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Understanding the American Promise Volume 2 A History From 1865 3rd Edition Roark Test Bank.
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Understanding the American Promise Volume 2 A History From 1865 3rd Edition Roark Test Bank
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1319042333
- ISBN-13 : 978-1319042332
- Author: James L. Roark (Ph.D., Stanford University)
Fully comprehend what you’re reading through the inquiry-based presentation of history which drives you to take more active approach to learning in Understanding the American Promise, Volume 2.
Table contents:
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: An archaeological dig helps uncover ancient North American traditions
Archaeology and History
The First Americans
African and Asian Origins
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Who Were the First Americans?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
Paleo-Indian Hunters
Archaic Hunters and Gatherers
Great Plains Bison Hunters
Great Basin Cultures
Pacific Coast Cultures
Eastern Woodland Cultures
Agricultural Settlements and Chiefdoms
Southwestern Cultures
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “Corn: An Ancient American Legacy”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Artifacts of Daily Life in Chaco Canyon”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Woodland Burial Mounds and Chiefdoms
Native Americans in the 1490s
Eastern and Great Plains Peoples
Southwestern and Western Peoples
Cultural Similarities
The Mexica: A Mesoamerican Culture
Conclusion: The World of Ancient Americans
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 1 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 1
Document 1-1: A Taino Origin Story: Ramón Pané, On Taino Religious Practices
Quiz for Document 1-1: A Taino Origin Story: Ramón Pané, On Taino Religious Practices LaunchPad
Document 1-2: A Penobscot Origin Narrative: Joseph Nicolar, The Life and Traditions of the Red Men, 1893
Quiz for Document 1-2: A Penobscot Origin Narrative: Joseph Nicolar, The Life and Traditions of the Red Men, 1893 LaunchPad
Document 1-3: Genesis: The Christian Origin Narrative: “In the Beginning”
Quiz for Document 1-3: Genesis: The Christian Origin Narrative: “In the Beginning” LaunchPad
Document 1-4: Aristotle on Masters and Slaves: The Politics, ca. 300 B.C.
Quiz for Document 1-4: Aristotle on Masters and Slaves: The Politics, ca. 300 B.C. LaunchPad
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Queen Isabella of Spain supports Christopher Columbus’s risky plan to sail west across the Atlantic
Europe in the Age of Exploration
Mediterranean Trade and European Expansion
A Century of Portuguese Exploration
A Surprising New World in the Western Atlantic
The Explorations of Columbus
The Geographic Revolution and the Columbian Exchange
Spanish Exploration and Conquest
The Conquest of Mexico
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Search for Other Mexicos
Spanish Outposts in Florida and New Mexico
New Spain in the Sixteenth Century
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Spreading Christianity in New Spain”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
The Toll of Spanish Conquest and Colonization
The New World and Sixteenth-Century Europe
The Protestant Reformation and the Spanish Response
Europe and The Spanish Example
Conclusion: The promise of the new world for Europeans
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 2 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 2
Document 2-1: The King of the Congo Writes to the King of Portugal: King Afonso and King João III, Correspondence, 1526
Quiz for Document 2-1: The King of the Congo Writes to the King of Portugal: King Afonso and King João III, Correspondence, 1526 LaunchPad
Document 2-2: Columbus Describes His First Encounter with “Indians”: The Diario of Christopher Columbus’s First Voyage to America, 1492-1493
Quiz for Document 2-2: Columbus Describes His First Encounter with “Indians”: The Diario of Christopher Columbus’s First Voyage to America, 1492-1493 LaunchPad
Document 2-3: A Conquistador Arrives in Mexico, 1519-1520: Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The Conquest of New Spain, 1632
Quiz for Document 2-3: A Conquistador Arrives in Mexico, 1519-1520: Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The Conquest of New Spain, 1632 LaunchPad
Document 2-4: A Mexican Description of the Conquest of Mexico: Mexican Accounts of Conquest from the Florentine Codex
Quiz for Document 2-4: A Mexican Description of the Conquest of Mexico: Mexican Accounts of Conquest from the Florentine Codex LaunchPad
Document 2-5: Cabeza de Vaca Describes His Captivity Among Native Americans in Texas and the Southwest, 1528-1536: Narrative, 1542
Quiz for Document 2-5: Cabeza de Vaca Describes His Captivity Among Native Americans in Texas and the Southwest, 1528-1536: Narrative, 1542 LaunchPad
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Pocahontas “rescues” John Smith
An English Colony on Chesapeake Bay
The Fragile Jamestown Settlement
Cooperation and Conflict between Natives and Newcomers
From Private Company to Royal Government
A Tobacco Society
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “American Tobacco and European Consumers”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Tobacco Agriculture
A Servant Labor System
The Rigors of Servitude
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Cultivating Land and Faith
Hierarchy and Inequality in the Chesapeake
Social and Economic Polarization
Government Policies and Political Conflict
Bacon’s Rebellion
MAKING AN HISTORICAL ARGUMENT: “Why Did English Colonists Consider Themselves Superior to Indians and Africans?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
Toward a Slave Labor System
Religion and Revolt in the Spanish Borderland
The West Indies: Sugar and Slavery
Carolina: A West Indian Frontier
Slave Labor Emerges in the Chesapeake
Conclusion: The Growth of English Colonies Based on Export Crops and Slave Labor
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 3 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 3
Document 3-1: Richard Frethorne Describes Indentured Servitude in Virginia: Letter to Father and Mother, March 20, April 2, 3, 1623
Quiz for Document 3-1: Richard Frethorne Describes Indentured Servitude in Virginia: Letter to Father and Mother, March 20, April 2, 3, 1623 LaunchPad
Document 3-2: Opechancanough’s 1622 Uprising in Virginia: Edward Waterhouse, Declaration, 1622
Quiz for Document 3-2: Opechancanough’s 1622 Uprising in Virginia: Edward Waterhouse, Declaration, 1622 LaunchPad
Document 3-3: Sex and Race Relations: Testimony from Virginia Court Records, 1681
Quiz for Document 3-3: Sex and Race Relations: Testimony from Virginia Court Records, 1681 LaunchPad
Document 3-4: Bacon’s Rebellion: Nathaniel Bacon, Declaration, 1676
Quiz for Document 3-4: Bacon’s Rebellion: Nathaniel Bacon, Declaration, 1676 LaunchPad
Document 3-5: Pedro Naranjo Describes Pueblo Revolt: Declaration of Pedro Naranjo of the Queres Nation, December 19, 1681
Quiz for Document 3-5: Pedro Naranjo Describes Pueblo Revolt: Declaration of Pedro Naranjo of the Queres Nation, December 19, 1681 LaunchPad
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Roger Williams is banished from Puritan Massachusetts
Puritans and the Settlement of New England
Puritan Origins: The English Reformation
The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony
The Founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “How did Seventeenth-Century Colonists View Nature” LaunchPad
The Evolution of New England Society
Church, Covenant, and Conformity
Government by Puritans for Puritanism
The Splintering of Puritanism
Religious Controversies and Economic Changes
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Hunting Witches in Salem, Massachusetts”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Founding of the Middle Colonies
From New Netherland to New York
New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Toleration and Diversity in Pennsylvania
The Colonies and the English Empire
Royal Regulation of Colonial Trade
King Philip’s War and the Consolidation of Royal Authority
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “New France and the Indians: The English Colonies’ Northern Borderlands”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Conclusion: An English Model of Colonization in North America
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 4 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 4
Document 4-1: The Arbella Sermon: John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity, 1630
Quiz for Document 4-1: The Arbella Sermon: John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity, 1630 LaunchPad
Document 4-2: Observations of New England Indians: Roger Williams, A Key into the Language of America, 1643
Quiz for Document 4-2: Observations of New England Indians: Roger Williams, A Key into the Language of America, 1643
Document 4-3: Wampanoag Grievances at the Outset of King Philip’s War: John Easton, A Relation of the Indian War, 1675
Quiz for Document 4-3: Wampanoag Grievances at the Outset of King Philip’s War: John Easton, A Relation of the Indian War, 1675 LaunchPad
Document 4-4: A Provincial Government Enacts Legislation: The Laws of Pennsylvania, 1682
Quiz for Document 4-4: A Provincial Government Enacts Legislation: The Laws of Pennsylvania, 1682 LaunchPad
Document 4-5: Words of the Bewitched: Testimony against Accused Witch Bridget Bishop, 1692
Quiz for Document 4-5: Words of the Bewitched: Testimony against Accused Witch Bridget Bishop, 1692 LaunchPad
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: The Robin Johns experience horrific turns of fortune in the Atlantic slave trade
A Growing Population and Expanding Economy in British North America
New England: From Puritan Settlers to Yankee Traders
Natural Increase and Land Distribution
Farms, Fish, and Atlantic Trade
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “A Sailor’s Life in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
The Middle Colonies: Immigrants, Wheat, and Work
German and Scots-Irish Immigrants
“God Gives All Things to Industry”: Urban and Rural Labor
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Why Did Few Colonists Oppose the African Slave Trade?” LaunchPad
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Southern Colonies: Land of Slavery
The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Growth of Slavery
Slave Labor and African American Culture
Tobacco, Rice, and Prosperity
Unifying Experiences
Commerce and Consumption
Religion, Enlightenment, and Revival
Trade and Conflict in the North American Borderlands
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Spanish Priests Report on California Missions”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Colonial Politics in the British Empire
Conclusion: The Dual Identity of British North American Colonists
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 5 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 5
Document 5-1: Elizabeth Ashbridge Becomes an Indentured Servant in New York: Elizabeth Ashbridge, Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, Who Died in…1755 (1807)
Quiz for Document 5-1: Elizabeth Ashbridge Becomes an Indentured Servant in New York: Elizabeth Ashbridge, Some Account of the Early Part of the Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, Who Died in…1755 (1807) LaunchPad
Document 5-2: Poor Richard’s Advice: Benjamin Franklin, Father Abraham’s Speech from Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1757
Quiz for Document 5-2: Poor Richard’s Advice: Benjamin Franklin, Father Abraham’s Speech from Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1757 LaunchPad
Document 5-3: An Anglican Criticizes New Light Baptists and Presbyterians in the South Carolina Backcountry: Charles Woodmason, Sermon on the Baptists and the Presbyterians, ca. 1768
Quiz for Document 5-3: An Anglican Criticizes New Light Baptists and Presbyterians in the South Carolina Backcountry: Charles Woodmason, Sermon on the Baptists and the Presbyterians, ca. 1768 LaunchPad
Document 5-4: Advertisements for Runaway Slaves: South Carolina Gazette and Virginia Gazette, 1737-1745
Quiz for Document 5-4: Advertisements for Runaway Slaves: South Carolina Gazette and Virginia Gazette, 1737-1745 LaunchPad
Document 5-5: A Moravian Missionary Interviews Slaves in the West Indies, 1767-1768: Christian George Andreas Oldendorp, History of the Evangelical Brethren’s Mission on the Caribbean Islands, 1777
Quiz for Document 5-5: A Moravian Missionary Interviews Slaves in the West Indies, 1767-1768: Christian George Andreas Oldendorp, History of the Evangelical Brethren’s Mission on the Caribbean Islands, 1777 LaunchPad
6. The British Empire and the Colonial Crisis, 1754–1775
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Loyalist governor Thomas Hutchinson stands his ground in radical Massachusetts
The Seven Years’ War, 1754–1763
French-British Rivalry in the Ohio Country
The Albany Congress
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Why did the Mohawk Chief Hendrick fight with the British against the French in 1755?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The War and Its Consequences
Pontiac’s Rebellion and the Proclamation of 1763
The Sugar and Stamp Acts, 1763–1765
Grenville’s Sugar Act
The Stamp Act
Resistance Strategies and Crowd Politics
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Pursuing Liberty, Protesting Tyranny”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Liberty and Property
The Townshend Acts and Economic Retaliation, 1767–1770
The Townshend Duties
Nonconsumption and the Daughters of Liberty
Military Occupation and “Massacre” in Boston
The Destruction of the Tea and the Coercive Acts, 1770–1774
The Calm before the Storm
Tea in Boston Harbor
The Coercive Acts
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Reactions to the Boston Port Act outside of Massachusetts”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Beyond Boston: Rural New England
The First Continental Congress
Domestic Insurrections, 1774–1775
Lexington and Concord
Rebelling against Slavery
Conclusion: The Long Road to Revolution
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 6 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 6
Document 6-1: Mary Jemison Is Captured by Seneca Indians during the Seven Years’ War: James E. Seaver, A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, 1824
Quiz for Document 6-1: Mary Jemison Is Captured by Seneca Indians during the Seven Years’ War: James E. Seaver, A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, 1824 LaunchPad
Document 6-2: An Oration on the Second Anniversary of the Boston Massacre: Joseph Warren, Boston Massacre Oration, March 5, 1772
Quiz for Document 6-2: An Oration on the Second Anniversary of the Boston Massacre: Joseph Warren, Boston Massacre Oration, March 5, 1772 LaunchPad
Document 6-3: A Boston Shoemaker Recalls British Arrogance and the Boston Tea Party: George R. T. Hewes, Memoir, 1834
Quiz for Document 6-3: A Boston Shoemaker Recalls British Arrogance and the Boston Tea Party: George R. T. Hewes, Memoir, 1834 LaunchPad
Document 6-4: Daniel Leonard Argues for Loyalty to the British Empire: To the Inhabitants of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, 1774-1775
Quiz for Document 6-4: Daniel Leonard Argues for Loyalty to the British Empire: To the Inhabitants of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, 1774-1775 LaunchPad
Document 6-5: Edmund Burke Urges Reconciliation with the Colonies: Speech to Parliament, March 22, 1775
Quiz for Document 6-5: Edmund Burke Urges Reconciliation with the Colonies: Speech to Parliament, March 22, 1775 LaunchPad
7. THE WAR FOR AMERICA, 1775–1783
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Deborah Sampson masquerades as a man to join the Continental army
The Second Continental Congress
Assuming Political and Military Authority
Pursuing Both War and Peace
Thomas Paine, Abigail Adams, and the Case for Independence
The Declaration of Independence
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “How Did ‘New Media’ Push Forward the Declaration of Independence?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The First Year of War, 1775–1776
The American Military Forces
The British Strategy
Quebec, New York, and New Jersey
The Home Front
Patriotism at the Local Level
The Loyalists
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Families Divide over the Revolution”
Who Is a Traitor?
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Prisoners of War
Financial Instability and Corruption
The Campaigns of 1777–1779: The North and West
Burgoyne’s Army and the Battle of Saratoga
The War in the West: Indian Country
The French Alliance
The Southern Strategy and the End of the War
Georgia and South Carolina
Treason and Guerrilla Warfare
A Shaming Ritual Targeting the Great Traitor
Surrender at Yorktown
The Losers and the Winners
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “European Nations and the Peace of Paris, 1783”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Conclusion: Why the British Lost
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 7 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 7
Document 7-1: Thomas Paine Makes the Case for Independence: Common Sense, January 1776
Quiz for Document 7-1: Thomas Paine Makes the Case for Independence: Common Sense, January 1776 LaunchPad
Document 7-2: Letters of John and Abigail Adams: Correspondence, 1776
Quiz for Document 7-2: Letters of John and Abigail Adams: Correspondence, 1776 LaunchPad
Document 7-3: J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur Describes the Distresses of a Frontier Farmer during the Revolution: J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, “Distresses of a Frontier Man,” 1782
Quiz for Document 7-3: J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur Describes the Distresses of a Frontier Farmer during the Revolution: J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, “Distresses of a Frontier Man,” 1782 LaunchPad
Document 7-4: Boston King Seeks Freedom by Running Away to the British Army: Memoir, 1798
Quiz for Document 7-4: Boston King Seeks Freedom by Running Away to the British Army: Memoir, 1798 LaunchPad
Document 7-5: Joseph Brant Appeals to British Allies to Keep Promises: Address to British Secretary of State Lord Germain, 1776 and Message to Governor of Quebec, Frederick Haldimand, 1783
Quiz for Document 7-5: Joseph Brant Appeals to British Allies to Keep Promises: Address to British Secretary of State Lord Germain, 1776 and Message to Governor of Quebec, Frederick Haldimand, 1783 LaunchPad
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: James Madison comes of age in the midst of revolution
The Articles of Confederation
Confederation and Taxation
The Problem of Western Lands
Running the New Government
The Sovereign States
The State Constitutions
Who Are “the People”?
Equality and Slavery
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
The Confederation’s Problems
The War Debt and the Newburgh Conspiracy
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
Land Ordinances and the Northwest Territory
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Northwest Ordinance and Slavery”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Requisition of 1785 and Shays’s Rebellion, 1786–1787
The United States Constitution
From Annapolis to Philadelphia
The Virginia and New Jersey Plans
Democracy versus Republicanism
Ratification of the Constitution
The Federalists
The Antifederalists
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Was the New United States a Christian Country?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Big Holdouts: Virginia and New York
Conclusion: The “Republican Remedy’
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 8 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 8
Document 8-1: Richard Allen Founds the First African Methodist Church: Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours, 1833
Quiz for Document 8-1: Richard Allen Founds the First African Methodist Church: Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours, 1833 LaunchPad
Document 8-2: Thomas Jefferson on Slavery and Race: Notes on the State of Virginia, 1782
Quiz for Document 8-2: Thomas Jefferson on Slavery and Race: Notes on the State of Virginia, 1782 LaunchPad
Document 8-3: Benjamin Rush Proposes a Proper Education for a Republic: Benjamin Rush, “Of the Mode of Education Proper in a Republic,” 1786
Quiz for Document 8-3: Benjamin Rush Proposes a Proper Education for a Republic: Benjamin Rush, “Of the Mode of Education Proper in a Republic,” 1786 LaunchPad
Document 8-4: Making the Case for the Constitution: James Madison, Federalist Number 10, 1787
Quiz for Document 8-4: Making the Case for the Constitution: James Madison, Federalist Number 10, 1787 LaunchPad
Document 8-5: Mercy Otis Warren Opposes the Constitution: Observations on the New Constitution, 1788
Quiz for Document 8-5: Mercy Otis Warren Opposes the Constitution: Observations on the New Constitution, 1788 LaunchPad
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Brilliant and brash, Alexander Hamilton becomes a polarizing figure in the 1790s
The Search for Stability
Washington Inaugurates the Government
The Bill of Rights
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “How Did America’s First Congress Address the Question of Slavery?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Republican Wife and Mother
Hamilton’s Economic Policies
Agriculture, Transportation, and Banking
The Public Debt and Taxes
The First Bank of the United States and the Report on Manufactures
The Whiskey Rebellion
Conflicts on America’s Borders and Beyond
Creeks in the Southwest
Ohio Indians in the Northwest
France and Britain
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “France, Britain, and Woman’s Rights in the 1790s”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
The Haitian Revolution
Federalists and Republicans
The Election of 1796
The XYZ Affair
The Alien and Sedition Acts
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Crisis of 1798: Sedition”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Conclusion: Parties Nonetheless
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 9 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 9
Document 9-1: Alexander Hamilton on the Economy: Report on the Subject of Manufactures, 1791
Quiz for Document 9-1: Alexander Hamilton on the Economy: Report on the Subject of Manufactures, 1791 LaunchPad
Document 9-2: Mary Dewees Moves West to Kentucky: Journal, 1788-1789
Quiz for Document 9-2: Mary Dewees Moves West to Kentucky: Journal, 1788-1789 LaunchPad
Document 9-3: Judith Sargent Murray Insists on the Equality of the Sexes: Judith Sargent Murray, “On the Equality of the Sexes,” 1790
Quiz for Document 9-3: Judith Sargent Murray Insists on the Equality of the Sexes: Judith Sargent Murray, “On the Equality of the Sexes,” 1790 LaunchPad
Document 9-4: A French Sugar Planter Describes the French and Saint Domingue Revolutions: A Sugar Planter of Saint Domingue Experiences Revolution in France and Saint Domingue, 1791
Quiz for Document 9-4: A French Sugar Planter Describes the French and Saint Domingue Revolutions: A Sugar Planter of Saint Domingue Experiences Revolution in France and Saint Domingue, 1791 LaunchPad
Document 9-5: President George Washington’s Parting Advice to the Nation: Farewell Address to the People of the United States, 1796
Quiz for Document 9-5: President George Washington’s Parting Advice to the Nation: Farewell Address to the People of the United States, 1796 LaunchPad
10. Republicans in Power, 1800–1824
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: The Shawnee chief Tecumseh attempts to forge a pan-Indian confederacy
Jefferson’s Presidency
Turbulent Times: Election and Rebellion
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “How Could a Vice President Get Away with Murder?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Jeffersonian Vision of Republican Simplicity
Dangers Overseas: The Barbary Wars
Opportunities and Challenges in the West
The Louisiana Purchase
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Osage and Comanche Indians
Jefferson, the Madisons, and the War of 1812
Impressment and Embargo
Dolley Madison and Social Politics
Tecumseh and Tippecanoe
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Nation’s First Formal Declaration of War”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Washington City Burns: The British Offensive
Women’s Status in the Early Republic
Women and the Law
Women and Church Governance
Female Education
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “One Woman’s Quest to Provide Higher Education for Women”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Monroe and Adams
From Property to Democracy
The Missouri Compromise
The Monroe Doctrine
The Election of 1824
The Adams Administration
Conclusion: Republican Simplicity Becomes Complex
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 10 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 10
Document 10-1: President Thomas Jefferson’s Private and Public Indian Policy: Letter to Governor William H. Harrison, February 27, 1803 and Address to the Wolf and People of the Mandan Nation, December 30, 1806
Quiz for Document 10-1: President Thomas Jefferson’s Private and Public Indian Policy: Letter to Governor William H. Harrison, February 27, 1803 and Address to the Wolf and People of the Mandan Nation, December 30, 1806 LaunchPad
Document 10-2: Meriwether Lewis Describes the Shoshone: The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1805
Quiz for Document 10-2: Meriwether Lewis Describes the Shoshone: The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1805 LaunchPad
Document 10-3: A Slave Demands That Thomas Jefferson Abolish Slavery: A Slave to Thomas Jefferson, November 30, 1808
Quiz for Document 10-3: A Slave Demands That Thomas Jefferson Abolish Slavery: A Slave to Thomas Jefferson, November 30, 1808 LaunchPad
Document 10-4: James Forten Protests Pennsylvania Law Threatening Enslavement of Free African Americans: Letters from a Man of Colour, on a Late Bill before the Senate of Pennsylvania, 1813
Quiz for Document 10-4: James Forten Protests Pennsylvania Law Threatening Enslavement of Free African Americans: Letters from a Man of Colour, on a Late Bill before the Senate of Pennsylvania, 1813 LaunchPad
Document 10-5: James Hamilton’s Path to Enlistment during the War of 1812: Confession, 1818
Quiz for Document 10-5: James Hamilton’s Path to Enlistment during the War of 1812: Confession, 1818 LaunchPad
11. The Expanding Republic, 1815–1840
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: The Grimké sisters speak out against slavery
The Market Revolution
Improvements in Transportation
Factories, Workingwomen, and Wage Labor
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Mill Girls Stand Up to Factory Owners, 1834”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Bankers and Lawyers
Booms and Busts
The Spread of Democracy
Popular Politics and Partisan Identity
The Election of 1828 and the Character Issue
Jackson’s Democratic Agenda
Jackson Defines the Democratic Party
Indian Policy and the Trail of Tears
The Tariff of Abominations and Nullification
The Bank War and Economic Boom
Cultural Shifts, Religion, and Reform
The Family and Separate Spheres
The Education and Training of Youths
The Second Great Awakening
The Temperance Movement and the Campaign for Moral Reform
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Who Scorned Temperance and Moral Reform?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
Organizing against Slavery
Van Buren’s One-Term Presidency
The Politics of Slavery
Elections and Panics
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Going Ahead or Gone to Smash: An Entrepreneur Struggles in the 1830s”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Conclusion: The Age of Jackson or the Era of Reform?
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 11 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 11
Document 11-1: President Andrew Jackson’s Parting Words to the Nation: Farewell Address, March 4, 1837
Quiz for Document 11-1: President Andrew Jackson’s Parting Words to the Nation: Farewell Address, March 4, 1837 LaunchPad
Document 11-2: Cherokees Debate Removal: John Ross, Answer to Inquiries from a Friend, 1836 and Elias Boudinot, A Reply to John Ross, 1837
Quiz for Document 11-2: Cherokees Debate Removal: John Ross, Answer to Inquiries from a Friend, 1836 and Elias Boudinot, A Reply to John Ross, 1837 LaunchPad
Document 11-3: Alexis de Toqueville Describes the Three Races in the United States: Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835
Quiz for Document 11-3: Alexis de Toqueville Describes the Three Races in the United States: Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835 LaunchPad
Document 11-4: David Walker Demands Emancipation: Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829
Quiz for Document 11-4: David Walker Demands Emancipation: Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829 LaunchPad
Document 11-5: Sarah Grimké on the Status of Women: Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, 1838
Quiz for Document 11-5: Sarah Grimké on the Status of Women: Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, 1838 LaunchPad
12. The New West and the Free North, 1840–1860
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: With the support of his wife, Abraham Lincoln struggles to survive in antebellum America
Economic and Industrial Evolution
Agriculture and Land Policy
Manufacturing and Mechanization
Railroads: Breaking the Bonds of Nature
Free Labor: Promise and Reality
The Free-Labor Ideal
Economic Inequality
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “Global Prosperity in the 1850s”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Immigrants and the Free-Labor Ladder
The Westward Movement
Manifest Destiny
Oregon and the Overland Trail
The Mormon Exodus
The Mexican Borderlands
Expansion and the Mexican-American War
The Politics of Expansion
The Mexican-American War, 1846–1848
Victory in Mexico
Golden California
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Why was the Gold Rush So Deadly for California’s Indians?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
Reforming Self and Society
The Pursuit of Perfection: Transcendentalists and Utopians
Woman’s Rights Activists
Abolitionists and the American Ideal
Conclusion: Free Labor, Free Men
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 12 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 12
Document 12-1: Abraham Lincoln Explains the Free Labor System: Abraham Lincoln, “Address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society,” Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 1859
Quiz for Document 12-1: Abraham Lincoln Explains the Free Labor System: Abraham Lincoln, “Address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society,” Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 1859 LaunchPad
Document 12-2: The Anxiety of Gain: Henry W. Bellows on Commerce and Morality: The Influence of the Trading Spirit upon the Social and Moral Life of America, 1845
Quiz for Document 12-2: The Anxiety of Gain: Henry W. Bellows on Commerce and Morality: The Influence of the Trading Spirit upon the Social and Moral Life of America, 1845 LaunchPad
Document 12-3: Gold Fever: Walter Colton, California Gold Rush Diary, 1849-1850
Quiz for Document 12-3: Gold Fever: Walter Colton, California Gold Rush Diary, 1849-1850 LaunchPad
Document 12-4: That Woman Is Man’s Equal: The Seneca Falls Declaration: Declaration of Sentiments, 1848
Quiz for Document 12-4: That Woman Is Man’s Equal: The Seneca Falls Declaration: Declaration of Sentiments, 1848 LaunchPad
Document 12-5: A Farmer’s View of His Wife: Eliza Farnham, Conversation with a Newly Wed Westerner, 1846
Quiz for Document 12-5: A Farmer’s View of His Wife: Eliza Farnham, Conversation with a Newly Wed Westerner, 1846 LaunchPad
13. The Slave South, 1820–1860
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Slave Nat Turner leads a revolt to end slavery
The Growing Distinctiveness of the South
Cotton Kingdom, Slave Empire
The South in Black and White
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Plantation Economy
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “Cotton’s Global Empire”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Masters and Mistresses in the Big House
Paternalism and Male Honor
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “How Often Were Slaves Whipped?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Southern Lady and Feminine Virtues
Slaves in the Quarter
Family and Religion
Resistance and Rebellion
The Plain Folk
Plantation-Belt Yeomen
Upcountry Yeomen
Poor Whites
The Culture of the Plain Folk
Black and Free: On the Middle Ground
Precarious Freedom
Achievement Despite Restrictions
The Politics of Slavery
The Democratization of the Political Arena
Planter Power
Conclusion: A Slave Society
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 13 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 13
Document 13-1: Madison Hemings Recalls Life as Thomas Jefferson’s Enslaved Son: Interview, 1873
Quiz for Document 13-1: Madison Hemings Recalls Life as Thomas Jefferson’s Enslaved Son: Interview, 1873 LaunchPad
Document 13-2: Plantation Rules: Bennet Barrow, Highland Plantation Journal, May 1, 1838
Quiz for Document 13-2: Plantation Rules: Bennet Barrow, Highland Plantation Journal, May 1, 1838 LaunchPad
Document 13-3: Fanny Kemble Learns about Abuses of Slave Women: Frances Anne Kemble, Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839
Quiz for Document 13-3: Fanny Kemble Learns about Abuses of Slave Women: Frances Anne Kemble, Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839 LaunchPad
Document 13-4: Nat Turner Explains Why He Became an Insurrectionist: The Confessions of Nat Turner, 1831
Quiz for Document 13-4: Nat Turner Explains Why He Became an Insurrectionist: The Confessions of Nat Turner, 1831 LaunchPad
Document 13-5: The Proslavery Argument: James Henry Hammond, Letter to an English Abolitionist, 1845
Quiz for Document 13-5: The Proslavery Argument: James Henry Hammond, Letter to an English Abolitionist, 1845 LaunchPad
14. THE HOUSE DIVIDED, 1846–1861
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Abolitionist John Brown takes his war against slavery to Harpers Ferry, Virginia
The Bitter Fruits of War
The Wilmot Proviso and the Expansion of Slavery
The Election of 1848
Debate and Compromise
The Sectional Balance Undone
The Fugitive Slave Act
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “Filibusters: Were They the Underside of Manifest Destiny?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
Realignment of the Party System
The Old Parties: Whigs and Democrats
The New Parties: Know-Nothings and Republicans
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “’A Purse of Her Own’: Petitioning for the Right to Own Property”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
The Election of 1856
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Freedom under Siege
“Bleeding Kansas”
The Dred Scott Decision
Prairie Republican: Abraham Lincoln
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
The Union Collapses
The Aftermath of John Brown’s Raid
Republican Victory in 1860
Secession Winter
Conclusion: Slavery, Free Labor, and the Failure of Political Compromise
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 14 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 14
Document 14-1: The Kansas-Nebraska Act: Abraham Lincoln, Speech in Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854
Quiz for Document 14-1: The Kansas-Nebraska Act: Abraham Lincoln, Speech in Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854 LaunchPad
Document 14-2: The Antislavery Constitution: Frederick Douglass, The Constitution of the United States: Is It Proslavery or Antislavery? 1860
Quiz for Document 14-2: The Antislavery Constitution: Frederick Douglass, The Constitution of the United States: Is It Proslavery or Antislavery? 1860 LaunchPad
Document 14-3: The Proslavery Constitution: Jefferson Davis, Speech before the U.S. Senate, May 1860
Quiz for Document 14-3: The Proslavery Constitution: Jefferson Davis, Speech before the U.S. Senate, May 1860 LaunchPad
Document 14-4: Levi Coffin Describes Margaret Garner’s Attempt to Escape Slavery: Levi Coffin, Reminiscences, 1880
Quiz for Document 14-4: Levi Coffin Describes Margaret Garner’s Attempt to Escape Slavery: Levi Coffin, Reminiscences, 1880 LaunchPad
Document 14-5: Abolitionist Lydia Maria Child Defends John Brown and Attacks the Slave Power: Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Virginia Governor Henry A. Wise, 1859
Quiz for Document 14-5: Abolitionist Lydia Maria Child Defends John Brown and Attacks the Slave Power: Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Virginia Governor Henry A. Wise, 1859 LaunchPad
15. THE CRUCIBLE OF WAR, 1861–1865
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Runaway slave William Gould enlists in the U.S. Navy
“And the War Came”
Attack on Fort Sumter
The Upper South Chooses Sides
The Combatants
How They Expected to Win
Lincoln and Davis Mobilize
Battling It Out, 1861–1862
Stalemate in the Eastern Theater
Union Victories in the Western Theater
The Atlantic Theater
International Diplomacy
Union and Freedom
From Slaves to Contraband
From Contraband to Free People
The War of Black Liberation
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “The Right to Fight: Black Soldiers in the Civil War”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
The South at War
Revolution from Above
Hardship Below
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Disintegration of Slavery
The North at War
The Government and the Economy
Women and Work at Home and at War
Politics and Dissent
Grinding Out Victory, 1863–1865
Vicksburg and Gettysburg
Grant Takes Command
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
The Election of 1864
The Confederacy Collapses
Conclusion: The Second American Revolution
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 15 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 15
Document 15-1: President Lincoln’s War Aims: Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862; The Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863; and The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863
Quiz for Document 15-1: President Lincoln’s War Aims: Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862; The Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863; and The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 LaunchPad
Document 15-2: A Former Slave’s War Aims: Statement from an Anonymous Former Slave, New Orleans, 1863
Quiz for Document 15-2: A Former Slave’s War Aims: Statement from an Anonymous Former Slave, New Orleans, 1863 LaunchPad
Document 15-3: The New York Draft Riots: Report of the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering from the Late Riots in the City of New York, 1863
Quiz for Document 15-3: The New York Draft Riots: Report of the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering from the Late Riots in the City of New York, 1863 LaunchPad
Document 15-4: Susie King Taylor Describes Her Wartime Experiences: Susie King Taylor, Reminiscences of My Life in Camp, 1902
Quiz for Document 15-4: Susie King Taylor Describes Her Wartime Experiences: Susie King Taylor, Reminiscences of My Life in Camp, 1902 LaunchPad Document 15-5: General William T. Sherman Explains the Hard Hand of War: Correspondence, 1864
Quiz for 15-5: General William T. Sherman Explains the Hard Hand of War: Correspondence, 1864 LaunchPad COMPARATIVE QUESTIONS
16. Reconstruction, 1863–1877
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: James T. Rapier emerges in the early 1870s as Alabama’s most prominent black leader
Wartime Reconstruction
“To Bind Up the Nation’s Wounds”
Land and Labor
The African American Quest for Autonomy
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Presidential Reconstruction
Johnson’s Program of Reconciliation
White Southern Resistance and Black Codes
Expansion of Federal Authority and Black Rights
Congressional Reconstruction
The Fourteenth Amendment and Escalating Violence
Radical Reconstruction and Military Rule
Impeaching a President
The Fifteenth Amendment and Women’s Demands
The Struggle in the South
Freedmen, Yankees, and Yeomen
MAKING HISTORICAL ARGUMENTS: “What Did the Ku Klux Klan Really Want?”
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments LaunchPad
Republican Rule
White Landlords, Black Sharecroppers
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “The Slaveholder Exodus”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Reconstruction Collapses
Grant’s Troubled Presidency
Northern Resolve Withers
White Supremacy Triumphs
An Election and a Compromise
Conclusion: “A Revolution But Half Accomplished”
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 16 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 16
Document 16-1: Carl Schurz Reports on the Condition of the Defeated South: Report on the Condition of the South, 1865
Quiz for Document 16-1: Carl Schurz Reports on the Condition of the Defeated South: Report on the Condition of the South, 1865 LaunchPad
Document 16-2: Black Codes Enacted in the South: Mississippi Black Code, November 1865
Quiz for Document 16-2: Black Codes Enacted in the South: Mississippi Black Code, November 1865 LaunchPad
Document 16-3: Former Slaves Seek to Reunite Their Families: Advertisements from the Christian Recorder, 1865-1870
Quiz for Document 16-3: Former Slaves Seek to Reunite Their Families: Advertisements from the Christian Recorder, 1865-1870 LaunchPad
Document 16-4: Planter Louis Manigault Visits His Plantations and Former Slaves, 1867: Louis Manigault, “A Narrative of a Post-Civil War Visit to Gowrie and East Hermitage Plantations,” March 22, 1867
Quiz for Document 16-4: Planter Louis Manigault Visits His Plantations and Former Slaves, 1867: Louis Manigault, “A Narrative of a Post-Civil War Visit to Gowrie and East Hermitage Plantations,” March 22, 1867 LaunchPad
Document 16-5: Klan Violence against Blacks: Elias Hill, Testimony before Congressional Committee Investigating the Ku Klux Klan, 1871
Quiz for Document 16-5: Klan Violence against Blacks: Elias Hill, Testimony before Congressional Committee Investigating the Ku Klux Klan, 1871 LaunchPad
17. The Contested West, 1865–1900
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Frederick Jackson Turner delivers his “frontier thesis”
Conquest and Empire in the West
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “Imperialism, Colonialism, and the Treatment of the Sioux and the Zulu”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Indian Removal and the Reservation System
The Decimation of the Great Bison Herds
Indian Wars and the Collapse of Comanchería
The Fight for the Black Hills
Forced Assimilation and Indian Resistance
Indian Schools and the War on Indian Culture
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Dawes Act and Indian Land Allotment
Indian Resistance and Survival
Mining the West
Life on the Comstock Lode
The Diverse Peoples of the West
Land Fever
Moving West: Homesteaders and Speculators
Tenants, Sharecroppers, and Migrants
Commercial Farming and Industrial Cowboy
Territorial Government
Conclusion: The West in the Gilded Age
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 17 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 17
Document 17-1: Pun Chi Appeals to Congress in Behalf of Chinese Immigrants in California: A Remonstrance from the Chinese in California, ca. 1870
Quiz for Document 17-1: Pun Chi Appeals to Congress in Behalf of Chinese Immigrants in California: A Remonstrance from the Chinese in California, ca. 1870 LaunchPad
Document 17-2: Mattie Oblinger Describes Life on a Nebraska Homestead: Mattie V. Oblinger to George W. Thomas, Grizzie B. Thomas, and Wheeler Thomas Family, June 16, 1873
Quiz for Document 17-2: Mattie Oblinger Describes Life on a Nebraska Homestead: Mattie V. Oblinger to George W. Thomas, Grizzie B. Thomas, and Wheeler Thomas Family, June 16, 1873 LaunchPad
Document 17-3: Texas Rangers on the Mexican Border: N. A. Jennings, A Texas Ranger, 1875
Quiz for Document 17-3: Texas Rangers on the Mexican Border: N. A. Jennings, A Texas Ranger, 1875 LaunchPad
Document 17-4: In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat Describes White Encroachment: Chief Joseph, Speech to a White Audience, 1879
Quiz for Document 17-4: In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat Describes White Encroachment: Chief Joseph, Speech to a White Audience, 1879 LaunchPad
Document 17-5: A Plea to “Citizenize” Indians: Richard Pratt, “Kill the Indian … and save the man,” 1892
Quiz for Document 17-5: A Plea to “Citizenize” Indians: Richard Pratt, “Kill the Indian … and save the man,” 1892 LaunchPad
18. Railroads, Business, and Politics in the Gilded Age, 1865–1900
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Mark Twain and the Gilded Age
Railroads and the Rise of New Industries
Railroads: America’s First Big Business
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Charles Crocker, the Big Four, and the Race for Riches”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Andrew Carnegie, Steel, and Vertical Integration
John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil, and the Trust
New Inventions: The Telephone and the Telegraph
From Competition to Consolidation
J. P. Morgan and Finance Capitalism
Social Darwinism, Laissez-Faire, and the Supreme Court
Politics and Culture
Political Participation and Party Loyalty
Sectionalism and the New South
Gender, Race, and Politics
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Ida B. Wells and Her Campaign to Stop Lynching”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Women’s Activism
Presidential Politics
Corruption and Party Strife
Garfield’s Assassination and Civil Service Reform
Reform and Scandal: The Campaign of 1884
Economic Issues and Party Realignment
The Tariff and the Politics of Protection
Railroads, Trusts, and the Federal Government
The Fight for Free Silver
Panic and Depression
Conclusion: Business Dominates an Era
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 18 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 18
Document 18-1: Marshall Kirkman Likens Railroad Corporations to Armies: Marshall M. Kirkman, “The Railway Army,” 1894
Quiz for Document 18-1: Marshall Kirkman Likens Railroad Corporations to Armies: Marshall M. Kirkman, “The Railway Army,” 1894 LaunchPad
Document 18-2: William Graham Sumner on Social Obligations: What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, 1883
Quiz for Document 18-2: William Graham Sumner on Social Obligations: What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, 1883 LaunchPad
Document 18-3: Henry Demarest Lloyd Attacks Monopolies: Wealth against Commonwealth, 1894
Quiz for Document 18-3: Henry Demarest Lloyd Attacks Monopolies: Wealth against Commonwealth, 1894 LaunchPad
Document 18-4: Andrew Carnegie Explains the Gospel of Wealth: Wealth, 1889
Quiz for Document 18-4: Andrew Carnegie Explains the Gospel of Wealth: Wealth, 1889 LaunchPad
Document 18-5: Henry George Explains Why Poverty Is a Crime: An Analysis of the Crime of Poverty, 1885
Quiz for Document 18-5: Henry George Explains Why Poverty Is a Crime: An Analysis of the Crime of Poverty, 1885 LaunchPad
19. The City and Its Workers, 1870–1900
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Workers build the Brooklyn Bridge
The Rise of the City
The Urban Explosion: A Global Migration
Racism and the Cry for Immigration Restriction
The Social Geography of the City
At Work in Industrial America
America’s Diverse Workers
The Family Economy: Women and Children
White-Collar Workers: Managers, “Typewriters,” and Salesclerks
Workers Organize
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
The Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Songs of the Knights of Labor
Haymarket and the Specter of Labor Radicalism”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
At Home and at Play
Domesticity and “Domestics”
Cheap Amusements
City Growth and City Government
Building Cities of Stone and Steel
City Government and the “Bosses”
White City or City of Sin?
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “The World’s Columbian Exposition and Nineteenth-Century World’s Fairs”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
Conclusion: Who Built the Cities?
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 19 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 19
Document 19-1: A Textile Worker Explains the Labor Market: Thomas O’Donnell, Testimony before a U.S. Senate Committee, 1885
Quiz for Document 19-1: A Textile Worker Explains the Labor Market: Thomas O’Donnell, Testimony before a U.S. Senate Committee, 1885 LaunchPad
Document 19-2: Domestic Servants on Household Work: Interviews with Journalist Helen Campbell, 1880s
Quiz for Document 19-2: Domestic Servants on Household Work: Interviews with Journalist Helen Campbell, 1880s LaunchPad
Document 19-3: Jacob Riis Describes Abandoned Babies in New York City’s Slums: Waifs of New York City’s Slums, 1890
Quiz for Document 19-3: Jacob Riis Describes Abandoned Babies in New York City’s Slums: Waifs of New York City’s Slums, 1890 LaunchPad
Document 19-4: Walter Wyckoff Listens to Revolutionary Workers in Chicago: Walter A. Wyckoff, “Among the Revolutionaries,” 1898
Quiz for Document 19-4: Walter Wyckoff Listens to Revolutionary Workers in Chicago: Walter A. Wyckoff, “Among the Revolutionaries,” 1898 LaunchPad
Document 19-5: George Washington Plunkitt Explains Politics: William L. Riordon, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, 1905
Quiz for Document 19-5: George Washington Plunkitt Explains Politics: William L. Riordon, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, 1905 LaunchPad
20. Dissent, Depression, and War, 1890–1900
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Frances Willard participates in the creation of the Populist Party in 1892
The Farmers Unite
The Farmers’ Alliance
The Populist Movement
The Labor Wars
The Homestead Lockout
The Cripple Creek Miners’ Strike of 1894
Eugene V. Debs and the Pullman Strike
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Press and the Pullman Strike: Framing Class Conflict”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Women’s Activism
Frances Willard and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and the Movement for Woman Suffrage
Depression Politics
Coxey’s Army
The People’s Party and the Election of 1896
The United States and the World
Markets and Missionaries
The Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy
BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “Regime Change in Hawai’I”
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
“A Splendid Little War”
The Debate over American Imperialism
Conclusion: Rallying around the Flag
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 20 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 20
Document 20-1: Mary Elizabeth Lease Reports on Women in the Farmers’ Alliance: Mary Elizabeth Lease, “Women in the Farmers’ Alliance,” 1891
Quiz for Document 20-1: Mary Elizabeth Lease Reports on Women in the Farmers’ Alliance: Mary Elizabeth Lease, “Women in the Farmers’ Alliance,” 1891 LaunchPad
Document 20-2: White Supremacy in Wilmington, North Carolina: Gunner Jesse Blake, Narrative of the Wilmington “Rebellion” of 1898
Quiz for Document 20-2: White Supremacy in Wilmington, North Carolina: Gunner Jesse Blake, Narrative of the Wilmington “Rebellion” of 1898 LaunchPad
Document 20-3: Pinkertons Defeated at Homestead: Pinkerton Guard Testimony, 1893
Quiz for Document 20-3: Pinkertons Defeated at Homestead: Pinkerton Guard Testimony, 1893 LaunchPad
Document 20-4: Conflicting Views about Labor Unions: N. F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions of Capital and Labor, 1900 and Samuel Gompers, Letter to the American Federationist, 1894
Quiz for Document 20-4: Conflicting Views about Labor Unions: N. F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions of Capital and Labor, 1900 and Samuel Gompers, Letter to the American Federationist, 1894 LaunchPad
Document 20-5: Emilio Aguinaldo Criticizes American Imperialism in the Philippines: Case against the United States, 1899
Quiz for Document 20-5: Emilio Aguinaldo Criticizes American Imperialism in the Philippines: Case against the United States, 1899 LaunchPad
21. Progressivism from the Grass Roots to the White House, 1890–1916
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Jane Addams founds Hull House
Grassroots Progressivism
Civilizing the City
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Making the Workplace Safer: Alice Hamilton Explores the Dangerous Trades”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Progressives and the Working Class
Progressivism: Theory and Practice
Reform Darwinism and Social Engineering
Progressive Government: City and State
Progressivism Finds a President: Theodore Roosevelt
The Square Deal
Roosevelt the Reformer
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Flash and the Birth of Photojournalism”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Roosevelt and Conservation
The Big Stick
The Troubled Presidency of William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson and Progressivism at High Tide
Progressive Insurgency and the Election of 1912
Wilson’s Reforms: Tariff, Banking, and the Trusts
Wilson, Reluctant Progressive
The Limits of Progressive Reform
Radical Alternatives
Progressivism for White Men Only
Conclusion: The Transformation of the Liberal State
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 21 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 21
Document 21-1: Jane Addams on Settlement Houses: The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements, 1892
Quiz for Document 21-1: Jane Addams on Settlement Houses: The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements, 1892 LaunchPad
Document 21-2: A Sociologist Studies Working-Class Saloons in Chicago: Royal Melendy, Ethical Substitutes for the Saloon, 1900
Quiz for Document 21-2: A Sociologist Studies Working-Class Saloons in Chicago: Royal Melendy, Ethical Substitutes for the Saloon, 1900 LaunchPad
Document 21-3: Mother Jones on the Futility of Class Harmony: Letter to Mrs. Potter Palmer, January 12, 1907
Quiz for Document 21-3: Mother Jones on the Futility of Class Harmony: Letter to Mrs. Potter Palmer, January 12, 1907 LaunchPad
Document 21-4: Marie Jenney Howe Parodies the Opposition to Women’s Suffrage: Marie Jenney Howe, An Anti-Suffrage Monologue, 1913
Quiz for Document 21-4: Marie Jenney Howe Parodies the Opposition to Women’s Suffrage: Marie Jenney Howe, An Anti-Suffrage Monologue, 1913 LaunchPad
Document 21-5: Booker T. Washington on Racial Accommodation: The Atlanta Exposition Address, 1895
Quiz for Document 21-5: Booker T. Washington on Racial Accommodation: The Atlanta Exposition Address, 1895 LaunchPad
Document 21-6: W. E. B. Du Bois on Racial Equality: Booker T. Washington and Others, 1903
Quiz for Document 21-6: W. E. B. Du Bois on Racial Equality: Booker T. Washington and Others, 1903 LaunchPad
22. World War I: The Progressive Crusade at Home and Abroad, 1914–1920
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Doughboy George “Brownie” Browne sees combat on the front lines in France
Woodrow Wilson and the World
Taming the Americas
The European Crisis
The Ordeal of American Neutrality
The United States Enters the War
“Over There”
The Call to Arms
The War in France
The Crusade for Democracy at Home
The Progressive Stake in the War
Women, War, and the Battle for Suffrage
ANALIZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “The Final Push for Woman Suffrage”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Rally around the Flag — or Else
A Compromised Peace
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
The Paris Peace Conference
The Fight for the Treaty
Democracy at Risk
Economic Hardship and Labor Upheaval
The Red Scare
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders LaunchPad
The Great Migrations of African Americans and Mexicans
Postwar Politics and the Election of 1920
Conclusion: Troubled Crusade
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 22 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 22
Document 22-1: The North American Review Considers War a Blessing, Not a Curse: “For Freedom and Democracy,” The North American Review, April 1917
Quiz for Document 22-1: The North American Review Considers War a Blessing, Not a Curse: “For Freedom and Democracy,” The North American Review, April 1917 LaunchPad
Document 22-2: Eugene V. Debs Attacks Capitalist Warmongers: Speech Delivered in Canton, Ohio, June 16, 191
Quiz for Document 22-2: Eugene V. Debs Attacks Capitalist Warmongers: Speech Delivered in Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918 LaunchPad
Document 22-3: A Doughboy’s Letter from the Front: Anonymous Soldier, Letter to Elmer J. Sutters, 1918
Quiz for Document 22-3: A Doughboy’s Letter from the Front: Anonymous Soldier, Letter to Elmer J. Sutters, 1918 LaunchPad
Document 22-4: Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer Defends America from Communists: The Case against the “Reds,” 1920
Quiz for Document 22-4: Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer Defends America from Communists: The Case against the “Reds,” 1920 LaunchPad
Document 22-5: An African American Responds to the Chicago Race Riot: Stanley B. Norvell, Letter to Victor F. Lawson, 1919
Quiz for Document 22-5: An African American Responds to the Chicago Race Riot: Stanley B. Norvell, Letter to Victor F. Lawson, 1919 LaunchPad
23. From New Era to Great Depression, 1920–1932
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Henry Ford puts America on wheels
The New Era
A Business Government
Promoting Prosperity and Peace Abroad
Automobiles, Mass Production, and Assembly-Line Progress
Consumer Culture
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Advertising in a Consumer Age
The Roaring Twenties”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The New Woman
The New Negro
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “The Quest for Home Ownership in Segregated Detroit”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Entertainment for the Masses
The Lost Generation
Resistance to Change
Rejecting the Undesirables
The Rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan
The Scopes Trial
Al Smith and the Election of 1928
The Great Crash
Herbert Hoover: The Great Engineer
The Distorted Economy
The Crash of 1929
Hoover and the Limits of Individualism
Life in the Depression
The Human Toll
Denial and Escape
Working-Class Militancy
Conclusion: Dazzle and Despair
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 23 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 23
Document 23-1: Edward Earle Purinton Celebrates American Business as the Salvation of the World: Edward Earle Purinton, “Big Ideas From Big Business: Try Them Out for Yourself,” The Independent, April 16, 1921
Quiz for Document 23-1: Edward Earle Purinton Celebrates American Business as the Salvation of the World: Edward Earle Purinton, “Big Ideas From Big Business: Try Them Out for Yourself,” The Independent, April 16, 1921 LaunchPad
Document 23-2: Reinhold Niebuhr on Christianity in Detroit: Diary Entries, 1925-1928
Quiz for Document 23-2: Reinhold Niebuhr on Christianity in Detroit: Diary Entries, 1925-1928 LaunchPad
Document 23-3: The Ku Klux Klan Defends Americanism: Hiram W. Evans, The Klan’s Fight for Americanism, 1926
Quiz for Document 23-3: The Ku Klux Klan Defends Americanism: Hiram W. Evans, The Klan’s Fight for Americanism, 1926 LaunchPad
Document 23-4: Mothers Seek Freedom from Unwanted Pregnancies: Margaret Sanger, Motherhood in Bondage, 1928
Quiz for Document 23-4: Mothers Seek Freedom from Unwanted Pregnancies: Margaret Sanger, Motherhood in Bondage, 1928 LaunchPad
Document 23-5: Marcus Garvey Explains the Goals of the Universal Negro Improvement Association: The Negro’s Greatest Enemy, 1923
Quiz for Document 23-5: Marcus Garvey Explains the Goals of the Universal Negro Improvement Association: The Negro’s Greatest Enemy, 1923 LaunchPad
24. The New Deal Experiment, 1932–1939
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: “Migrant Mother” Florence Owens struggles to survive in the Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Patrician in Government
The Making of a Politician
The Election of 1932
Launching the New Deal
The New Dealers
Banking and Finance Reform
Relief and Conservation Programs
Agricultural Initiatives
Industrial Recovery
Challenges to the New Deal
Resistance to Business Reform
Casualties in the Countryside
Politics on the Fringes
Toward a Welfare State
Relief for the Unemployed
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Americans Encounter the New Deal”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Empowering Labor
Social Security and Tax Reform
Neglected Americans and the New Deal
The New Deal from Victory to Deadlock
The Election of 1936
Court Packing
Reaction and Recession
The Last of the New Deal Reforms
Conclusion: Achievements and Limitations of the New Deal
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 24 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 24
Document 24-1: Martha Gellhorn Reports on Conditions in North Carolina in 1934: Martha Gellhorn to Harry Hopkins, November 11, 1934
Quiz for Document 24-1: Martha Gellhorn Reports on Conditions in North Carolina in 1934: Martha Gellhorn to Harry Hopkins, November 11, 1934 LaunchPad
Document 24-2: Working People’s Letters to New Dealers: Letter to Frances Perkins, January 27, 1935; Letter to Frances Perkins, March 29, 1935; Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 23, 1936; Letter to Frances Perkins, July 27, 1937; and Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 27, 1939
Quiz for Document 24-2: Working People’s Letters to New Dealers: Letter to Frances Perkins, January 27, 1935; Letter to Frances Perkins, March 29, 1935; Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 23, 1936; Letter to Frances Perkins, July 27, 1937; and Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 27, 1939 LaunchPad
Document 24-3: Huey Long Proposes Redistribution of Wealth: Speech to Members of the Share Our Wealth Society, 1935
Quiz for Document 24-3: Huey Long Proposes Redistribution of Wealth: Speech to Members of the Share Our Wealth Society, 1935 LaunchPad
Document 24-4: A Mexican American Farmworker Describes the Importance of Sticking Together: Jose Flores, Interview, Farm Security Administration Migrant Labor Camp, El Rio, California, 1941
Quiz for Document 24-4: A Mexican American Farmworker Describes the Importance of Sticking Together: Jose Flores, Interview, Farm Security Administration Migrant Labor Camp, El Rio, California, 1941 LaunchPad
Document 24-5: Conservatives Criticize the New Deal: Herbert Hoover, Anti-New Deal Campaign Speech, 1936 and Minnie Hardin, Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, December 14, 1937
Quiz for Document 24-5: Conservatives Criticize the New Deal: Herbert Hoover, Anti-New Deal Campaign Speech, 1936 and Minnie Hardin, Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, December 14, 1937 LaunchPad
25. The United States and the Second World War, 1939–1945
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Colonel Paul Tibbets drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
Peacetime Dilemmas
Roosevelt and Reluctant Isolation
The Good Neighbor Policy
The Price of Noninvolvement
The Onset of War
Nazi Aggression and War in Europe
From Neutrality to the Arsenal of Democracy
Japan Attacks America
Mobilizing for War
Home-Front Security
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Building a Citizen Army
Conversion to a War Economy
Fighting Back
Turning the Tide in the Pacific
The Campaign in Europe
The Wartime Home Front
Women and Families, Guns and Butter
The Double V Campaign
Wartime Politics and the 1944 Election
Reaction to the Holocaust
Toward Unconditional Surrender
From Bombing Raids to Berlin
The Defeat of Japan
Atomic Warfare
Conclusion: Allied Victory and America’s Emergence as a Superpower
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 25 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 25
Document 25-1: President Franklin D. Roosevelt Requests Declaration of War on Japan: Speech to Congress, December 8, 1941
Quiz for Document 25-1: President Franklin D. Roosevelt Requests Declaration of War on Japan: Speech to Congress, December 8, 1941 LaunchPad
Document 25-2: A Japanese American War Hero Recalls Pearl Harbor: Grant Hirabayashi, Oral History, 1999
Quiz for Document 25-2: A Japanese American War Hero Recalls Pearl Harbor: Grant Hirabayashi, Oral History, 1999 LaunchPad
Document 25-3: The Holocaust: A Journalist Reports on Nazi Massacres of Jews: Varian Fry, The Massacre of the Jews, December 21, 1942
Quiz for Document 25-3: The Holocaust: A Journalist Reports on Nazi Massacres of Jews: Varian Fry, The Massacre of the Jews, December 21, 1942 LaunchPad
Document 25-4: Soldiers Send Messages Home: Sergeant Irving Strobing, Radio Address from Corregidor, Philippines, May 5 or 6, 1942; John Conroy, Letter, December 24, 1942; Allen Spach, Letter, February 1943; James McMahon, Letter, March 10, 1944; and David Mark Olds, Letter, July 12, 1945
Quiz for Document 25-4: Soldiers Send Messages Home: Sergeant Irving Strobing, Radio Address from Corregidor, Philippines, May 5 or 6, 1942; John Conroy, Letter, December 24, 1942; Allen Spach, Letter, February 1943; James McMahon, Letter, March 10, 1944; and David Mark Olds, Letter, July 12, 1945 LaunchPad
Document 25-5: Rosies the Riveters Recall Working in War Industries: Rosie the Riveter Memoirs
Quiz for Document 25-5: Rosies the Riveters Recall Working in War Industries: Rosie the Riveter Memoirs LaunchPad
26. Cold War Politics in the Truman Years, 1945–1953
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Helen Gahagan Douglas, congresswoman and loyal Truman ally, supports the Marshall Plan, the creation of NATO, and the war in Korea
From the Grand Alliance to Containment
The Cold War Begins
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
Building a National Security State
Superpower Rivalry around the Globe
Truman and the Fair Deal at Home
Reconverting to a Peacetime Economy
Blacks and Mexican Americans Push for Their Civil Rights
The Fair Deal Flounders
The Domestic Chill: McCarthyism
The Cold War Becomes Hot: Korea
Korea and the Military Implementation of Containment
From Containment to Rollback to Containment
Korea, Communism, and the 1952 Election
An Armistice and the War’s Costs
Conclusion: The Cold War’s Costs and Consequences
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 26 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 26
Document 26-1: General Marshall Summarizes the Lessons of World War II: For the Common Defense, 1945
Quiz for Document 26-1: General Marshall Summarizes the Lessons of World War II: For the Common Defense, 1945 LaunchPad
Document 26-2: George F. Kennan Outlines Containment: The Long Telegram, February 22, 1946
Quiz for Document 26-2: George F. Kennan Outlines Containment: The Long Telegram, February 22, 1946 LaunchPad
Document 26-3: Cold War Blueprint: NSC-68: U.S. Objectives and Programs for National Security, 1950
Quiz for Document 26-3: Cold War Blueprint: NSC-68: U.S. Objectives and Programs for National Security, 1950 LaunchPad
Document 26-4: Senator Joseph McCarthy Hunts Communists: Speech Delivered in Wheeling, West Virginia, February 9, 1950
Quiz for Document 26-4: Senator Joseph McCarthy Hunts Communists: Speech Delivered in Wheeling, West Virginia, February 9, 1950 LaunchPad
Document 26-5: Donald M. Griffith Recalls Combat in the Korean War: Donald M. Griffith Interview, 2003
Quiz for Document 26-5: Donald M. Griffith Recalls Combat in the Korean War: Donald M. Griffith Interview, 2003 LaunchPad
27. The Politics and Culture of Abundance, 1952–1960
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Vice President Richard Nixon debates Russian premier Nikita Khrushchev
Eisenhower and the Politics of the “Middle Way”
Modern Republicanism
Termination and Relocation of Native Americans
The 1956 Election and the Second Term
Liberation Rhetoric and the Practice of Containment
The “New Look” in Foreign Policy
Applying Containment to Vietnam
Interventions in Latin America and the Middle East
The Nuclear Arms Race
New Work and Living Patterns in an Economy of Abundance
Technology Transforms Agriculture and Industry
Burgeoning Suburbs and Declining Cities
The Rise of the Sun Belt
The Democratization of Higher Education
The Culture of Abundance
Consumption Rules the Day
The Revival of Domesticity and Religion
Television Transforms Culture and Politics
The Emergence of a Civil Rights Movement
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
African Americans Challenge the Supreme Court and the President
Montgomery and Mass Protest
Conclusion: Peace and Prosperity Mask Unmet Challenges
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 27 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 27
Document 27-1: Edith M. Stern Attacks the Domestic Bondage of Women: Women Are Household Slaves, 1949
Quiz for Document 27-1: Edith M. Stern Attacks the Domestic Bondage of Women: Women Are Household Slaves, 1949 LaunchPad
Document 27-2: Vance Packard Analyzes the Age of Affluence: The Status Seekers, 1959
Quiz for Document 27-2: Vance Packard Analyzes the Age of Affluence: The Status Seekers, 1959 LaunchPad
Document 27-3: George E. McMillan Reports on Racial Conditions in the South in 1960: George E. McMillan, “Sit-Downs: The South’s New Time Bomb,” 1960
Quiz for Document 27-3: George E. McMillan Reports on Racial Conditions in the South in 1960: George E. McMillan, “Sit-Downs: The South’s New Time Bomb,” 1960 LaunchPad
Document 27-4: Civil Defense in the Nuclear Shadow: North Dakota Civil Defense Agency, How You Will Survive, 1960
Quiz for Document 27-4: Civil Defense in the Nuclear Shadow: North Dakota Civil Defense Agency, How You Will Survive, 1960 LaunchPad
Document 27-5: President Dwight D. Eisenhower Warns about the Military-Industrial Complex: Farewell Address, January 1961
Quiz for Document 27-5: President Dwight D. Eisenhower Warns about the Military-Industrial Complex: Farewell Address, January 1961 LaunchPad
28. Reform, Rebellion, and Reaction, 1960–1974
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Fannie Lou Hamer leads grassroots struggles of African Americans for voting rights and political empowerment
Liberalism at High Tide
The Unrealized Promise of Kennedy’s New Frontier
Johnson Fulfills the Kennedy Promise
Policymaking for a Great Society
Assessing the Great Society
The Judicial Revolution
The Second Reconstruction
The Flowering of the Black Freedom Struggle
The Response in Washington
Black Power and Urban Rebellions
A Multitude of Movements
Native American Protest
Latino Struggles for Justice
Student Rebellion, the New Left, and the Counterculture
Gay Men and Lesbians Organize
The New Wave of Feminism
A Multifaceted Movement Emerges
Feminist Gains Spark a Countermovement
Liberal Reform in the Nixon Administration
Extending the Welfare State and Regulating the Economy
Responding to Environmental Concerns
Expanding Social Justice
Conclusion: Achievements and Limitations of Liberalism
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 28 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 28
Document 28-1: New Left Students Seek Democratic Social Change: Students for a Democratic Society, The Port Huron Statement, 1962
Quiz for Document 28-1: New Left Students Seek Democratic Social Change: Students for a Democratic Society, The Port Huron Statement, 1962 LaunchPad
Document 28-2: Martin Luther King Jr. Explains Nonviolent Resistance: Letter from Birmingham City Jail, 1963
Quiz for Document 28-2: Martin Luther King Jr. Explains Nonviolent Resistance: Letter from Birmingham City Jail, 1963 LaunchPad
Document 28-3: George C. Wallace Denounces the Civil Rights Movement: George C. Wallace, “The Civil Rights Movement: Fraud, Sham, and Hoax,” July 4, 1964
Quiz for Document 28-3: George C. Wallace Denounces the Civil Rights Movement: George C. Wallace, “The Civil Rights Movement: Fraud, Sham, and Hoax,” July 4, 1964 LaunchPad
Document 28-4: Black Power: Chicago Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Leaflet, 1967
Quiz for Document 28-4: Black Power: Chicago Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Leaflet, 1967 LaunchPad
Document 28-5: Equal Rights for Women: National Organization for Women, Statement of Purpose, October 29, 1966
Quiz for Document 28-5: Equal Rights for Women: National Organization for Women, Statement of Purpose, October 29, 1966 LaunchPad
29. Vietnam and the End of the Cold War Consensus, 1961–1975
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Lieutenant Frederick Downs, Jr., is wounded in Vietnam and returns home to a country divided over the war
New Frontiers in Foreign Policy
Meeting the “Hour of Maximum Danger”
New Approaches to the Third World
The Arms Race and the Nuclear Brink
A Growing War in Vietnam
Lyndon Johnson’s War against Communism
An All-Out Commitment in Vietnam
Preventing Another Castro in Latin America
The Americanized War
Those Who Served
A Nation Polarized
The Widening War at Home
The Tet Offensive and Johnson’s Move toward Peace
The Tumultuous Election of 1968
Nixon, Détente, and the Search for Peace in Vietnam
Moving toward Détente with the Soviet Union and China
Shoring Up U.S. Interests around the World
Vietnam Becomes Nixon’s War
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
The Peace Accords
The Legacy of Defeat
Conclusion: An Unwinnable War
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 29 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 29
Document 29-1: President Kennedy Explains Why We Are in Vietnam: Bobbie Lou Pendergrass, Letter to President John F. Kennedy, February 18, 1963 and President John F. Kennedy, Letter to Bobbie Lou Pendergrass, March 6, 1963
Quiz for Document 29-1: President Kennedy Explains Why We Are in Vietnam: Bobbie Lou Pendergrass, Letter to President John F. Kennedy, February 18, 1963 and President John F. Kennedy, Letter to Bobbie Lou Pendergrass, March 6, 1963 LaunchPad
Document 29-2: A Secret Government Assessment of the Vietnam War: Robert S. McNamara, Actions Recommended for Vietnam, October 14, 1966
Quiz for Document 29-2: A Secret Government Assessment of the Vietnam War: Robert S. McNamara, Actions Recommended for Vietnam, October 14, 1966 LaunchPad
Document 29-3: Military Discipline in an Unpopular War: Robert D. Heinl Jr., The Collapse of the Armed Forces, June 7, 1971
Quiz for Document 29-3: Military Discipline in an Unpopular War: Robert D. Heinl Jr., The Collapse of the Armed Forces, June 7, 1971 LaunchPad
Document 29-4: An American Soldier in Vietnam: Arthur E. Woodley Jr., Oral History of a Special Forces Ranger
Quiz for Document 29-4: An American Soldier in Vietnam: Arthur E. Woodley Jr., Oral History of a Special Forces Ranger LaunchPad
Document 29-5: John Kerry Denounces the Vietnam War: John Kerry Testimony before the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations, 1971
Quiz for Document 29-5: John Kerry Denounces the Vietnam War: John Kerry Testimony before the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations, 1971 LaunchPad
30. America Moves to the Right, 1969–1989
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Phyllis Schlafly promotes conservatism
Nixon, Conservatism, and Constitutional Crisis
Emergence of a Grassroots Movement
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “A Mother Campaigns for a Say in Her Children’s Education”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Nixon Courts the Right
The Election of 1972
The Ford Presidency and the 1976 Election
The “Outsider” Presidency of Jimmy Carter
Retreat from Liberalism
Energy and Environmental Reform
Promoting Human Rights Abroad
The Cold War Intensifies
Ronald Reagan and the Conservative Ascendancy
Appealing to the New Right and Beyond
Unleashing Free Enterprise
Winners and Losers in a Flourishing Economy
Continuing Struggles over Rights
Battles in the Courts and Congress
Feminism on the Defensive
The Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Protecting Gay and Lesbian Rights”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Ronald Reagan Confronts an “Evil Empire”
Militarization and Interventions Abroad
The Iran-Contra Scandal
A Thaw in Soviet-American Relations
Conclusion: Reversing the Course of Government
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 30 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 30
Document 30-1: The Watergate Tapes: Nixon, Dean, and Haldeman Discuss the Cancer within the Presidency: Transcript from Tape-Recorded Meeting, March 21, 1973
Quiz for Document 30-1: The Watergate Tapes: Nixon, Dean, and Haldeman Discuss the Cancer within the Presidency: Transcript from Tape-Recorded Meeting, March 21, 1973 LaunchPad
Document 30-2: Roe v. Wade and Abortion Rights: Supreme Court Decision, 1973
Quiz for Document 30-2: Roe v. Wade and Abortion Rights: Supreme Court Decision, 1973 LaunchPad
Document 30-3: Norma McCorvey Explains How She Became “Roe” of Roe v. Wade: Norma McCorvey Affidavit, United States District Court, District of New Jersey, 2000
Quiz for Document 30-3: Norma McCorvey Explains How She Became “Roe” of Roe v. Wade: Norma McCorvey Affidavit, United States District Court, District of New Jersey, 2000 LaunchPad
Document 30-4: President Ronald Reagan Defends American Morality: Address to the National Association of American Evangelicals, 1983
Quiz for Document 30-4: President Ronald Reagan Defends American Morality: Address to the National Association of American Evangelicals, 1983 LaunchPad
Document 30-5: A Vietnamese Immigrant on the West Coast: Anonymous Man, Oral History, 1983
Quiz for Document 30-5: A Vietnamese Immigrant on the West Coast: Anonymous Man, Oral History, 1983 LaunchPad
31. The Promises and Challenges of Globalization, Since 1989
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
OPENING VIGNETTE: Colin Powell adjusts to a post–Cold War world
Domestic Stalemate and Global Upheaval: The Presidency of George H. W. Bush
Gridlock in Government
EXPERIENCING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Suing for Access: Disability and the Courts”
Quiz for Experiencing the American Promise LaunchPad
Going to War in Central America and the Persian Gulf
The 1992 Election
The Clinton Administration’s Search for the Middle Ground
Clinton’s Reforms
Accommodating the Right
Impeaching the President
The Booming Economy of the 1990s
The United States in a Globalizing World
Defining America’s Place in a New World Order
Debates over Globalization
The Internationalization of the United States
President George W. Bush: Conservatism at Home and Radical Initiatives Abroad
The Disputed Election of 2000
The Domestic Policies of a “Compassionate Conservative”
The Globalization of Terrorism
Unilateralism, Preemption, and the Iraq War
The Obama Presidency: Reform and Backlash
Governing during Economic Crisis and Political Polarization
ANALYZING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE: “Caricaturing the Candidates: Clinton and Obama in 2008”
Quiz for Analyzing Historical Evidence LaunchPad
Redefining the War on Terror
Conclusion: Defining the Government’s Role at Home and Abroad
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Chapter Review
Chapter 31 Summative Quiz LaunchPad
Documents from Reading the American Past, Chapter 31
Document 31-1: National Security of the United States Requires Preemptive War: The National Security Strategy of the United States, September 2002
Quiz for Document 31-1: National Security of the United States Requires Preemptive War: The National Security Strategy of the United States, September 2002 LaunchPad
Document 31-2: A Captured 9/11 Terrorist Confesses: Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Confession, 2007
Quiz for Document 31-2: A Captured 9/11 Terrorist Confesses: Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Confession, 2007 LaunchPad
Document 31-3: A Christian Leader Argues That Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked: Tony Campolo, Interview, 2004
Quiz for Document 31-3: A Christian Leader Argues That Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked: Tony Campolo, Interview, 2004 LaunchPad
Document 31-4: Joseph Stiglitz Describes Capitalist Fools’ Responsibility for the Economic Crisis: Joseph E. Stiglitz, “Capitalist Fools,” Global Research, December 11, 2008
Quiz for Document 31-4: Joseph Stiglitz Describes Capitalist Fools’ Responsibility for the Economic Crisis: Joseph E. Stiglitz, “Capitalist Fools,” Global Research, December 11, 2008 LaunchPad
Document 31-5: President Barack Obama Declares a New Beginning in U. S. Relations with the Muslim World: President Barack Obama, “On a New Beginning,” Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2010
Quiz for Document 31-5: President Barack Obama Declares a New Beginning in U. S. Relations with the Muslim World: President Barack Obama, “On a New Beginning,” Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2010 LaunchPad
I. Documents
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States
Amendments to the Constitution with Annotations (including the six unratified amendments)
II. Government and Demographics
Presidential Elections
Supreme Court Justices
Admission of States to the Union
Population Growth, 1630–2010
Major Trends in Immigration, 1820-2010
Selected Bibliography
Atlas of the Territorial Growth of the United States
About the Authors
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