Engineering Design An Introduction 2nd Edition Karsnitz Test Bank
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Engineering Design An Introduction 2nd Edition Karsnitz Test Bank.
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 9781111645823
- ISBN-13 : 978-1111645823
- Author:
ENGINEERING DESIGN: AN INTRODUCTION, Second Edition, features an innovative instructional approach emphasizing projects and exploration as learning tools. This engaging book provides an overview of the basic engineering principles that shape our modern world, covering key concepts within a flexible, two-part format. Part I describes the process of engineering and technology product design, while Part II helps develop specific skill sets needed to understand and participate in the process. Opportunities to experiment and learn abound, with projects ranging from technical drawing to designing electrical systems–and more. With a strong emphasis on project-based learning, the book is an ideal resource for anyone interested in preparing for success in an engineering career.
Table of contents:
- Part I: The Engineering Design Process
- Ch 1: Technology: The Human-Designed World
- Ch 2: The Process of Design
- Ch 3: Development of the Team
- Ch 4: Generating and Developing Ideas
- Ch 5: Drawing to Develop Design Ideas
- Ch 6: Reverse Engineering
- Ch 7: Investigation and Research for Design Development
- Ch 8: Technical Drawing
- Ch 9: Testing and Evaluating
- Ch 10: Manufacturing
- Part II: Resources for Engineering Design
- Ch 11: Designing Structural Systems
- Ch 12: Designing Mechanical Systems
- Ch 13: Designing Electrical Systems
- Ch 14: Designing Pneumatic Systems
- Ch 15: Human Factors in Design and Engineering
- Ch 16: Math and Science Applications
- Ch 17: Design Styles
- Chapter 18: Graphics and Presentation
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