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Ethics Theory and Practice 11th Edition Thiroux Test Bank
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Ethics Theory and Practice 11th Edition Thiroux Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0133804054
- ISBN-13 : 978-0133804058
- Author: Jacques P. Thiroux (Author), Keith W. Krasemann (Author)
With a clear presentation, Ethics: Theory and Practice educates readers about ethical theory and applies concepts to classic and contemporary moral problems (lying, cheating, establishing ethical business practices, honoring ethical obligations in medicine, etc.).This title educates readers about ethical theory and its applications in a way that beginning students can understand. Ethics is neither technical nor does it plunge readers into complex readings without sufficient background. This title is fully updated with global issues and non-Western ethical views. Besides updating the foundations of the book, the author incorporates new and relevant material, most of which is often unique only to this title.
Table contents:
1. The Nature of Morality
2. Consequentialist (Teleological) Theories of Morality
3. Nonconsequentialist (Deontological) Theories of Morality
4. Virtue Ethics
5. Absolutism Versus Relativism
6. Freedom Versus Determinism
7. Reward and Punishment
8. Setting Up a Moral System
9. The Taking of Human Life
10. Allowing Someone to Die, Mercy Death, and Mercy Killing
11. Abortion
12. Lying, Cheating, Breaking Promises, and Stealing
13. Morality, Marriage, and Human Sexuality
14. Bioethics-Ethical Issues in Medicine
15. Business and Media Ethics
16. Environmental Ethics
Appendices: Application of Ethics to Moral Problems
Appendix A. Taking of Human Life
Appendix B. Allowing Someone to Die, Mercy Death, and Mercy Killing
Appendix C. Abortion
Appendix D. Lying, Cheating, Breaking Promises, and Stealing
Appendix E. Human Sexuality
Appendix F. Medicine (Bioethics)
Appendix G. Business (Business and Media Ethics)
Appendix H. Environmental Ethics
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