CoreMacroeconomics 3rd Edition Chiang Test Bank
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CoreMacroeconomics 3rd Edition Chiang Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1464191425
- ISBN-13 : 978-1464191428
- Author: Eric P. Chiang
With this new edition, Eric Chiang transforms CoreMacroeconomics into a text/media resource well attuned to todays students. Long active in the economics education community, Chiang brings a contemporary teacher’s perspective to the book, supporting a variety of learning approaches by introducing modern topics, new pedagogy, a more visual presentation, and well-integrated media tools. All this while maintaining the books defining focus on just those topics instructors cover most often in the course.
Table contents:
1. Exploring Economics
2. Production, Economic Growth, and Trade
3. Supply and Demand
4. Markets and Government
5. Introduction to Macroeconomics
6. Measuring Inflation and Unemployment
7. Economic Growth
8. Aggregate Expenditures
9. Aggregate Demand and Supply
10. Fiscal Policy and Debt
11. Saving, investment, and the Financial System
12. Money Creation and the Federal Reserve
13. Monetary Policy
14. Macroeconomic Policy: Challenges in a Global Economy
15. International Trade
16. Open Economy Macroeconomics
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