Finance for Executives Managing for Value Creation 5th Edition Hawawini Solutions Manual
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Finance for Executives Managing for Value Creation 5th Edition Hawawini Solutions Manual.
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Finance for Executives Managing for Value Creation 5th Edition Hawawini Solutions Manual
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1408093804
- ISBN-13 : 978-1408093801
- Author: Claude Viallet, Gabriel Hawawini
Perfect for executive education courses, MBA programs, or any class with an emphasis on translating theory into practice or learning through real-world cases, this exciting new fifth edition of Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation illustrates the importance of financial information in maximizing firm value. Highly respected authors Gabriel Hawawini and Claude Viallet draw on their wealth of business and teaching experience to provide a concise, analytically sound introduction to financial management that is neither too simplistic nor too theoretical. The text masterfully balances a thorough exploration of modern finance principles with a strong practical focus on real-world applications and rigorous analysis, whilst also avoiding complicated formulas that have little value for decision-making.
Table contents:
Chap. 1: Financial Management and Value Creation: An Overview
Chap. 2: The Time Value of Money
Chap. 3: Risk and Return
Chap. 4: Interpreting Financial Statements
Chap. 5: Analyzing Operational Efficiency and Liquidity
Chap. 6: Analyzing Profitability, Risk, and Growth
Chap. 7: Using the Net Present Value Rule to Make Value-Creating Investment Decisions
Chap. 8: Alternatives to the Net Present Value Rule
Chap. 9: Identifying and Estimating a Project’s Cash Flows Ch 10: Valuing Bonds and Stocks
Chap. 11: Raising Capital and Paying out Cash
Chap. 12: Estimating the Cost of Capital
Chap. 13: Designing a Capital Structure
Chap. 14: Valuing and Acquiring a Business
Chap. 15: Managing Corporate Risk
Chap. 16: Making International Business Decisions
Chap. 17: Managing for Value Creation Answers to Self-Test Questions
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