Essentials of Database Management 1st Edition Hoffer Solutions Manual

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Essentials of Database Management 1st Edition Hoffer Solutions Manual.

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Readers who want an up-to-date overview of database development and management.

Focusing on the topics that leading database practitioners say are most important, Essentials of Database Management presents a concise overview designed to ensure practical success for database professionals.

Built upon the strong foundation of Modern Database Management, currently in its eleventh edition, the new Essentials of Database Management is ideal for a less-detailed approach. Like its comprehensive counterpart, it guides readers into the future by presenting research that could reveal the “next big thing” in database management. And it features up-to-date coverage in the areas undergoing rapid change due to improved managerial practices, database design tools and methodologies, and database technology.


Table of Content:

  1. Part I: The Context of Database Management
  2. Part II : Database Analysis
  3. Part III : Database Design
  4. Part IV : Implementation
  5. Pedagogy
  6. Supplements:
  7. Part I The Context of Database Management
  8. Chapter 1 The Database Environment and Development Process
  9. Learning Objectives
  10. Basic Concepts and Definitions
  11. Data
  12. Data Versus Information
  13. Metadata
  14. Traditional File Processing Systems
  15. Disadvantages of File Processing Systems
  16. Program-Data Dependence
  17. Duplication of Data
  18. Limited Data Sharing
  19. Lengthy Development Times
  20. Excessive Program Maintenance
  21. The Database Approach
  22. Data Models
  23. Entities
  24. Relationships
  25. Relational Databases
  26. Database Management Systems
  27. Advantages of the Database Approach
  28. Program-Data Independence
  29. Planned Data Redundancy
  30. Improved Data Consistency
  31. Improved Data Sharing
  32. Increased Productivity of Application Development
  33. Enforcement of Standards
  34. Improved Data Quality
  35. Improved Data Accessibility and Responsiveness
  36. Reduced Program Maintenance
  37. Improved Decision Support
  38. Cautions About Database Benefits
  39. Costs and Risks of the Database Approach
  40. New, Specialized Personnel
  41. Installation and Management Cost and Complexity
  42. Conversion Costs
  43. Need for Explicit Backup and Recovery
  44. Organizational Conflict
  45. Components of the Database Environment
  46. The Database Development Process
  47. Systems Development Life Cycle
  48. Planning—Enterprise Modeling
  49. Planning—Conceptual Data Modeling
  50. Analysis—Conceptual Data Modeling
  51. Design—Logical Database Design
  52. Design—Physical Database Design and Definition
  53. Implementation—Database Implementation
  54. Maintenance—Database Maintenance
  55. Alternative Information Systems (IS) Development Approaches
  56. Three-Schema Architecture for Database Development
  57. Evolution of Database Systems
  58. The Range of Database Applications
  59. Personal Databases
  60. Two-Tier Client/Server Databases
  61. Multitier Client/Server Databases
  62. Enterprise Applications
  63. Developing A Database Application for Pine Valley Furniture Company
  64. Database Evolution at Pine Valley Furniture Company
  65. Project Planning
  66. Analyzing Database Requirements
  67. Designing the Database
  68. Using the Database
  69. Administering the Database
  70. Future of Databases at Pine Valley
  71. Summary
  72. Chapter Review
  73. Key Terms
  74. Review Questions
  75. Problems and Exercises
  76. References
  77. Further Reading
  78. Web Resources
  79. Part II Database Analysis
  80. Chapter 2 Modeling Data in the Organization
  81. Learning Objectives
  82. Introduction
  83. The E-R Model: An Overview
  84. Sample E-R Diagram
  85. E-R Model Notation
  86. Modeling the Rules of the Organization
  87. Data Names and Definitions
  88. Data Names
  89. Data Definitions
  90. Good Data Definitions
  91. Modeling Entities and Attributes
  92. Entities
  93. Entity Type Versus Entity Instance
  94. Entity Type Versus System Input, Output, or User
  95. Strong Versus Weak Entity Types
  96. Naming and Defining Entity Types
  97. Attributes
  98. Required Versus Optional Attributes
  99. Simple Versus Composite Attributes
  100. Single-Valued Versus Multivalued Attributes
  101. Stored Versus Derived Attributes
  102. Identifier Attribute
  103. Naming and Defining Attributes
  104. Modeling Relationships
  105. Basic Concepts and Definitions in Relationships
  106. Attributes on Relationships
  107. Associative Entities
  108. Degree of a Relationship
  109. Unary Relationship
  110. Binary Relationship
  111. Ternary Relationship
  112. Attributes or Entity?
  113. Cardinality Constraints
  114. Minimum Cardinality
  115. Maximum Cardinality
  116. Some Examples of Relationships and Their Cardinalities
  117. A Ternary Relationship
  118. Modeling Time-Dependent Data
  119. Modeling Multiple Relationships Between Entity Types
  120. Naming and Defining Relationships
  121. E-R Modeling Example: Pine Valley Furniture Company
  122. Database Processing at Pine Valley Furniture
  123. Showing Product Information
  124. Showing Product Line Information
  125. Showing Customer Order Status
  126. Summary
  127. Chapter Review
  128. Key Terms
  129. Review Questions
  130. Problems and Exercises
  131. References
  132. Further Reading
  133. Web Resources
  134. Chapter 3 The Enhanced E-R Model
  135. Learning Objectives
  136. Introduction
  137. Representing Supertypes and Subtypes
  138. Basic Concepts and Notation
  139. An Example of a Supertype/Subtype Relationship
  140. Attribute Inheritance
  141. When to Use Supertype/Subtype Relationships
  142. Representing Specialization and Generalization
  143. Generalization
  144. Specialization
  145. Combining Specialization and Generalization
  146. Specifying Constraints in Supertype/Subtype Relationships
  147. Specifying Completeness Constraints
  148. Total Specialization Rule
  149. Partial Specialization Rule
  150. Specifying Disjointness Constraints
  151. Disjoint Rule
  152. Overlap Rule
  153. Defining Subtype Discriminators
  154. Disjoint Subtypes
  155. Overlapping Subtypes
  156. Defining Supertype/Subtype Hierarchies
  157. An Example of a Supertype/Subtype Hierarchy
  158. Summary of Supertype/Subtype Hierarchies
  159. EER Modeling Example: Pine Valley Furniture Company
  160. Packaged Data Models
  161. A Revised Data Modeling Process with Packaged Data Models
  162. Summary of Prepackaged Data Models
  163. Summary
  164. Chapter Review
  165. Key Terms
  166. Review Questions
  167. Problems and Exercises
  168. References
  169. Further Reading
  170. Web Resources
  171. Part III Database Design
  172. Chapter 4 Logical Database Design and the Relational Model
  173. Learning Objectives
  174. Introduction
  175. The Relational Data Model
  176. Basic Definitions
  177. Relational Data Structure
  178. Relational Keys
  179. Properties of Relations
  180. Removing Multivalued Attributes from Tables
  181. Sample Database
  182. Integrity Constraints
  183. Domain Constraints
  184. Entity Integrity
  185. Referential Integrity
  186. Creating Relational Tables
  187. Well-Structured Relations
  188. Transforming EER Diagrams Into Relations
  189. Step 1: Map Regular Entities
  190. Composite Attributes
  191. Multivalued Attributes
  192. Step 2: Map Weak Entities
  193. When to Create a Surrogate Key
  194. Step 3: Map Binary Relationships
  195. Map Binary One-to-Many Relationships
  196. Map Binary Many-to-Many Relationships
  197. Map Binary One-to-One Relationships
  198. Step 4: Map Associative Entities
  199. Identifier Not Assigned
  200. Identifier Assigned
  201. Step 5: Map Unary Relationships
  202. Unary One-to-Many Relationships
  203. Unary Many-to-Many Relationships
  204. Step 6: Map Ternary (and n-ary) Relationships
  205. Step 7: Map Supertype/Subtype Relationships
  206. Summary of EER-to-Relational Transformations
  207. Introduction to Normalization
  208. Steps in Normalization
  209. Functional Dependencies and Keys
  210. Determinants
  211. Candidate Keys
  212. Normalization Example: Pine Valley Furniture Company
  213. Step 0: Represent the View in Tabular Form
  214. Step 1: Convert to First Normal Form
  215. Remove Repeating Groups
  216. Select the Primary Key
  217. Anomalies in 1NF
  218. Step 2: Convert to Second Normal Form
  219. Step 3: Convert to Third Normal Form
  220. Removing Transitive Dependencies
  221. Determinants and Normalization
  222. Merging Relations
  223. An Example
  224. View Integration Problems
  225. Synonyms
  226. Homonyms
  227. Transitive Dependencies
  228. Supertype/Subtype Relationships
  229. Summary
  230. Chapter Review Key Terms
  231. Review Questions
  232. Problems and Exercises
  233. References
  234. Further Reading
  235. Web Resources
  236. Chapter 5 Physical Database Design and Performance
  237. Learning Objectives
  238. Introduction
  239. The Physical Database Design Process
  240. Physical Database Design as a Basis for Regulatory Compliance
  241. Designing Fields
  242. Choosing Data Types
  243. Coding Techniques
  244. Controlling Data Integrity
  245. Handling Missing Data
  246. Denormalizing Data
  247. Denormalization
  248. Opportunities for and Types of Denormalization
  249. Denormalize With Caution
  250. Designing Physical Database Files
  251. File Organizations
  252. Sequential File Organizations
  253. Indexed File Organizations
  254. Hashed File Organizations
  255. Designing Controls for Files
  256. Using and Selecting Indexes
  257. Creating a Unique Key Index
  258. Creating a Secondary (Nonunique) Key Index
  259. When to Use Indexes
  260. Designing a Database for Optimal Query Performance
  261. Summary
  262. Chapter Review Key Terms
  263. Review Questions
  264. Problems and Exercises
  265. References
  266. Further Reading
  267. Web Resources
  268. Part IV Implementation
  269. Chapter 6 Introduction to SQL
  270. Learning Objectives
  271. Introduction
  272. Origins of the Sql Standard
  273. The Sql Environment
  274. Defining a Database In SQL
  275. Generating SQL Database Definitions
  276. Creating Tables
  277. Creating Data Integrity Controls
  278. Changing Table Definitions
  279. Removing Tables
  280. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
  281. Deleting Database Contents
  282. Updating Database Contents
  283. Internal Schema Definition in RDBMSs
  284. Creating Indexes
  285. Processing Single Tables
  286. Clauses of the SELECT Statement
  287. Using Expressions
  288. Using Functions
  289. Using Wildcards
  290. Using Comparison Operators
  291. Using Null Values
  292. Using Boolean Operators
  293. Using Ranges for Qualification
  294. Using Distinct Values
  295. Using IN and NOT IN with Lists
  296. Sorting Results: The ORDER BY Clause
  297. Categorizing Results: The GROUP BY Clause
  298. Qualifying Results by Categories: The HAVING Clause
  299. Using and Defining Views
  300. Summary
  301. Review Questions
  302. Problems and Exercises
  303. References
  304. Further Reading
  305. Web Resources
  306. Chapter 7 Advanced SQL
  307. Learning Objectives
  308. Introduction
  309. Processing Multiple Tables
  310. Equi-join
  311. Natural Join
  312. Outer Join
  313. Sample Join Involving Four Tables
  314. Self-Join
  315. Subqueries
  316. Correlated Subqueries
  317. Using Derived Tables
  318. Combining Queries
  319. Tips for Developing Queries
  320. Guidelines for Better Query Design
  321. Ensuring Transaction Integrity
  322. Data Dictionary Facilities
  323. Triggers and Routines
  324. Triggers
  325. Routines
  326. Example Routine in Oracle’s PL/SQL
  327. Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL
  328. Summary
  329. Chapter Review Key Terms
  330. Review Questions
  331. Problems and Exercises Problems and Exercises
  332. References
  333. Further Reading
  334. Web Resources
  335. Chapter 8 Database Application Development
  336. Learning Objectives
  337. Introduction
  338. Client/Server Architectures
  339. Databases in a Two-Tier Architecture
  340. A VB.NET Example
  341. A Java Example
  342. Three-Tier Architectures
  343. Web Application Components
  344. Databases in Three-Tier Applications
  345. A JSP Web Application
  346. An ASP.NET Example
  347. Key Considerations in Three-Tier Applications
  348. Stored Procedures
  349. Transactions
  350. Database Connections
  351. Key Benefits of Three-Tier Applications
  352. Cloud Computing and Three-Tier Applications
  353. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  354. Storing XML Documents
  355. Retrieving XML Documents
  356. Displaying XML Data
  357. XML and Web Services
  358. Summary
  359. Chapter Review Key Terms
  360. Review Questions
  361. Problems and Exercises
  362. References
  363. Further Reading
  364. Web Resources
  365. Chapter 9 Data Warehousing
  366. Learning Objectives
  367. Introduction
  368. Basic Concepts of Data Warehousing
  369. A Brief History of Data Warehousing
  370. The Need for Data Warehousing
  371. Need for a Company-Wide View
  372. Need to Separate Operational and Informational Systems
  373. Data Warehouse Architectures
  374. Independent Data Mart Data Warehousing Environment
  375. Dependent Data Mart and Operational Data Store Architecture: A Three-Level Approach
  376. Logical Data Mart and Real-Time Data Warehouse Architecture
  377. Three-Layer Data Architecture
  378. Role of the Enterprise Data Model
  379. Role of Metadata
  380. Some Characteristics of Data Warehouse Data
  381. Status Versus Event Data
  382. Transient Versus Periodic Data
  383. An Example of Transient and Periodic Data
  384. Transient Data
  385. Periodic Data
  386. Other Data Warehouse Changes
  387. The Derived Data Layer
  388. Characteristics of Derived Data
  389. The Star Schema
  390. Fact Tables and Dimension Tables
  391. Example Star Schema
  392. Surrogate Key
  393. Grain of the Fact Table
  394. Duration of the Database
  395. Size of the Fact Table
  396. Modeling Date and Time
  397. Slowly Changing Dimensions
  398. Determining Dimensions and Facts
  399. Big Data and Columnar Databases
  400. If You Knew SQL Like I NoSQL
  401. The User Interface
  402. Role of Metadata
  403. SQL OLAP Querying
  404. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Tools
  405. Slicing a Cube
  406. Drill-Down
  407. Summarizing More Than Three Dimensions
  408. Data Visualization
  409. Business Performance Management and Dashboards
  410. Data-Mining Tools
  411. Data-Mining Techniques
  412. Data-Mining Applications
  414. Data Governance
  415. Managing Data Quality
  416. Characteristics of Quality Data
  417. Summary
  418. Chapter Review Key Terms
  419. Review Questions
  420. Problems and Exercises
  421. References
  422. Further Reading
  423. Web Resources
  424. Glossary of Acronyms
  425. Glossary of Terms
  426. Index


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