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Sociology in Modules 2nd Edition Schaefer Solutions Manual
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Sociology in Modules 2nd Edition Schaefer Solution Manual
Product details:
- ISBN 10 1260726770
- ISBN 13 9781260726770
- Author: Schaefer, Richard T.
Sociology in Modules takes a traditional approach to Introduction to Sociology—while presenting material in a flexible way that allows instructors to select and organize reading assignments in the best order for their course.
When paired with Connect instructors are able to engage students in the content and encourage them to develop and apply their sociological imagination.
Table contents:
1 Understanding Sociology
2 Sociological Research
3 Culture
4 Socialization and the Life Course
5 Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure
6 Mass Media and Social Media
7 Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
8 Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States
9 Global Inequality
10 Racial and Ethnic Inequality
11 Stratification by Gender and Sexuality
12 Stratification by Age
13 The Family and Household Diversity
14 Education
15 Religion
16 Government and the Economy
17 Health, Population, and the Environment
18 Social Change in the Global Community
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