Invitation to Psychology 7th Edition Wade Test Bank
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Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0134550102
- ISBN-13 : 978-0134550107
- Author:
Ask questions and be willing to wonder
Invitation to Psychology, 7th Edition weaves scientific thinking and critical thinking into the fabric of psychological science. Joining longtime authors Carole Wade and Carol Tavris, new co-authors Samuel Sommers and Lisa Shin (of Tufts University) call upon their research and teaching expertise to speak to today’s students. Their contributions include expanded gender coverage as well as engaging new cultural and pop-cultural examples. By prompting students to separate fact from fiction and to distinguish wishful thinking from thinking wisely, the authors inspire students to ask questions and be willing to wonder ― and help them become 21st-century thinkers.
Table of contents:
1. What Is Psychology?
2. Neurons, Hormones and the Brain
3. Sensation and Perception
4. Consciousness and Sleep
5. Learning
6. Memory
7. Thinking and Intelligence
8. The Major Motives of Life: Food, Love, Sex, and Work
9. Emotion, Stress, and Health
10. Development over the Lifespan
11. Social Psychology
12. Theories of Personality
13. Psychological Disorders
14. Approaches to Treatment
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