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Wardlaws Perspectives in Nutrition 10th Edition Byrd-Bredbenner Solutions Manual
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Wardlaws Perspectives in Nutrition 10th Edition Byrd-Bredbenner Solutions Manual.
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Wardlaws Perspectives in Nutrition 10th Edition Byrd-Bredbenner Solution Manual
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0078021413
- ISBN-13 : 978-0078021411
- Author: Jacqueline R. Berning, P h.D., R. D., CSSD
Building upon the long-standing strengths of Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition, the tenth edition author team has taken a garden-fresh approach to revising this highly regarded text. Every paragraph has been scrutinized to ensure that students are exposed to scientific content and concepts that are explained accurately and precisely, and in high-interest fashion that will draw students into their first study of nutrition science. Students will benefit from a carefully crafted text that brings them up-to-date scientific thinking and research blended with dynamic activities that will allow them to apply their knowledge to their own lives and future careers.
Table contents:
Part 1 Nutrition FundamentalsChapter: 1 The Science of NutritionChapter: 2 Tools of a Healthy DietChapter: 3 The Food SupplyChapter: 4 Human Digestion and Absorption
Part 2 Energy-Yielding Nutrients and AlcoholChapter: 5 CarbohydratesChapter: 6 LipidsChapter: 7 ProteinChapter: 8 Alcohol
Part 3 Metabolism and Energy BalanceChapter: 9 Energy MetabolismChapter: 10 Energy Balance, Weight Control, and Eating DisordersChapter: 11 Nutrition, Exercise, and Sports
Part 4 Vitamins and MineralsChapter: 12 The Fat-Soluble VitaminsChapter: 13 The Water-Soluble VitaminsChapter: 14 Water and Major MineralsChapter: 15 Trace Minerals
Part 5 Nutrition Applications in the Life CycleChapter: 16 Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and BreastfeedingChapter: 17 Nutrition during the Growing YearsChapter: 18 Nutrition during the Adult Years
AppendixesA Human Physiology: A Tool for Understanding NutritionB Chemistry: A Tool for Understanding NutritionC Detailed Descriptions of Glycolysis, Citric Acid Cycle, Electron Transport Chain, Classes of Eicosanoids, and Homocysteine MetabolismD Dietary Advice for CanadiansE The Food Lists for Diabetes: A Helpful Menu Planning Tool
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