Guide to UNIX Using Linux 4th Edition Palmer Test Bank
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Guide to UNIX Using Linux 4th Edition Palmer Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN 10 0840031017
- ISBN 13 9780840031013
- Authors: Michael J. Palmer
Written with a clear, straightforward writing style and packed with step-by-step projects for direct, hands-on learning, Guide to UNIX Using Linux, 4E is the perfect resource for learning UNIX and Linux from the ground up. Through the use of practical examples, end-of-chapter reviews, and interactive exercises, novice users are transformed into confident UNIX/Linux users who can employ utilities, master files, manage and query data, create scripts, access a network or the Internet, and navigate popular user interfaces and software. The updated 4th edition incorporates coverage of the latest versions of UNIX and Linux, including new versions of Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, and Ubuntu Linux. A new chapter has also been added to cover basic networking utilities, and several other chapters have been expanded to include additional information on the KDE and GNOME desktops, as well as coverage of the popular office suite. With a strong focus on universal UNIX and Linux commands that are transferable to all versions of Linux, this book is a “”must-have”” for anyone seeking to develop their knowledge of these systems.
Guide to UNIX Using Linux 4th Edition Palmer Solutions Manual
Table contents:
Chapter 1: The Essence of UNIX and Linux
Chapter 2: Exploring the UNIX/Linux File Systems and File Security
Chapter 3: Mastering Editors
Chapter 4: UNIX/Linux File Processing
Chapter 5: Advanced File Processing
Chapter 6: Introduction to Shell Script Programming
Chapter 7: Advanced Shell Programming
Chapter 8: Exploring the UNIX/Linux Utilities
Chapter 9: Perl and CGI Programming
Chapter 10: Developing UNIX/Linux Applications in C and C++
Chapter 11: The X Window System
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