Prealgebra An Applied Approach 6th Edition Aufmann Test Bank
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Prealgebra An Applied Approach 6th Edition Aufmann Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN: 1133365450
- ISBN-13: 9781133365457
- Authors: Richard N Aufmann, Richard Aufmann, Joanne Lockwood
As in previous editions, the focus in PREALGEBRA remains on the Aufmann Interactive Method (AIM). Students are encouraged to be active participants in the classroom and in their own studies. For the first time in this edition, How To examples appear before the paired Examples and You Try It problems—a hallmark feature found in all other books in the Aufmann series. Presenting students with worked examples, and then providing them with the opportunity to immediately solve similar problems, helps them build their confidence and eventually master the concepts. Simplicity is key in the organization of this edition, as in all other editions. All lessons, exercise sets, tests, and supplements are organized around a carefully constructed hierarchy of objectives. Each exercise mirrors a preceding objective, which helps to reinforce key concepts and promote skill building. This clear, objective-based approach allows students to organize their thoughts around the content, and supports instructors as they work to design syllabi, lesson plans, and other administrative documents.
Table contents:
1. WHOLE NUMBERS. Introduction to Whole Numbers. Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers. Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers. Solving Equations with Whole Numbers. The Order of Operations Agreement.
2. INTEGERS. Introduction to Integers. Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Multiplication and Division of Integers. Solving Equations with Integers. The Order of Operations Agreement.
3. FRACTIONS. Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor. Introduction to Fractions. Multiplication and Division of Fractions. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. Solving Equations with Fractions. Exponents, Complex Fractions, and the Order of Operations Agreement.
4. DECIMALS AND REAL NUMBERS. Introduction to Decimals. Addition and Subtraction of Decimals. Multiplication and Division of Decimals. Solving Equations with Decimals. Radical Expressions. Real Numbers.
5. VARIABLE EXPRESSIONS. Properties of Real Numbers. Variable Expressions in Simplest Form. Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials. Multiplication of Monomials. Multiplication of Polynomials. Division of Monomials. Verbal Expressions and Variable Expressions.
6. FIRST-DEGREE EQUATIONS. Equations of the form x + a = b and ax = b. Equations of the Form ax + b = c
380. General First-Degree Equations. Translating Sentences into Equations. The Rectangular Coordinate System. Graphs of Straight Lines.
7. MEASUREMENT AND PROPORTION. The Metric System of Measurement. Ratios and Rates. The U.S. Customary System of Measurement. Proportion. Direct and Inverse Variation.
8. PERCENT. Percent. The Basic Percent Equation. Percent Increase and Percent Decrease. Markup and Discount. Simple Interest.
9. GEOMETRY. Introduction to Geometry. Plane Geometric Figures. Triangles. Solids.
10. STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY. Organizing Data. Statistical Measures. Introduction to Probability. FINAL EXAM. APPENDIX. Solutions to You-Try-Its. Answers to Selected Exercises. GLOSSARY.
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