Digital Control System Analysis and Design 4th Edition Phillips Solutions Manual
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Digital Control System Analysis and Design 4th Edition Phillips Solutions Manual.
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Digital Control System Analysis and Design 4th Edition Phillips Solutions Manual
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0132938316
- ISBN-13 : 978-0132938310
- Author: Charles Phillips (Author), H. Nagle (Author), Aranya Chakrabortty (Author)
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Digital Control Systems Analysis and Design is appropriate for a one semester/two-quarter senior-level course in digital or discrete-time controls. It is also a suitable reference for practicing engineers. This best-selling text places emphasis on the practical aspects of designing and implementing digital control systems.
Table contents:
1 Introduction
2 Discrete-Time Systems and the z-Transform
3 Sampling and Reconstruction
4 Open-Loop Discrete-Time Systems
5 Closed-Loop Systems
6 System Time-Response Characteristics
7 Stability Analysis Techniques
8 Digital Controller Design
9 Pole-Assignment Design and State Estimation
10 System Identification of Discrete-Time Systems
11 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control
12 Case Studies
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