Precalculus with Limits 3rd Edition Larson Solutions Manual
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Precalculus with Limits 3rd Edition Larson Solutions Manual
Product details:
- ISBN:1133947204
- ISBN-13:9781133947202
- Author: Ron Larson
Larson’s PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS is known for delivering the same sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts as the market-leading PRECALCULUS, Ninth Edition, with a laser focus on preparing students for calculus. In LIMITS, the author includes a brief algebra review to the core precalculus topics along with coverage of analytic geometry in three dimensions and an introduction to concepts covered in calculus. With the third edition, Larson continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features, Checkpoint problems, and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests.
Table contents:
1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Rectangular Coordinates. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Nonlinear Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
4. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-to-Sum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
7. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Two-Variable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
8. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 7-9. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
11. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY IN THREE DIMENSIONS. The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System. Vectors in Space. The Cross Product of Two Vectors. Lines and Planes in Space. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
12. LIMITS AND AN INTRODUCTION TO CALCULUS. Introduction to Limits. Techniques for Evaluating Limits. The Tangent Line Problem. Limits at Infinity and Limits of Sequences. The Area Problem. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
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