Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology Canadian 4th Edition Tarbuck Test Bank
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Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology Canadian 4th Edition Tarbuck Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 032186543X
- ISBN-13 : 978-0321865434
- Author:
This trusted text, the market’s best-seller, makes an often complex subject accessible to beginning students with a strong focus on readability and illustrations. It offers a meaningful, non-technical survey that is informative and up-to-date for learning basic geological principles and concepts. The fourth Canadian edition of Earth is a robust revision with each part of the book being examined carefully with the goals of keeping topics current, addressing Canadian perspectives and issues, and improving the clarity of text discussions and visuals.
Table of contents:
- An Introduction to Geology and Plate Tectonics
- Minerals: The Building Blocks of Rocks
- Igneous Rocks
- Volcanoes and Volcanic Processes
- Weathering and Soil
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks
- Geologic Time
- Crustal Deformation
- Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior
- The Ocean Floor
- Plate Tectonics: The Framework for Modern Geology
- Mountain Building and Continental Frameworks
- Mass Wasting: The Work of Gravity
- Running Water
- Groundwater
- Glaciers and Glaciation
- Deserts and Winds
- Shorelines
- Mineral and Energy Resources
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