic Transitions and Lasers.
29. Nuclear Physics.
Some Properties of Nuclei. Binding Energy. Radioactivity. The Decay Processes. Natural Radioactivity. Nuclear Reactions. Medical Applications of Radiation.
30. Nuclear Energy and Elementary Particles.
Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Fusion. Elementary Particles and the Fundamental Forces. Positrons and Other Antiparticles. Classification of Particles. Conservation Laws. The Eightfold Way. Quarks and Color. Electroweak Theory and the Standard Model. The Cosmic Connection. Unanswered Questions in Cosmology. Problems and Perspectives.
Appendix A: Mathematics Review. Appendix B: An Abbreviated Table of Isotopes. Appendix C: Some Useful Tables. Appendix D: SI Units.
Answers to Quick Quizzes, Example Questions, and Odd-Numbered Conceptual Questions and Problems.
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